ios libimobiledevice安装


1.1 安装brew


 /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 

1.2 添加环境变量:

sudo vi /etc/profile,修改如

BREW_HOME="/usr/local/bin" #添加BREW_HOME
### 1.3 安装node ```#shell brew install node node -v #查看node版本 npm -v #查看npm版本 ``` ### 1.4 开始安装ideviceinstaller环境 ```#shell brew install carthage npm i -g ios-deploy brew install libimobiledevice --HEAD brew install ideviceinstaller #使用brew安装时,如果出现update home brew 直接control C退出更新 ``` ## ideviceinstaller使用 -u, --udid UDID 根据设备的udid选择设备Target specific device by its 40-digit device UDID. -l, --list-apps 列出安装的应用List apps, possible options: -o list_user - list user apps only (this is the default) -o list_system - list system apps only -o list_all - list all types of apps -o xml - print full output as xml plist -i, --install ARCHIVE 安装ipa包 Install app from package file specified by ARCHIVE. ARCHIVE can also be a .ipcc file for carrier bundles. -U, --uninstall APPID 卸载应用Uninstall app specified by APPID. -g, --upgrade ARCHIVE Upgrade app from package file specified by ARCHIVE. -L, --list-archives List archived applications, possible options: -o xml - print full output as xml plist -a, --archive APPID Archive app specified by APPID, possible options: -o uninstall - uninstall the package after making an archive -o app_only - archive application data only -o docs_only - archive documents (user data) only -o copy=PATH - copy the app archive to directory PATH when done -o remove - only valid when copy=PATH is used: remove after copy -r, --restore APPID Restore archived app specified by APPID -R, --remove-archive APPID Remove app archive specified by APPID -o, --options Pass additional options to the specified command. -h, --help prints usage information -d, --debug enable communication debugging FAQ: 1.运行itools时,执行ideviceinstaller命令,出现“Could not start!”,如 解决方法:退出itools即可 2.iOS开发者模式如何打开 直接编译一个应用
posted on 2018-09-20 13:11  singleSpace  阅读(1770)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报