1:What are the network protocols and port number that a .NET Remoting object uses?
2:When you access a file ,and get a "Access Denied Error",the reason maybe what ? and how to resolve it?
3:What is the name of the .NET Framework worker account in windows 2000?
4:Where are the binaries of the .NET Framework located in the server?
5:What are the three different ways of storing sessions in your .NET web app?
6:Where do you specify the type of session state usages for your .NET Framework web app?
7:In the ADO.NET data access model. what are the key ADO.NET objects at your disposal ?
8:What is the network transport protocol and the port number that a web service uses by default?
9:What is the class that a .NET Remoting class needs to inherit before it can be used as a .NET Remoting object?
10:Where do you put this "Inherit Mashel By RefObject" line in your code?