【Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation笔记】第 5 课:Logistic Regression

Learn about linear regression and logistic regression models.

These simple machine learning models are the building blocks of neural networks.


In the upcoming video, Siraj will be implementing linear regression in Python. If you'd like to follow along, set up a conda environment with the following:

  • Python 2
    conda create -n siraj-regression python=2
  • pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn
    conda install pandas matplotlib scikit-learn


In his video, Siraj is going to use a few libraries you may not have seen before. In particular, he'll be using Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and MatPlotLib. If you're interested, you can get a head start with some of these libraries by using the following resources:

  • Pandas - an extremely popular library for handling data in Python.
  • Scikit-learn - a comprehensive library for Machine Learning in Python.
  • Matplotlib - a library for plotting and visualizing graphs in Python.
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