juce AsyncUpdaterMessage 分析


这个类同样是基于 CallbackMessage, 主要目的是为了在主线程中进行回调,只不过在收到消息的时候进行检测,检测消息发送对象是否已经删除,如果消息发送对象已经没了。消息回调最终调用了调用者的 handleAsyncUpdate, 只是这样的话应当还是存在问题,主线程在处理,后台线程在删除,这样问题就大了,看来作者是没把这个问题给解决掉。

    void messageCallback() override
        if (shouldDeliver.compareAndSetBool (0, 1))



class AsyncUpdater::AsyncUpdaterMessage  : public CallbackMessage
    AsyncUpdaterMessage (AsyncUpdater& au)  : owner (au) {}

    void messageCallback() override
        if (shouldDeliver.compareAndSetBool (0, 1))

    AsyncUpdater& owner;
    Atomic<int> shouldDeliver; 

    JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (AsyncUpdaterMessage)

    activeMessage = new AsyncUpdaterMessage (*this);

    // You're deleting this object with a background thread while there's an update
    // pending on the main event thread - that's pretty dodgy threading, as the callback could
    // happen after this destructor has finished. You should either use a MessageManagerLock while
    // deleting this object, or find some other way to avoid such a race condition.
    jassert ((! isUpdatePending())
              || MessageManager::getInstanceWithoutCreating() == nullptr
              || MessageManager::getInstanceWithoutCreating()->currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager());

    activeMessage->shouldDeliver.set (0);

void AsyncUpdater::triggerAsyncUpdate()
    // If you're calling this before (or after) the MessageManager is
    // running, then you're not going to get any callbacks!
    jassert (MessageManager::getInstanceWithoutCreating() != nullptr);

    if (activeMessage->shouldDeliver.compareAndSetBool (1, 0))
        if (! activeMessage->post())
            cancelPendingUpdate(); // if the message queue fails, this avoids getting
                                   // trapped waiting for the message to arrive

void AsyncUpdater::cancelPendingUpdate() noexcept

void AsyncUpdater::handleUpdateNowIfNeeded()
    // This can only be called by the event thread.
    jassert (MessageManager::getInstance()->currentThreadHasLockedMessageManager());

    if (activeMessage->shouldDeliver.exchange (0) != 0)

bool AsyncUpdater::isUpdatePending() const noexcept
    return activeMessage->shouldDeliver.value != 0;


posted @ 2016-05-06 07:28  寻不可道之道  阅读(302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报