
 1.  需要两个seam组件。一个Tomahawk 和SLSB用来处理JSF action 的 "backing bean"。

1a. Backing Bean:


public class UploadBackingBean {

    private UploadedFile file;
    public void setFile(UploadedFile file) {
        this.file = file;

    public UploadedFile getFile() {
        return this.file;


1b. Action 和它的接口文件 

public class UploadAction implements Upload {

    private Logger logger;

     * O arquivo que foi enviado.
    private UploadBackingBean uploadBean;

    private FacesContext facesContext;

    public void init() {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());

    public String upload() {
        UploadedFile file = uploadBean.getFile();
        logger.debug("Abrindo o arquivo como DOM4J");


        facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Nome do arquivo: "
                + file.getName()));

        return "success";




public interface Upload {

    public String upload();


2. 如果你想通过facelets存取tomahawk upload 组件,需要定义一个tomahawk.taglib.xml 文件。它应被包含在.war 包的WEB-INF 目录。


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE facelet-taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Facelet Taglib 1.0//EN" "facelet-taglib_1_0.dtd">
    <!-- author: thomas.jachmann@mindmatters.de -->


完整的taglib 定义: http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces-data/attachments/Use_Facelets_with_Tomahawk/attachments/tomahawk.taglib.xml

3. web.xml中,Tomahawk 需要的部分:

	<!-- My Faces Extensions Filter -->
            <description>Set the size limit for uploaded files.
                Format: 10 - 10 bytes
                        10k - 10 KB
                        10m - 10 MB
                        1g - 1 GB
            <description>Set the threshold size - files
                    below this limit are stored in memory, files above
                    this limit are stored on disk.

                Format: 10 - 10 bytes
                        10k - 10 KB
                        10m - 10 MB
                        1g - 1 GB
            <description>Set the path where the intermediary files will be stored.


	<!-- MyFaces Tomahawk Library -->



4. HTML可以像这样: 

<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<t:inputFileUpload storage="file" value="#{uploadBean.file}"/>
        <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{upload.upload}"/>


5.  最后,把tomahawk.jar 、the commons-file-upload.jar、common-io.jar 打包到ear。当然需要在MANIFEST.MF 文件中修改class-path。

 Class-Path: jboss-seam.jar commons-fileupload-1.1.jar commons-io-1.2.jar tomahawk.jar

 希望有所帮助. Regards. Marcio Endo

 下面有附件。文件是fileupload.zip。它不包含完善的build.xml。不过你可以通过ant -f packaging-build.xml 生成必需的.ear。


  • JBoss-4.0.4.CR2
  • JBoss-Seam-1.0.0.CR2
  • MyFaces 1.1.1
  • Tomahawk 1.1.1

 Marcio Endo

不必修改manifest 文件。我已经把全部tomahawk 组件集成了。一会儿我把设置贴出来。

Fady Matar

Alternative FileUpload
我已经集成了例子文件,不需要backing bean ,用seam gen工具建立项目。

Arthur Marinis

fileupload.zip Info on fileupload.zip 1849616 bytes




posted @ 2007-04-27 21:47  cuibq  阅读(354)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报