Git vs Github
How does git work? (a general introduction)
git init (create a new repository)
git clone (copy existing repositories from somewhere else to your local computer)
git status (check the status of a repository)
git log (displays information about the existing commits)
git log --oneline
git log --stat
git log -p
git log [--oneline/--stat/-p] SHA (display a specific commit's details)
git show (displays information about the given commit)
git add (add files from the working directory to the staging index)
git rm --cached (remove a file from the Staging index)
git commit (take files from the staging index and save them in the repository)
git commit -m
git commit --amend (alter the most-recent commit)
git revert (reverse the given commit)
Relative Commit References
git reset (erase commits)
git diff (displays the difference between two versions of a file)
git ignore
git tag (add a tag to a specific commit)
git tag (verify tag)
git tag -d (delete a tag)
git branch (develop different features of your project in parallel)
git checkout (switch between different branches and tags)
git checkout -b (create and switch branch in one command)
git branch -d
git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all (see all branches at once)
git merge (combines changes on different branches)
Handle Merge Conflicting