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  • Web pages(.aspx files):These are the cornerstones of any ASP.NET application.


  • Web services(.asmx files):These allow you to share useful functions with applications on other computers and other platforms.


  • Code-behind files:Depending on the code model you’re using, you may also have separate source code files. If these files are coded in C#, they have the extension .cs.


  • A configuration file(web.config):This file contains a slew of application-level setting that configure everything from security to debugging and state management.


  • Global.asax:This file contains event handlers that react to global application events(such as when the application is first being started).


  • Other components:These are compiled assemblies that contain separate components you've developed or third-party components with useful functionality.Components allowyou to separate business and data access logic and create custom controls.
posted on 2006-03-24 19:41  asp-shine  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报