4 Quick Starts guide 4.1context

This recommended practice considers the evaluation and assessment of human exposure to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (collectively, EMF). It provides guidance on what constitutes best practice for the assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields. Figure 1 presents key contributors to the management of human exposure and shows that this recommended practice should be regarded as a complement to existing information rather than an alternative.


1.  这里有两个词,evaluation 和 assessment,在翻译软件上两个意义相近,但是,我们可以从C95.3 3.1章节 definitions定义里找到他们的区别,或者说找到这两个词分别的侧重点:从这两个定义值,可以看出,assessment是侧重于考虑暴露情况(场景),对暴露值进行判断看是否适用对应场景,而evaluation是侧重于产品的暴露值得测量或者计算。而,中文里的评估,更倾于assessment,比如领导找你,会说这里有一堆学生身高体重数据,你评估一下他们健不健康。所以,为了方便理解,在这里直接翻译成测量,计算和结果评估。

  • assessment: The process of making determinations and recommendations about an exposure situation, including determining the objectives of the process, determining the characteristics of the situation under consideration, identifying appropriate metrics and limits, performing the necessary evaluations, and making determinations and recommendations based on the results. 对暴露情况做出决定和建议的过程,包括确定过程的目标、确定所考虑情况的特征、确定适当的度量和限制、进行必要的评估以及根据结果做出决定和提出建议。
  • evaluation: The process of quantifying human exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) by employing exposure metrics using measurement and/or computation, including consideration of uncertainty, and making necessary adjustments to normalize the result. 通过使用测量和/或计算的暴露度量来量化人体暴露于电磁场(EMF)的过程,包括考虑不确定性,并进行必要的调整以使结果标准化。

2.  EMF: 大部分文献里,EMF是electromagnetic field即电磁场,但是在C95.3里,EMF是指电场,磁场,电磁场。

3.       contributors: 针对上下文和图一,这里的contributors不是贡献者的意思,而是组成部分。

The science and engineering literature records the detailed knowledge of electromagnetics and the interaction of EMF with human beings. The exposure guidelines (in standards such as IEEE Std C95.1-2019) record the conclusions from reviewing that literature and provide guidelines on limiting human exposure to EMF. Regulations provide the legal requirements, within their jurisdiction, for control of human exposure to EMF. The range of product standards offer detailed assessment methodologies to evaluate the human exposure to EMF arising from certain sources.

译:科学和工程文献记录了电磁学以及EMF与人类的相互作用的详细知识。暴露指南(在IEEE Std C95.1-2019等标准中)记录了审查文献后得出的结论,并提供了限制人体暴露于电磁场(EMF)的指南。法规规定了在其管辖范围内控制人体接触EMF的法律要求。产品标准的范围提供了详细的评估方法,以评估人体暴露于某些确定源头的电磁场。 

This recommended practice considers the contributors to EMF exposure management and provides guidance on how to set up and perform reliable, traceable, repeatable, high-quality assessments. It includes recommendations on how to develop, execute, and document appropriate assessment methodology and capabilities consistent with best practice including the implementation of detailed methodologies described in product standards.



Throughout this recommended practice there are many references to the wider literature to provide important depth and detail. There are several international and national standards that identify assessment techniques that may be used. Indeed, these standards continue to be developed and extended to meet technical innovations so inevitably there will be many such standards that are not listed in this recommended practice and that will offer valuable guidance on specific assessments. Best practice therefore requires an ongoing process of learning and updating that should be continued beyond the publication date of this recommended practice.



This recommended practice complements the IEEE Std C95.1-2019 and IEEE Std C95.1-2345-2014 [B191] exposure standards (see Annex A), however the practices herein can be adapted to other guidelines and regulatory requirements.

本推荐实施补充了IEEE Std C95.1-2019和IEEE Std C85.1-2345-2014[B191]暴露标准(见附录A),但本规程可适用于其他指南和监管要求。


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