Android5.1 Browser 闪退分析 /data/tombstones




02-02 16:40:59.680 I/OpenGLRenderer( 1953): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
02-02 16:40:59.682 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1953): Enabling debug mode 0
02-02 16:40:59.683 D/mali_winsys( 1953): EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
02-02 16:40:59.745 I/ActivityManagerService(  491): Displayed +776ms
02-02 16:41:01.154 W/browser ( 1953): Console: 'webkitIndexedDB' is deprecated. Please use 'indexedDB' instead. :0
02-02 16:41:01.233 E/SQLiteLog( 1953): (284) automatic index on sqlite_sq_B791F4C8(url)
--------- beginning of crash
02-02 16:41:01.765 F/libc    ( 1953): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x1 in tid 1953 (android.browser)
02-02 16:41:01.866 E/DEBUG   (  155): Failed to find a valid tombstone, default to using tombstone 0.
02-02 16:41:01.866 E/DEBUG   (  155): failed to open tombstone file '/data/tombstones/tombstone_00': No such file or directory
02-02 16:41:01.866 I/DEBUG   (  155): Skipping tombstone write, nothing to do.
02-02 16:41:01.973 I/WindowState(  491): WIN DEATH: Window{39e36da1 u0}
02-02 16:41:01.978 D/WindowManagerService(  491): null  ==========setInputFocusLw ==========  =======
02-02 16:41:02.068 I/Zygote  (  172): Process 1953 exited due to signal (11)
02-02 16:41:02.075 I/ActivityManagerService(  491): Process (pid 1953) has died
02-02 16:41:02.076 W/ActivityManagerService(  491): Force removing ActivityRecord{3d621b8d u0 t7}: app died, no saved state


02-02 16:41:01.765 F/libc    ( 1953): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x1 in tid 1953 (android.browser)  


02-02 16:41:01.866 E/DEBUG   (  155): Failed to find a valid tombstone, default to using tombstone 0.
02-02 16:41:01.866 E/DEBUG   (  155): failed to open tombstone file '/data/tombstones/tombstone_00': No such file or directory
02-02 16:41:01.866 I/DEBUG   (  155): Skipping tombstone write, nothing to do. 

mkdir tombstones

C:\Users\Administrator>adb shell
root@rk3288:/ # cd data
cd data
root@rk3288:/data # mkdir tombstones
mkdir tombstones

 四.logcat  重新看日志 看内存泄漏

02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155): backtrace:
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #00 pc 000129d0  /system/lib/ (__memcpy_base+72)
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #01 pc 00708fcd  /system/lib/
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #02 pc 01030e77  /system/lib/
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #03 pc 00337c2b  /system/lib/
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #04 pc 003388cb  /system/lib/
02-03 11:28:37.949 I/DEBUG   (  155):     #05 pc 00318e53  /system/lib/










posted @ 2021-02-03 11:31  CrushGirl  阅读(1018)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报