Stanford CoreNLP--常量定义

 在运行Stanford CoreNLP过程中会用到tokenize,pos等参数,这些以常量形式定义在edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotator中,具体如下:

* These are annotators which StanfordCoreNLP knows how to create.
* Add new annotators and/or annotators from other groups here!
String STANFORD_TOKENIZE = "tokenize";
String STANFORD_CLEAN_XML = "cleanxml";
String STANFORD_SSPLIT = "ssplit";
String STANFORD_POS = "pos";
String STANFORD_LEMMA = "lemma";
String STANFORD_NER = "ner";
String STANFORD_REGEXNER = "regexner";
String STANFORD_ENTITY_MENTIONS = "entitymentions";
String STANFORD_GENDER = "gender";
String STANFORD_TRUECASE = "truecase";
String STANFORD_PARSE = "parse";
String STANFORD_COREF = "coref";
String STANFORD_MENTION = "mention"; // TODO(jebolton) Merge with entitymention
String STANFORD_RELATION = "relation";
String STANFORD_SENTIMENT = "sentiment";
String STANFORD_DEPENDENCIES = "depparse";
String STANFORD_NATLOG = "natlog";
String STANFORD_OPENIE = "openie";
String STANFORD_QUOTE = "quote";
String STANFORD_UD_FEATURES = "udfeats";
String STANFORD_LINK = "entitylink";
String STANFORD_KBP = "kbp";

posted @ 2016-05-13 15:39  大刀客  阅读(632)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报