有问怎样切图的,这里解释一下。首先需要在lazarus中装一下控件:RGBA controls,忘记连接了,自己去搜。
var BGRABmpPart, BGRAStretch: TBGRABitmap; i,j: Integer; fn,fnJpg,fnPng: string; Rect:TRect; begin // 加载完整图片 BGRABmpAll := TBGRABitmap.Create(utf8ToSys(EditSrcPic.Text)); ImageAll.Picture.LoadFromFile((EditSrcPic.Text)); // 显示打开图片的宽度及高度 memo1.Lines.Add('图片宽度:' + intToStr(BGRABmpAll.Width) + '; 图片高度:' + intToStr(BGRABmpAll.Height)); // 完整预览选择的图片 BGRAStretch := BGRABmpAll.Resample(Panel1.Width, Panel1.Height) as TBGRABitmap; BGRABmpPart := TBGRABitmap.Create(256, 256); for i := 0 to 1 do for j := 0 to 1 do begin Rect.TopLeft:=Point(256 * i, 256 * j); Rect.BottomRight:=Point(256 * (i + 1), 256 * (j + 1)); BGRABmpAll.DrawPart(Rect, BGRABmpPart.Canvas, 0, 0, true); if (i = 0) and (j = 0) then begin BGRABmpAll.DrawPart(Rect, Image0.Canvas, 0, 0, true); memo1.Lines.Add('第1样张图片显示完毕,图片加黑边为正常。'); end; fnJpg := extractFilePath(paramStr(0)) + intToStr(i) + '_' + intToStr(j) + '.jpg'; BGRABmpPart.SaveToFile(fnJpg); memo1.Lines.Add('测试图片存储为:' + sysToUtf8(fnJpg)); end; memo1.Lines.Add('测试图片处理完毕。'); BGRABmpPart.Free; BGRAStretch.Free;