

IDS-4250:Cisco Systems Intrusion Detection Sensor, Version 4.1(1)S47 [pass]

CCIE_IDS# sh ver
Application Partition:

Cisco Systems Intrusion Detection Sensor, Version 4.1(1)S47

OS Version 2.4.18-5smpbigphys
Platform: IDS-4250
Sensor up-time is 12 min.
Using 326369280 out of 392024064 bytes of available memory (83% usage)
Using 529M out of 6.3G bytes of available disk space (9% usage)

MainApp             2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
AnalysisEngine      2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
Authentication      2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
Logger              2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
NetworkAccess       2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
TransactionSource   2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
WebServer           2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500   Running  
CLI                 2003_Jun_20_06.00   (Release)   2003-06-20T05:53:31-0500            

Upgrade History:

No upgrades installed

Recovery Partition Version 1.2 - 4.1(1)S47

CCIE_IDS#  sh interfaces
command-control is up
  Internet address is, subnet mask is, telnet is enabled.
  Hardware is eth1, tx

Network Statistics
   eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:29:FE:CC:FB
             inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
             UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
             RX packets:3404 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
             TX packets:2464 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
             collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
             RX bytes:299190 (292.1 Kb)  TX bytes:593646 (579.7 Kb)
             Interrupt:19 Base address:0x1098 Memory:ec860000-ec880000

Group 0 is up
  Sensing ports int0,int2
  Logical virtual sensor configuration: virtualSensor
  Logical alarm channel configuration:  virtualAlarm

   General Statistics for this Virtual Sensor
      Number of seconds since a reset of the statistics = 838
      Measure of the level of resource utilization = 2
      Total number of packets processed since reset = 10013
      Total number of IP packets processed since reset = 9999
      Total number of packets that were not IP processed since reset = 14
      Total number of TCP packets processed since reset = 9923
      Total number of UDP packets processed since reset = 28
      Total number of ICMP packets processed since reset = 48
      Total number of packets that were not TCP, UDP, or ICMP processed since reset = 0
      Total number of ARP packets processed since reset = 14
      Total number of ISL encapsulated packets processed since reset = 0
      Total number of 802.1q encapsulated packets processed since reset = 0
      Total number of packets with bad IP checksums processed since reset = 0
      Total number of packets with bad layer 4 checksums processed since reset = 0
      Total number of bytes processed since reset = 1680455
      The rate of packets per second since reset = 11
      The rate of bytes per second since reset = 2005
      The average bytes per packet since reset = 167
   Fragment Reassembly Unit Statistics for this Virtual Sensor
      Number of fragments currently in FRU = 0
      Number of datagrams currently in FRU = 0
      Number of fragments received since reset = 0
      Number of complete datagrams reassembled since reset = 0
      Number of incomplete datagrams abandoned since reset = 0
      Number of fragments discarded since reset = 0
   Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit
      Current Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit
         TCP streams currently in the embryonic state = 0
         TCP streams currently in the established state = 0
         TCP streams currently in the closing state = 0
         TCP streams currently in the system = 1
         TCP Packets currently queued for reassembly = 0
      Cumulative Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit since reset
         TCP streams that have been tracked since last reset = 30
         TCP streams that had a gap in the sequence jumped = 0
         TCP streams that was abandoned due to a gap in the sequence = 0
         TCP packets that arrived out of sequence order for their stream = 5
         TCP packets that arrived out of state order for their stream = 7509
         The rate of TCP connections tracked per second since reset = 0
   The Signature Database Statistics.
      The Number of each type of node active in the system (can not be reset)
         Total nodes active = 16
         TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 1
         UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 1
         IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses = 2
      The number of each type of node inserted since reset
         Total nodes inserted = 105
         TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 18
         UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 2
         IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses = 9
      The rate of nodes per second for each time since reset
         Nodes per second = 0
         TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports per second = 0
         UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports per second = 0
         IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses per second = 0
      The number of root nodes forced to expire because of memory constraints
         TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
   Alarm Statistics for this Virtual Sensor
      Number of alarms triggered by events = 20
      Number of alarms excluded by filters = 0
      Number of alarms removed by summarizer = 0
      Number of alarms sent to the Event Store = 20

Sensing int0 is up
  Hardware is eth0, TX
  Reset port

   MAC statistics from the Gig Ethernet Interface int0
      Missed Packet Percentage = 0
      Link Status = Up
      Total Packets Received = 5003
      Total Bytes Received = 840047
      Total Receive Errors = 0
      Total multicast packets received = 0
      Total Receive Length Errors = 0
      Total Receive Overrun Errors = 0
      Total Receive CRC Errors = 0
      Total Receive Frame Errors = 0
      Total Receive FIFO Errors = 0
      Total Receive Missed Errors = 0
      Total Packets Transmitted = 0
      Total Bytes Transmitted = 0
      Total Transmit Errors = 0
      Transmit drops due to lack of resources = 0
      Total Transmit Packet Collisions = 0
      Total Transmit Aborted Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Carrier Errors = 0
      Total Transmit FIFO Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Heartbeat Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Window Errors = 0

Sensing int2 is up
  Hardware is eth2, TX
  Reset port

   MAC statistics from the Gig Ethernet Interface int2
      Missed Packet Percentage = 0
      Link Status = Up
      Total Packets Received = 4940
      Total Bytes Received = 835784
      Total Receive Errors = 0
      Total multicast packets received = 0
      Total Receive Length Errors = 0
      Total Receive Overrun Errors = 0
      Total Receive CRC Errors = 0
      Total Receive Frame Errors = 0
      Total Receive FIFO Errors = 0
      Total Receive Missed Errors = 0
      Total Packets Transmitted = 0
      Total Bytes Transmitted = 0
      Total Transmit Errors = 0
      Transmit drops due to lack of resources = 0
      Total Transmit Packet Collisions = 0
      Total Transmit Aborted Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Carrier Errors = 0
      Total Transmit FIFO Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Heartbeat Errors = 0
      Total Transmit Window Errors = 0

posted on 2007-01-25 21:34  cunshen  阅读(684)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报