







关键问题(Key Point):



int send(
  SOCKET s,             
  const char FAR *buf, 
  int len,              
  int flags             


这就很好理解了,我给出一个本地的缓冲区,在len那里指定数据的长度,然后通过send 就发出去。这有什么难呢?别急,我们再来看看接收函数recv。


int recv(
  SOCKET s,      
  char FAR *buf, 
  int len,       
  int flags      





recv(hSocket, szBuf,  300, 0)





 * hSocket:   套接字句柄
 * nRecvSize: 需要接收的字节数
 * strOut:    用字串返回接收到的字节流
BOOL CDGSocket::Recv(SOCKET hSocket, int nRecvSize, CString &strOut)
 BOOL bRet = TRUE;
 char *pszBuf = new char[nRecvSize];
 int nLeftToRecv = nRecvSize;

  // 取得要开始写入的地址
  char *pLeftBuf = (char *) ( pszBuf + (nRecvSize - nLeftToRecv) );

  // 接收字节流
  int nRecvBytes = recv(hSocket, pLeftBuf, nLeftToRecv, 0);
  // 判断一下是否出错了
  if(nRecvBytes == SOCKET_ERROR)
   MyOutput("My Recv Error!");
   bRet = FALSE;
   goto FINAL;  
  nLeftToRecv -= nRecvBytes;
 } while(nLeftToRecv > 0);

    strOut = pszBuf;

 delete []pszBuf;
 return bRet;

 * hSocket:   套接字句柄
 * nRecvSize: 需要发送的字节数
 * pStr:      要发送出去的字节流
BOOL CDGSocket::Send(SOCKET hSocket, int nSendSize, LPCTSTR pStr)
 BOOL bRet = TRUE;

 if(send(hSocket, pStr, nSendSize, 0) == SOCKET_ERROR)
         MyOutput("My Send Error!");
  bRet = FALSE;

 return bRet;




 * hSocket:   套接字句柄
 * fName:    发送的本地文件路径
BOOL CDGSocket::SendFile(SOCKET hSocket, CString fName)
 BOOL bRet = TRUE;
 int fileLength, cbLeftToSend;

 // pointer to buffer for sending data (memory is allocated after sending file size)
 BYTE* sendData = NULL;
 CFile sourceFile;
 CFileException fe;
 BOOL bFileIsOpen = FALSE;

 if( !( bFileIsOpen = sourceFile.Open( fName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary, &fe ) ) )
  TCHAR strCause[256];
  fe.GetErrorMessage( strCause, 255 );
  TRACE( "SendFileToRemoteRecipient encountered an error while opening the local file\n"
   "\tFile name = %s\n\tCause = %s\n\tm_cause = %d\n\tm_IOsError = %d\n",
   fe.m_strFileName, strCause, fe.m_cause, fe.m_lOsError );
  /* you should handle the error here */
  bRet = FALSE;
  goto PreReturnCleanup;
 // first send length of file
 fileLength = sourceFile.GetLength();
 fileLength = htonl( fileLength );
 cbLeftToSend = sizeof( fileLength );
  int cbBytesSent;
  const char* bp = (const char*)(&fileLength) + sizeof(fileLength) - cbLeftToSend;
  cbBytesSent = send(hSocket, bp, cbLeftToSend, 0);
  // test for errors and get out if they occurred
  if ( cbBytesSent == SOCKET_ERROR )
   int iErr = ::GetLastError();
   TRACE( "SendFileToRemoteRecipient returned a socket error while sending file length\n"
    "\tNumber of Bytes sent = %d\n"
    "\tGetLastError = %d\n", cbBytesSent, iErr );
   /* you should handle the error here */

   bRet = FALSE;
   goto PreReturnCleanup;
  // data was successfully sent, so account for it with already-sent data
  cbLeftToSend -= cbBytesSent;
 while ( cbLeftToSend > 0 );
 // now send the file's data
 sendData = new BYTE[SEND_BUFFER_SIZE];
 cbLeftToSend = sourceFile.GetLength();
  // read next chunk of SEND_BUFFER_SIZE bytes from file
  int sendThisTime, doneSoFar, buffOffset;
  sendThisTime = sourceFile.Read( sendData, SEND_BUFFER_SIZE );
  buffOffset = 0;
   doneSoFar = send(hSocket, (const char*)(sendData + buffOffset), sendThisTime, 0);
   // test for errors and get out if they occurred
   if ( doneSoFar == SOCKET_ERROR )
    int iErr = ::GetLastError();
    TRACE( "SendFileToRemoteRecipient returned a socket error while sending chunked file data\n"
     "\tNumber of Bytes sent = %d\n"
     "\tGetLastError = %d\n", doneSoFar, iErr );
    /* you should handle the error here */
    bRet = FALSE;
    goto PreReturnCleanup;
  un-comment this code and put a breakpoint here to prove to yourself that sockets can send fewer bytes than requested
   if ( doneSoFar != sendThisTime )
    int ii = 0;
   // data was successfully sent, so account for it with already-sent data
   buffOffset += doneSoFar;
   sendThisTime -= doneSoFar;
   cbLeftToSend -= doneSoFar;
  while ( sendThisTime > 0 );
 while ( cbLeftToSend > 0 );
PreReturnCleanup:  // labelled goto destination
 // free allocated memory
 // if we got here from a goto that skipped allocation, delete of NULL pointer
 // is permissible under C++ standard and is harmless
 delete[] sendData;
 if ( bFileIsOpen )
  sourceFile.Close();  // only close file if it's open (open might have failed above)
 return bRet;

