* Accepts data and packages it into messages for sending to the remote. The
* messages are kept in a retry queue until the remote peer acknowledges
* receipt of the message.
public class ReliableOutputStream extends OutputStream implements Incoming {}
SRDI管理器(即Shared Resource Distributed Index) 启动周期性的推送任务SrdiManagerPeriodicPushTask
* Handles incoming datagram packets. This implementation uses the peer
* group Executor service to process the datagram packets, but limits the
* number of concurrent tasks.
private class DatagramProcessor implements Runnable {}
* Singleton manager for periodic, deferred and multi-threaded execution of tasks. The intention
* of this class is to abstract away the details of how tasks will be executed, and specifics
* of how many threads are used.
* <p>
* <em>NOTE</em>: This is <em>not</em> part of the stable API for JXTA, and should not be used
* by code which is not a core module of the JXTA-JXSE implementation. We anticipate that in
* future a similar mechanism to this will be adopted as the standard way of controlling the
* execution thread pools in JXTA, and may be later exposed to the outside world, but the
* details have not yet been adequately discussed.
public class TaskManager {}
* Creates a task manager that uses the default or system property specified values for core pool size,
* max pool size, idle thread timeout and scheduled pool size.
public TaskManager() {
this(null, null, null, null);
* Allows the construction of a task manager with explicitly specified values for each of core pool size,
* max pool size, idle thread timeout and scheduled pool size. If null is passed for any of these parameters,
* the system property value, if specified, will be used. Failing that, a sensible default will be applied.
* @param coreWorkerPoolSize the number of threads that will be maintained in the executor service.
* @param maxWorkerPoolSize the maximum number of threads that will be allowed in the executor service.
* @param idleThreadTimeoutSecs the minimum amount of time that additional threads (beyond the core pool size)
* will stay alive before terminating.
* @param scheduledPoolSize the number of threads that will be used for the execution of deferred and periodic
* tasks.
public TaskManager(Integer coreWorkerPoolSize, Integer maxWorkerPoolSize, Integer idleThreadTimeoutSecs, Integer scheduledPoolSize) {
NamedThreadFactory NTF = new NamedThreadFactory("JxtaTaskMonitor");
monitoringExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(NTF);
int corePoolSize = getCorePoolSize(coreWorkerPoolSize);
normalExecutor = new SharedThreadPoolExecutor(monitoringExecutor,
getMaxWorkerPoolSize(corePoolSize, maxWorkerPoolSize),
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(),
new NamedThreadFactory("JxtaWorker"));
scheduledExecutor = new SharedScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(monitoringExecutor, getScheduledPoolSize(scheduledPoolSize), new NamedThreadFactory("JxtaScheduledWorker"));
cachedExecutor = new CachedThreadExecutorService(NTF);
proxiedExecutors = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, ProxiedScheduledExecutorService>());