
1. find /offset n1 n2

/OFFSET a1 a2 [unit] search for this position (within SET MATCH tolerance)  使用这一筛选数据时,必须先用set match 确定范围

2.set nomatch


Turn off checking of position-matching in CONSISTENCY (and the other
commands using it). This does not change the tolerance for the other functions like FIND and MAP.  


set match 40
find /offset 40 40
lambda 小于80
beta 大于0


1.set match 50
find /offset 0 0
2.set match 50
find /offset 45 45
3.set match 50
find /offset 10 -10

 利用上面获取的数据分别生成spect2.bas;spect3.bas and spect1.bas


    Restore all parameters to their default value. The  default  values  for
    individual parameters are documented under the corresponding subtopic.

 set box portrait纵向,landscape横向  让图形纵向或横向排列


        [GREG1\]SET VIEWPORT Px1 Px2 Py1 Py2
    Defines the position of the box in terms of fractions of the  plot  page
    size in X and Y. Default is 0.150 0.925 0.125 0.925 .

  第一个图片位置g\set view 0.2  0.5  0.5 0.6

  第二个图片位置g\set view 0.55  0.85  0.5 0.6

  第三个图片位置g\set view 0.2  0.5  0.37 0.47

  第四个图片位置g\set view 0.2  0.5  0.2 0.3  

LAS\SPECTRUM [ArrayName] [Yoff] [/INDEX] [/OBS] [/PEN Ipen]
        Plot the spectrum in the R buffer in the units and scales defined by
        SET UNIT and SET MODE. No argument or argument  "Y"  will  plot  the
        spectrum Y intensities of the R buffer (RY), but an associated array
        can be plotted instead given its name.
        Yoff (default 0) is a constant Y-offset added to the plotted  values
        (useful to compare two spectra).
        The option /PEN allows to use a i-th pen instead of the current one,
        without modifying it in return.
        Plots the 2D array from the last LOAD command.
    Without option, the behavior depends on SET ACTION (see  PLOT).  Default
    is OBS.
I-HELP,  There is also a task named "spectrum", use "HELP RUN spectrum" for help on it


help run spectrum
I-HELP,  "spectrum" is a task, use command "RUN spectrum" to activate it
    This  task extracts a spectrum from a 3-D Ra-Dec-Velocity cube. The out-
    put is a Gildas table containing the velocities in its first column, and
    the  spectrum  values in the second one. The table provides a header re-
    peating the typical data of the original LMV cube.


posted @ 2021-04-07 15:45  cql_astro  阅读(54)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报