Error starting Geronimo : DuplicateBundleException: Bundle "org.apache.aries.proxy"


geronimo -vvv -c run


args for debug, jpda run, jpda start, run and start commands:
  -q     --quiet           No startup progress
  -l     --long            Long startup progress
  -c     --clean           Clean OSGi bundle cache
  -v     --verbose         INFO log level
  -vv    --veryverbose     DEBUG log level
  -vvv   --veryveryverbose Trace log level
  -o     --override        Override configurations. USE WITH CAUTION!
  -h     --help            Detailed help.
  -s     --secure          Enable Geronimo for two way secure JMX communication.


posted @ 2014-04-23 22:59  crazywings  阅读(328)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报