 * hSocket:   套接字句柄
 * fName:    要接收到本地的文件路径
BOOL CDGSocket::RecvFile(SOCKET hSocket, CString fName)
 BOOL bRet = TRUE;        // return value
 int dataLength, cbBytesRet, cbLeftToReceive; // used to monitor the progress of a receive operation
 BYTE* recdData = NULL; // pointer to buffer for receiving data (memory is allocated after obtaining file size)
 CFile destFile;
 CFileException fe;
 BOOL bFileIsOpen = FALSE;
 // open/create target file that receives the transferred data
 if( !( bFileIsOpen = destFile.Open( fName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary, &fe ) ) )
  TCHAR strCause[256];
  fe.GetErrorMessage( strCause, 255 );

  CString strErrMsg;
  strErrMsg.Format("GetFileFromRemoteSender encountered an error while opening the local file\n"
   "\tFile name = %s\n\tCause = %s\n\tm_cause = %d\n\tm_IOsError = %d\n",
   fe.m_strFileName, strCause, fe.m_cause, fe.m_lOsError);

  MyOutput( strErrMsg );
  /* you should handle the error here */
  bRet = FALSE;
  goto PreReturnCleanup;
 // get the file's size first
 cbLeftToReceive = sizeof( dataLength );
  char* bp = (char*)(&dataLength) + sizeof(dataLength) - cbLeftToReceive;
  cbBytesRet = recv(hSocket, bp, cbLeftToReceive, 0);
  // test for errors and get out if they occurred
  if ( cbBytesRet == SOCKET_ERROR || cbBytesRet == 0 )
   int iErr = ::GetLastError();
   CString strErr;
   strErr.Format("GetFileFromRemoteSite returned a socket error while getting file length\n"
    "\tNumber of Bytes received (zero means connection was closed) = %d\n"
    "\tGetLastError = %d\n", cbBytesRet, iErr );
   /* you should handle the error here */

   bRet = FALSE;
   goto PreReturnCleanup;
  // good data was retrieved, so accumulate it with already-received data
  cbLeftToReceive -= cbBytesRet;
 while ( cbLeftToReceive > 0 );
 dataLength = ntohl( dataLength );
 // now get the file in RECV_BUFFER_SIZE chunks at a time
 recdData = new byte[RECV_BUFFER_SIZE];
 cbLeftToReceive = dataLength;
  int iiGet, iiRecd;
  iiGet = (cbLeftToReceive<RECV_BUFFER_SIZE) ? cbLeftToReceive : RECV_BUFFER_SIZE ;
  iiRecd = recv(hSocket, (char *)recdData, iiGet, 0);
  // test for errors and get out if they occurred
  if ( iiRecd == SOCKET_ERROR || iiRecd == 0 )
   int iErr = ::GetLastError();
   TRACE( "GetFileFromRemoteSite returned a socket error while getting chunked file data\n"
    "\tNumber of Bytes received (zero means connection was closed) = %d\n"
    "\tGetLastError = %d\n", iiRecd, iErr );
   /* you should handle the error here */
   bRet = FALSE;
   goto PreReturnCleanup;

  un-comment this code and put a breakpoint here to prove to yourself that sockets can return fewer bytes than requested
   if ( iiGet != iiRecd )
   int ii=0;
  // good data was retrieved, so accumulate it with already-received data
  destFile.Write( recdData, iiRecd); // Write it
  cbLeftToReceive -= iiRecd;
 while ( cbLeftToReceive > 0 );
PreReturnCleanup:  // labelled "goto" destination
 // free allocated memory
 // if we got here from a goto that skipped allocation, delete of NULL pointer
 // is permissible under C++ standard and is harmless
 delete[] recdData; 

 if ( bFileIsOpen )
  destFile.Close(); // only close file if it's open (open might have failed above)

 return bRet;



posted on 2010-06-14 21:35  Livid  阅读(1056)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
