QT 绿米QTA协议 (二)AS
几圈年轮 Android 串口通信(一) giuhub demo 地址 https://github.com/MickJson/AndroidUSBSerialPort
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | <resources> <!--font Style--> <style name= "average_vertical_widget" > <item name= "android:layout_width" >0dp</item> <item name= "android:layout_height" >match_parent</item> <item name= "android:layout_weight" > 1 </item> <item name= "android:gravity" >center</item> <item name= "android:textSize" > @dimen /text_size</item> <item name= "android:textColor" > @android :color/black</item> </style> </resources> |
1.2.android_serialport_api 串口工具类
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二.qtcreator -> AS
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import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import android_serialport_api.SerialPort; public class UartTest { private final Context mContext; byte [] Save_Data; // 保存的载入数据 byte [] Temp_file_Data; // 临时文件数据 byte [] file_arry; // 文件数据 byte [] Send_Data; // 发送数据 byte Data_Number; // 数据编码 int flag_EOT; // 结束命令标记 int file_ChkData; // 文件校验 int NAck_Cnt; // NAck次数 int Ack_Cnt; // Ack次数 private OnSerialListener mOnSerialListener; public String DEV_TTYS4 = "/dev/ttyS4" ; private boolean isOpened = false ; private OutputStream mOutputStream; private InputStream mInputStream; private final ExecutorService mThreadPoolExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); public UartTest(Context mContext) { super (); this .mContext = mContext; } public void StartUartTest() { openSerialPort(DEV_TTYS4); Btn_Open_File(); Btn_Sand_Data(); //启动 } //打开文件 public void Btn_Open_File() { int val; file_arry = getBytesByFile(mContext, "QT573-LVMI-APP.bin" ); val = file_arry.length % 128 ; if (val != 0 ) { val = 128 - val; //最后一包数据补24个0 byte [] chrVal2 = new byte [val]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < val; i++) { chrVal2[i] = ( byte ) 0 ; } file_arry = addBytes(file_arry, chrVal2); file_ChkData = Dev_CRC16(file_arry); //must F229 Log.d( "gatsby" , "file_ChkData -> " + Integer.toHexString(file_ChkData)); } } //启动 public void Btn_Sand_Data() { // 清除 计数 接收文本 保存数据 NAck_Cnt = 0 ; Ack_Cnt = 0 ; Save_Data = null ; // 开始接收数据 isOpened = true ; // 开始发送进入编译环境 Data_Number = 0 ; // 重新发送计数 flag_EOT = 0 ; // 发送结束标记位重置 Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x93 ); // 发送 } //发送数据 public void Sand_Data( byte cmd) { //StringBuilder ba = new StringBuilder(); byte [] ba = new byte [ 133 ]; int ChkData; //0xffff byte val; //0xff String sendData = null ; if (cmd == 0x01 ) { byte [] data; ba[ 0 ] = cmd; Log.d( "gatsby" , "Data_Number ->" + Data_Number); val = ( byte ) ~Data_Number; ba[ 1 ] = ( byte ) Data_Number; ba[ 2 ] = ( byte ) val; for ( int i = 0 ; i < Send_Data.length; i++) { ba[i + 3 ] = ( byte ) Send_Data[i]; } //System.arraycopy(Send_Data, 0, data, 0, Send_Data.length); data = Send_Data; Log.d( "gatsby" , "data->" + data.length); // 数据校验 ChkData = CRC16(data, 128 ); Log.d( "gatsby" , "ChkData->" + ChkData); val = ( byte ) (ChkData & 0xff ); ba[Send_Data.length + 3 ] = ( byte ) val; val = ( byte ) ((ChkData >> 8 ) & 0xff ); ba[Send_Data.length + 4 ] = ( byte ) val; //打印看发送数据是否正确 // for (int i = 0; i < ba.length; i++) { // Log.d("gatsby", "i--> " + (i) + " ba ->"+ Integer.toHexString(ba[i] & 0xff)); // } sendSerialPort(ba); if (flag_EOT == 0 ) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Sand Packet " + Data_Number); sendData = "Send Packet " + Data_Number; } // 发送校验 else if (flag_EOT == 1 ) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Sand Check" ); sendData = "Send Check" ; } if (mOnSerialListener != null ) { mOnSerialListener.onSendData(sendData); } } else { byte [] ba2 = new byte [ 1 ]; ba2[ 0 ] = ( byte ) cmd; sendSerialPort(ba2); Log.d( "gatsby" , "cmd ->" + Integer.toHexString(cmd & 0xff )); if (cmd == ( byte ) 0x93 ) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Sand_Data will be send data " ); } else if (cmd == ( byte ) 0x04 ) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Sand_Data End " ); isOpened = false ; } } } public void openSerialPort(String devType) { if (! "" .equals(devType) && new File(devType).exists()) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "isOpenedSerialPort" ); try { //串口配置:9600 数据位8 起始位1 停止位1 奇校验 SerialPort mSerialPort = new SerialPort( new File(DEV_TTYS4), 9600 , 8 , 1 , 'O' ); mOutputStream = mSerialPort.getOutputStream(); mInputStream = mSerialPort.getInputStream(); mThreadPoolExecutor.execute( new ReceiveDataThread()); isOpened = true ; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (mOnSerialListener != null ) { mOnSerialListener.onSerialOpenException(e); } } } } /** * 串口 发送字符串 */ public void Sand_Data_QString(String st) { st += "\r\n" ; byte [] ba = st.getBytes(); sendSerialPort(ba); } /** * 串口 发送byte[] */ public void sendSerialPort( byte [] sendbyte) { if (!isOpened) { return ; } try { mOutputStream.write(sendbyte); mOutputStream.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //5s 未接收数据 提示升级失败 Android11 提示过时 换Looper写法 Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.myLooper()); private final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (Data_Number == 1 ) { if (mOnSerialListener != null ) { mOnSerialListener.onUpdateError(); } } } }; /** * 串口返回数据内容读取 */ private class ReceiveDataThread extends Thread { @Override public void run() { super .run(); int val; //uint8_t String SendStr = null ; String ReciveStr = null ; boolean start_flag = false ; byte [] ba = new byte [ 1024 ]; while (isOpened) { String resSaveData; if (mInputStream != null ) { try { int size = mInputStream.read(ba); if (size > 0 ) { resSaveData = new String(ba, 0 , size); Log.d( "gatsby" , "receiver str = " + resSaveData); Save_Data = resSaveData.getBytes(); if (resSaveData.equals( "Apply OTA\r\n" )) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Apply OTA" ); SendStr = "OTA" ; start_flag = true ; ReciveStr = "Apply OTA" ; Sand_Data_QString(SendStr); } else if (resSaveData.equals( "Ready\r\n" )) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "Ready" ); SendStr = "Start" ; ReciveStr = "Ready" ; Sand_Data_QString(SendStr); NAck_Cnt = 0 ; Ack_Cnt = 0 ; Data_Number = 0 ; // 重新发送计数 flag_EOT = 0 ; // 发送结束标记位重置 Temp_file_Data = file_arry; } // NACK else if (Save_Data[ 0 ] == 0x15 ) { NAck_Cnt++; if (Data_Number == 0 ) { Data_Number = 1 ; // 首次发送 Log.d( "gatsby" , "(NAck) Ready Receive" ); ReciveStr = "(NAck) Ready Receive" ; Send_Data = cutBytes(Temp_file_Data); Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x01 ); } else if (Data_Number > 0 ) { Log.d( "gatsby" , "(NAck) Ready Packet Error" ); ReciveStr = "(NAck) Ready Receive" ; Send_Data = cutBytes(Temp_file_Data); Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x01 ); } handler.postDelayed(runnable, 6000 ); } // ACK else if (Save_Data[ 0 ] == 0x06 ) { Ack_Cnt++; Data_Number++; //Log.d("gatsby", "(Ack) Receive ->" + Save_Data[0]); //Log.d("gatsby", "flag_EOT->" + flag_EOT); Log.d( "gatsby" , "Temp_file_Data aaa->" + Temp_file_Data.length); if (Temp_file_Data.length > 128 ) { Temp_file_Data = removeBytes(Temp_file_Data, Temp_file_Data.length - 128 ); Log.d( "gatsby" , "Temp_file_Data bbb->" + Temp_file_Data.length); // 发送数据 Send_Data = cutBytes(Temp_file_Data); if (Temp_file_Data.length == 128 ) { Temp_file_Data = removeBytes(Temp_file_Data, 0 ); } Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x01 ); Log.d( "gatsby" , "(Ack) Receive Packet " + (Data_Number - 1 ) + " Success" ); ReciveStr = "(Ack) Receive Packet " + (Data_Number - 1 ) + " Success" ; } else { // 发送校验 if (flag_EOT == 0 ) { flag_EOT = 1 ; val = ( byte ) (file_ChkData & 0xff ); Send_Data[ 0 ] = ( byte ) val; val = ( byte ) ((file_ChkData >> 8 ) & 0xff ); Send_Data[ 1 ] = ( byte ) val; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 126 ; i++) { Send_Data[i + 2 ] = ( byte ) 0 ; } Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x01 ); Log.d( "gatsby" , "EOT (Ack) Receive Packet " + (Data_Number - 1 ) + " Success" ); ReciveStr = "(Ack) Receive Packet " + (Data_Number - 1 ) + " Success" ; } // 发送EOT 完成 else if (flag_EOT == 1 ) { flag_EOT = 2 ; Sand_Data(( byte ) 0x04 ); Log.d( "gatsby" , "(Ack) Receive Check" ); ReciveStr = "(Ack) Receive Check" ; } } } //设置监听 if (mOnSerialListener != null ) { mOnSerialListener.onReceivedData(ReciveStr); if (start_flag) { mOnSerialListener.onSendData(SendStr); if (SendStr.equals( "Start" )) { start_flag = false ; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } /** * 关闭串口 */ public void closeSerialPort() { try { if (mOutputStream != null ) mOutputStream.close(); if (mInputStream != null ) mInputStream.close(); isOpened = false ; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 设置串口监听 * * @param onSerialListener 串口监听 */ public void setOnSerialListener(OnSerialListener onSerialListener) { this .mOnSerialListener = onSerialListener; } /** * 串口监听 */ public interface OnSerialListener { /** * 串口打开异常 */ void onSerialOpenException(Exception e); /** * 串口数据发送 */ void onSendData(String sendData); /** * 串口数据返回 */ void onReceivedData(String receivedData); /** * 上位机下发后若5S未接收MCU数据 上位机退出升级过程 */ void onUpdateError(); } /** * CRC校验 128字节 */ public int CRC16( byte [] u8pArray, int u8Size) { int val; //0xff int i, j; int CurVal; //0xffff int CrcReg = 0xFFFF ; for (i = 0 ; i < u8Size; i++) { //CurVal = u8pArray[i] << 8; uint8_t val = u8pArray[i] & 0xff ; CurVal = val << 8 ; for (j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) { if (( short ) (CrcReg ^ CurVal) < 0 ) { CrcReg = (((CrcReg << 1 ) & 0xffff ) ^ 0x1021 ); } else { CrcReg = (CrcReg << 1 ) & 0xffff ; } CurVal <<= 1 ; } } return CrcReg; } /** * CRC校验 */ public int Dev_CRC16( byte [] ba) { int val; //0xff int i, j; int CurVal; //0xffff int CrcReg = 0xFFFF ; for (i = 0 ; i < ba.length; i++) { //uint8_t -> int val = ba[i] & 0xff ; CurVal = val << 8 ; for (j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++) { if (( short ) (CrcReg ^ CurVal) < 0 ) { CrcReg = (((CrcReg << 1 ) & 0xffff ) ^ 0x1021 ); //Log.d("gatsby","file_arry i-> " + i + " CrcReg -> " + CrcReg); } else { CrcReg = (CrcReg << 1 ) & 0xffff ; } CurVal <<= 1 ; } } return CrcReg; } /** * 两个字节数组合并 */ public byte [] addBytes( byte [] firstData, byte [] secondData) { byte [] mergeData = new byte [firstData.length + secondData.length]; System.arraycopy(firstData, 0 , mergeData, 0 , firstData.length); System.arraycopy(secondData, 0 , mergeData, firstData.length, secondData.length); return mergeData; } /** * 字节数组 截取首128字节 128 */ public byte [] cutBytes( byte [] Data) { byte [] cutData = new byte [ 128 ]; System.arraycopy(Data, 0 , cutData, 0 , cutData.length); return cutData; } /** * 字节数组 移除首128字节 128 */ public byte [] removeBytes( byte [] Data, int removeLength) { byte [] removeData = new byte [removeLength]; System.arraycopy(Data, 128 , removeData, 0 , removeData.length); return removeData; } /** * 获取assets文件流 转byte数组 */ public byte [] getBytesByFile(Context context, String fileName) { try { InputStream inStream = context.getResources().getAssets().open(fileName); ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte [] buffer = new byte [ 1024 ]; int len; while ((len = inStream.read(buffer)) != - 1 ) { outStream.write(buffer, 0 , len); } outStream.close(); inStream.close(); return outStream.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null ; } } } |
MainActivity 回调刷新UI 数据
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