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Zend Framework 0.1.4 Preview 发布

Posted on 2007-12-17 10:20  csdnexpert  阅读(69)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


Zend_Controller_RewriteRouter was introduced into the incubator providing flexible mapping based routing for the front controller. This is a key change that will replace the default router in the core for preview release 0.1.5 as early as next week!

Zend_Config was proposed, started in the incubator and later moved into the core library providing a base for ongoing configuration work in the framework. Samples are provided in the manual and there is also one posted on the wiki.

Zend_Cache was promoted to core after being introduced in 0.1.3 providing caching services to be used at any level in your applications, from RSS feed caching to content caching. Again, samples can be found in the manual as well as a new one on the wiki.

Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2 added to core for DB2 support for the framework database components.

Zend_Pdf gained TrueType font support and underwent major internal changes.

Zend_Search added support for updating and deleting within an index.

Zend_Http_Client is being overhauled in the incubator.

Zend_Db_Xml introduced to the incubator.


  • Community Wiki added for end-user content created around the framework.
  • Proposals System now online to track the proposal process.
  • Issue Tracker providing new functionality for tracking the status of issues for both end-users and the contributor team. Track the status of future releases via the roadmap in the new tracker.
  • Development Wiki providing the Contributor Guide and other developer related content for contributors to the framework.
  • Changeset Browser updated to provide a near real-time view of the changesets committed to the framework by contributors.
  • General Mailing List Archive added to start creating a search-able archive within the wiki for the general mailing list.

  • 顺便说说ZF中文文档的翻译工作进度,目前只剩Zend_Pdf一章没有翻译完了,等全部翻译完,我就会通知Zend在ZF的官方站点上增加中文文档。



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