SSL证书请求文件(CSR)生成指南 - Apache SSL / Apache ModSSL

重要注意事项 An Important Note Before You Start

By far the most common problem users have when going through this process is related to private keys. If you lose or cannot access a private key, you cannot use the certificate we issue to you and will need to request a free reissue. To ensure this never happens, we advise that a backup of the private key file is made and that a note is made of the password that is used to protect the export of the private key.

The utility "openssl" that you use to generate the private key and CSR comes with the OpenSSL toolkit and is usually installed under /usr/bin. If you have installed it elsewhere you will need to modify these instructions appropriately.

The following sequence of commands will generate a 1024 bit key, encrypt it using the triple-DES cipher, and create a CSR based upon it (they assume that you have openssl in your path - if not then you should prefix the openssl command with the path to the binary). You should use the domain name that you are wishing to have certified as the core of the filenames. You should also make sure you do not overwrite existing keys and CSR's:

1. 生成私钥 Generate the private key

请使用以下命令来生成私钥 Please type the following command at the prompt:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out 1024

This command will generate a 1024 bit RSA private key and stores it in the file It will ask you for a pass phrase: use something secure and remember it. Your certificate will be useless without it's corresponding key.

2. 生成CSR文件 Generate the CSR

请使用以下命令来生成CSR Please type the following command at the prompt:

openssl req -new -key -out

如果提示“Unable to load config info from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf ”,则加上一个指定openssl.cnf 路径的参数:

openssl req -new -config openssl.cnf -key -out

此命令将提示您输入X.509证书所要求的字段信息,包括国家(中国添CN)、省份、所在城市、单位名称、单位部门名称(可以不填直接回车)。请注意: 除国家缩写必须填CN外,其余都可以是英文或中文。
This command will prompt you for the X.509 attributes of your certificate. Enter your country, state or province and locality or city. You should enter the company name as it appears on your official company registration documents. The organization unit is optional, we verify and authenticate the company name and not the organization unit. To skip the organization unit (OU) field please press enter on your keyboard.

The term "Common Name" is X.509 speak for the name that distinguishes the certificate best, and ties it to your Organization. Enter your exact host and domain name that you wish to secure. Example: If you wish to secure, then you will need to enter the exact host (www) and domain name ( in this field. If you enter then the certificate issued to you will only work error free on It will cause a certificate mismatch error when you or your users access the domain via https://

请不要输入Email、口令(challenge password)和可选的公司名称,直接打回车即可。
Please do not enter your email address, challenge password or an optional company name when generating the CSR.

您现在已经成功生成了密钥对,私钥文件 保存在您的服务器中, 请把CSR文件 发给WoTrust/Thawte即可,CSR文件格式如下图所示。
You have now created a public/private key pair. The private key ( is stored locally on your machine and is used for decryption. The public portion is sent to thawte in the form of a Certificate Signing Request, and will be used by your users to encrypt the data they send to your site. The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) looks something like this:


openssl req -new -nodes -keyout myserver.key -out myserver.csr

openssl req -new -config openssl.cnf -nodes -keyout myserver.key -out myserver.csr

3. 备份私钥文件 Backup your private key

Please backup your keystore file and make a note of the password. A good choice is to create a copy of this file onto a diskette or other removeable media.

4. 测试CSR和把CSR发给WoSign, Start the WoSign certificate request process

生成CSR后,建议您自己测试一下生成的CSR文件是否正确,请点击 这里 测试您的CSR文件。请把测试成功的CSR文件发给WoSign即可。请一定不要再动您的服务器,等待证书的颁发。
To submit the CSR to WoSign for processing you should start the certificate enrollment process.

posted on 2009-02-19 08:49  Winnie_du  阅读(746)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报