Linux 通过HTTP进行域名更新
GET /dyndns/update?hostname=yourhost.ourdomain.ext&myip=ipaddress&wildcard=OFF&mx=mail.exchanger.ext&backmx=NO&offline=NO HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Basic username:password User-Agent: myclient/1.0
该参数必选, 用户名和密码用来进行身份认证,必须使用 base64进行编码
该参数必选, 需要更新的域名
该参数可选, 域名对应的IP。如果不指定,则服务器将选择最佳的IP(一些Proxy会传递客户端的IP, 这会被服务器检测到)。如果传递的地址格式错误,则忽略这个参数,而用服务器检测 到的IP。
该参数可选, 该参数可选,是否支持泛域名(通配符),缺省为OFF。ON意为着 *.host.3322.org等同于
该参数可选, 指明Mail eXchanger。必须能够解析到一个IP,否则被忽略。如果不提供该参数或者 不能解析到一个IP,mx记录会被删除。
该参数可选, 指明前面的mx参数会被设置成备份邮件服务器,即邮件会首先发送到你的机器上,如果 不成功,才会发送到备份邮件服务器上。
offline=YES|NO Optional: Yes
该参数可选, 使域名暂时失效。
HTTP状态返回码为200、4XX、5XX,其中4XX表示认证错误,500表示服务器内部出错,200表示正常请求。但是动态域名客户端 请忽略HTTP返回码,而是对下面的返回值进行解析。比如返回值”interror”表示内部出错,这时对应的HTTP状态返回码是500。
成功,IP地址已经成功更新,good 后面会跟着所更新的IP地址
成功,IP地址和上次请求没有变化, nochg 后面会跟着所请求的IP地址
身份认证出错,请检查用户名和密码, 或者编码方式出错。
必须是收费用户,才能使用 offline 离线功能。
DNS 服务器更新失败。
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<netinet/in.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<netdb.h> #if HAVE_SNPRINTF #define snprintf(x, y, z...) snprintf(x, y, ## z) #else #define snprintf(x, y, z...) sprintf(x, ## z) #endif #define BUFFER_SIZE (4*1024-1) #define MAX_WAITRESPONSE_WAIT (24*3600) #define HTTP_HOST_LEN 256 /* 主机名长度 */ #define HTTP_DEF_PORT 80 /* 连接的缺省端口 */ #define HTTP_BUF_SIZE 1024 /* 缓冲区的大小 */ #define HTTP_FILENAME_LEN 256 /* 文件名长度 */ enum { UPDATERES_OK = 0, UPDATERES_ERROR, UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN, }; static const char *server = "";// static char port[10] = {"80"}; static volatile int client_sockfd; static int wildcard = 0; static char *mx = NULL; static int options = 0; static char table64[]= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; void base64Encode(char *intext, char *output) { unsigned char ibuf[3]; unsigned char obuf[4]; int i; int inputparts; while(*intext) { for (i = inputparts = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(*intext) { inputparts++; ibuf[i] = *intext; intext++; } else ibuf[i] = 0; } obuf [0] = (ibuf [0] & 0xFC) >> 2; obuf [1] = ((ibuf [0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((ibuf [1] & 0xF0) >> 4); obuf [2] = ((ibuf [1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((ibuf [2] & 0xC0) >> 6); obuf [3] = ibuf [2] & 0x3F; switch(inputparts) { case 1: /* only one byte read */ sprintf(output, "%c%c==", table64[obuf[0]], table64[obuf[1]]); break; case 2: /* two bytes read */ sprintf(output, "%c%c%c=", table64[obuf[0]], table64[obuf[1]], table64[obuf[2]]); break; default: sprintf(output, "%c%c%c%c", table64[obuf[0]], table64[obuf[1]], table64[obuf[2]], table64[obuf[3]] ); break; } output += 4; } *output=0; }
#if 0 void http_parse_request_url(const char *buf, char *host, unsigned short *port, char *file_name) { int length = 0; char port_buf[8]; char *buf_end = (char *)(buf + strlen(buf)); char *begin, *host_end, *colon, *file; /* 查找主机的开始位置 */ begin = const_cast<char*>(strstr(buf, "//")); begin = (begin ? begin + 2 : const_cast<char*>(buf)); colon = strchr(begin, ':'); host_end = strchr(begin, '/'); if (host_end == NULL) { host_end = buf_end; } else { /* 得到文件名 */ file = strrchr(host_end, '/'); if (file && (file + 1) != buf_end) strcpy(file_name, file + 1); } if (colon) /* 得到端口号 */ { colon++; length = host_end - colon; memcpy(port_buf, colon, length); port_buf[length] = 0; *port = atoi(port_buf); host_end = colon - 1; } /* 得到主机信息 */ length = host_end - begin; memcpy(host, begin, length); host[length] = 0; } char *http_get_type_by_suffix(const char *suffix) { struct doc_type *type; for (type = file_type; type->suffix; type++) { if (strcmp(type->suffix, suffix) == 0) return type->type; } return NULL; } void http_parse_request_cmd(char *buf, int buflen, char *file_name, char *suffix) { int length = 0; char *begin, *end, *bias; /* 查找 URL 的开始位置 */ begin = strchr(buf, ' '); begin += 1; /* 查找 URL 的结束位置 */ end = strchr(begin, ' '); *end = 0; bias = strrchr(begin, '/'); length = end - bias; /* 找到文件名的开始位置 */ if ((*bias == '/') || (*bias == '\\')) { bias++; length--; } /* 得到文件名 */ if (length > 0) { memcpy(file_name, bias, length); file_name[length] = 0; begin = strchr(file_name, '.'); if (begin) strcpy(suffix, begin + 1); } } int http_send_response(SOCKET soc, char *buf, int buf_len) { int read_len, file_len, hdr_len, send_len; char *type; char read_buf[HTTP_BUF_SIZE]; char http_header[HTTP_BUF_SIZE]; char file_name[HTTP_FILENAME_LEN] = "index.html", suffix[16] = "html"; FILE *res_file; /* 得到文件名和后缀 */ http_parse_request_cmd(buf, buf_len, file_name, suffix); res_file = fopen(file_name, "rb+"); /* 用二进制格式打开文件 */ if (res_file == NULL) { printf("[Web] The file [%s] is not existed\n", file_name); return 0; } fseek(res_file, 0, SEEK_END); file_len = ftell(res_file); fseek(res_file, 0, SEEK_SET); type = http_get_type_by_suffix(suffix); /* 文件对应的 Content-Type */ if (type == NULL) { printf("[Web] There is not the related content type\n"); return 0; } /* 构造 HTTP 首部,并发送 */ hdr_len = sprintf(http_header, http_res_hdr_tmpl, file_len, type); send_len = send(soc, http_header, hdr_len, 0); //send_len=1; if (send_len == SOCKET_ERROR) { fclose(res_file); printf("[Web] Fail to send, error = %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return 0; } do /* 发送文件, HTTP 的消息体 */ { read_len = fread(read_buf, sizeof(char), HTTP_BUF_SIZE, res_file); if (read_len > 0) { send_len = send(soc, read_buf, read_len, 0); file_len -= read_len; } } while ((read_len > 0) && (file_len > 0)); fclose(res_file); return 1; } #endif void show_message(char *fmt, ...) { fprintf(stderr, "message incomplete because your OS sucks: %s\n", fmt); } int do_connect(int *sock, char *host, char *port) { struct sockaddr_in address; int len; int result; struct hostent *hostinfo; struct servent *servinfo; // set up the socket if((*sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { return(-1); } address.sin_family = AF_INET; // get the host address hostinfo = gethostbyname(host); if(!hostinfo) { close(*sock); return(-1); } address.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)*hostinfo->h_addr_list; printf("%s \n",inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); #if 0 char **p; for(p=hostinfo->h_addr_list;*p!=0;p++) { struct in_addr in; char **q; memcpy(&address.sin_addr,*p,sizeof(address.sin_addr)); printf("%s\t%s",inet_ntoa(address),hostinfo->h_name);/* 鍏朵腑璋冪敤浜唅net_ntoa()鍑芥暟 */ } // get the host port servinfo = getservbyname(port, "tcp"); if(servinfo) { address.sin_port = servinfo->s_port; } else { address.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); } #endif printf("port: %s \n", port); address.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); // connect the socket len = sizeof(address); if((result=connect(*sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, len)) == -1) { close(*sock); return(-1); } printf("connect successful \n"); return 0; } int read_input(void *buf, int len) { fd_set readfds; int max_fd; struct timeval tv; int ret; int bread = -1; tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; // set up our fdset and timeout FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(client_sockfd, &readfds); max_fd = client_sockfd; ret = select(max_fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "select:\n"); } else if(ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "timeout\n"); } else { /* if we woke up on client_sockfd do the data passing */ if(FD_ISSET(client_sockfd, &readfds)) { if((bread=recv(client_sockfd, buf, len, 0)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "error recv()ing reply\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "error: case not handled."); } } return(bread); } void output(void *buf) { fd_set writefds; int max_fd; struct timeval tv; int ret; tv.tv_sec = 5; tv.tv_usec = 0; // set up our fdset and timeout FD_ZERO(&writefds); FD_SET(client_sockfd, &writefds); max_fd = client_sockfd; ret = select(max_fd + 1, NULL, &writefds, NULL, &tv); if(ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "erro message:"); } else if(ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "erro message:"); } else { /* if we woke up on client_sockfd do the data passing */ if(FD_ISSET(client_sockfd, &writefds)) { if(send(client_sockfd, buf, strlen(buf), 0) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "erro message:"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "erro message:"); } } } int ddnsUpdate(char *hostname, char *user, char* password, int flag) { char userpass[256] = {0}; char auth[512] = {0}; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE+1]; char *bp = buf; int bytes; int btot; int ret; int retval = UPDATERES_OK; buf[BUFFER_SIZE] = '\0'; if(do_connect((int*)&client_sockfd, server, port) != 0) { return 1; } snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "GET %s?", "/dyndns/update"); output(buf); snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s", "hostname", hostname); output(buf); #if 0 if(address != NULL) { snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "myip", address); output(buf); } snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "wildcard", wildcard ? "ON" : "OFF"); output(buf); if(mx != NULL && *mx != '\0') { snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "mx", mx); output(buf); } snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "backmx", "NO"); output(buf); if(options != 0) { snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "%s=%s&", "offline", "yes"); output(buf); } #endif snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, " HTTP/1.1\015\012"); output(buf); snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "Host: %s\015\012", hostname); output(buf); sprintf(userpass, "%s:%s", user, password); base64Encode(userpass, auth); snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "Authorization: Basic %s\015\012", auth); output(buf); snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "User-Agent: %s-01 Linux (%s)\015\012", "itnvr-update", "by Liwh"); output(buf); snprintf(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, "\015\012"); output(buf); bp = buf; bytes = 0; btot = 0; while((bytes=read_input(bp, BUFFER_SIZE-btot)) > 0) { bp += bytes; btot += bytes; fprintf(stderr, "btot\n"); } close(client_sockfd); buf[btot] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "server output: %s\n", buf); if(sscanf(buf, " HTTP/1.%*c %3d", &ret) != 1) { ret = -1; } switch(ret) { case -1: show_message("strange server response, are you connecting to the right server?\n"); retval = UPDATERES_ERROR; break; case 200: if(strstr(buf, "\ngood ") != NULL) { printf("request successful\n"); } else { if(strstr(buf, "\nnohost") != NULL) { show_message("invalid hostname: %s\n", hostname); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nnotfqdn") != NULL) { show_message("malformed hostname: %s\n", hostname); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\n!yours") != NULL) { show_message("host \"%s\" is not under your control\n", hostname); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nabuse") != NULL) { show_message("host \"%s\" has been blocked for abuse\n", hostname); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nnochg") != NULL) { show_message("%s says that your IP address has not changed since the last update\n", server); retval = UPDATERES_OK; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nbadauth") != NULL) { show_message("authentication failure\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nbadsys") != NULL) { show_message("invalid system parameter\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nbadagent") != NULL) { show_message("this useragent has been blocked\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\nnumhost") != NULL) { show_message("Too many or too few hosts found\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\ndnserr") != NULL) { char *p = strstr(buf, "\ndnserr"); show_message("dyndns internal error, please report this number to "); retval = UPDATERES_ERROR; } else if(strstr(buf, "\n911") != NULL) { show_message("Ahhhh! call 911!\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\n999") != NULL) { show_message("Ahhhh! call 999!\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; } else if(strstr(buf, "\n!donator") != NULL) { show_message("a feature requested is only available to donators, please donate.\n", hostname); retval = UPDATERES_OK; } // this one should be last as it is a stupid string to signify waits // with as it is so short else if(strstr(buf, "\nw") != NULL) { int howlong = 0; char *p = strstr(buf, "\nw"); char reason[256]; char mult; // get time and reason if(strlen(p) >= 2) { sscanf(p, "%d%c %255[^\r\n]", &howlong, &mult, reason); if(mult == 'h') { howlong *= 3600; } else if(mult == 'm') { howlong *= 60; } if(howlong > MAX_WAITRESPONSE_WAIT) { howlong = MAX_WAITRESPONSE_WAIT; }; } else { sprintf(reason, "problem parsing reason for wait response"); } show_message("Wait response received, waiting for %d seconds before next update.\n", howlong); show_message("Wait response reason"); sleep(howlong); retval = UPDATERES_ERROR; } else { show_message("error processing request\n"); fprintf(stderr, "==== server output: ====\n%s\n", buf); retval = UPDATERES_ERROR; } } break; case 401: show_message("authentication failure\n"); retval = UPDATERES_SHUTDOWN; break; default: // reuse the auth buffer *auth = '\0'; sscanf(buf, " HTTP/1.%*c %*3d %255[^\r\n]", auth); show_message("unknown return code: %d\n", ret); fprintf(stderr, "server response: %s\n", auth); retval = UPDATERES_ERROR; break; } return(retval); }
hostname = user = root password = itnvr2014 port: 80 connect successful btot timeout server output: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: nginx Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 01:57:28 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked 13 good 0 request successful
posted on 2014-06-10 14:13 CSlunatic 阅读(2034) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报