hdu 3333 Turing Tree 图灵树(线段树 + 二分离散)


Turing Tree

Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 2614    Accepted Submission(s): 892

Problem Description
After inventing Turing Tree, 3xian always felt boring when solving problems about intervals, because Turing Tree could easily have the solution. As well, wily 3xian made lots of new problems about intervals. So, today, this sick thing happens again...
Now given a sequence of N numbers A1, A2, ..., AN and a number of Queries(i, j) (1≤i≤j≤N). For each Query(i, j), you are to caculate the sum of distinct values in the subsequence Ai, Ai+1, ..., Aj.
The first line is an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10), indecating the number of testcases below. For each case, the input format will be like this: * Line 1: N (1 ≤ N ≤ 30,000). * Line 2: N integers A1, A2, ..., AN (0 ≤ Ai ≤ 1,000,000,000). * Line 3: Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 100,000), the number of Queries. * Next Q lines: each line contains 2 integers i, j representing a Query (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ N).
For each Query, print the sum of distinct values of the specified subsequence in one line.
Sample Input
2 3 1 1 4 2 1 2 2 3 5 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 5 2 4 3 5
Sample Output
1 5 6 3 6



比如对于这道题, 我们如果讨论一个数,判断它前面是否出现过,,因为0 ≤ Ai ≤ 1,000,000,000 ,很显然我们不能直接 用一个visit去判断。。

但是由于1 ≤ N ≤ 30,000 ,我们可以开一个30000的数组,然后把这些数存起来,排好序, 之后再判断一个数是否出现过的时候, 就可以用二分找到它的下标。。


题意:  给出一个长度为N(N <= 30000)的数列,然后是一连串询问,询问数<= 100000,问给定区间内不同数字的和。



接下来按顺序枚举每个数字a[i],如果a[i]之前出现过,就将a[i]之前位置的值删除,然后在当前位置插入,当枚举的位置和区间对中某个位置相 等时执行询问操作。。。。




  1 /**
  2 judge status: Accepted      exe.time:640ms
  3 exe.memory 3696k    language:C++
  4 */
  6 #include<iostream>
  7 #include<stdio.h>
  8 #include<string.h>
  9 #include<algorithm>
 11 #define N 100010
 12 #define M 30010
 14 #define lson p<<1
 15 #define rson p<<1|1
 17 using namespace std;
 19 struct FTI{
 20     int from,to,idx;   //查询的始末位置  以及 索引位置
 21 }fti[N];
 23 struct Nod{
 24     int l,r;
 25     __int64 sum;
 26 }node[M<<2];
 28 int temp[M],index[M],a[M],visit[M],k;
 30 __int64 ans[N];
 32 bool cmp(FTI a,FTI b)  //结构体排序调用函数
 33 {
 34     return a.to<b.to;
 35 }
 37 void building(int l,int r,int p)
 38 {
 39     node[p].sum=0;
 40     node[p].l=l;
 41     node[p].r=r;
 42     if(l==r) return;
 43     int mid=(l+r)/2;
 44     building(l,mid,lson);
 45     building(mid+1,r,rson);
 46 }
 48 int findPos(int val)  //二分查找值val在index中的位置
 49 {
 50     int l,r,mid;
 51     l=1;
 52     r=k;
 53     while(l<=r)
 54     {
 55         mid=(l+r)/2;
 56         if(index[mid]>val) r=mid-1;
 57         else if(index[mid]<val) l=mid+1;
 58         else return mid;
 59     }
 60     return -1;
 61 }
 63 void update(int id,int p,int val) //更新
 64 {
 65     if(node[p].l==node[p].r)
 66     {
 67         node[p].sum+=val;
 68         return;
 69     }
 70     int mid = (node[p].l+node[p].r)>>1;
 71     if(id<=mid) update(id,lson,val);
 72     else update(id,rson,val);
 73     node[p].sum = node[lson].sum + node[rson].sum;
 74 }
 76 __int64 Query(int l,int r,int p)
 77 {
 78     if(node[p].l==l&&node[p].r==r)
 79     {
 80         return node[p].sum;
 81     }
 82     int mid = (node[p].l+node[p].r)>>1;
 83     if(r<=mid)  return Query(l,r,lson);
 84     else if(l>mid)  return Query(l,r,rson);
 85     else return Query(l,mid,lson)+Query(mid+1,r,rson);
 86 }
 88 int main()
 89 {
 90     int t;
 91     scanf("%d",&t);
 92     while(t--)
 93     {
 94         int n,i,j;
 95         scanf("%d",&n);
 96         for(i=0;i<n;i++)
 97         {
 98             scanf("%d",a+i+1);
 99             temp[i]=a[i+1];
100         }
101         sort(temp,temp+n);//排序
102         index[1]=temp[0];
103         j=1;
104         for(i=1;i<n;i++)
105         {
106             if(index[j]!=temp[i])
107             {
108                 index[++j]=temp[i];  //消除重复数字
109             }
110         }
111         k=j;
112         memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit));
113         int m;
114         scanf("%d",&m);
115         for(i=1;i<=m;i++)
116         {
117             scanf("%d%d",&fti[i].from,&fti[i].to);
118             fti[i].idx = i;
119         }
120         sort(fti+1,fti+m+1,cmp);  //结构体按to排序
121         building(1,n,1);
122         j=1;
123         int id,pos;
124         for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
125         {
126             id = findPos(a[i]);
127             pos = visit[id];
128             if(pos)     update(pos,1,-a[i]);  //如果前面出现过a[i],则减掉前面的a[i]
129             update(i,1,a[i]);  //在i的位置增加a[i]
130             visit[id] = i;  //标记出现过
131             while(j<=m&&i==fti[j].to)
132             {
133                 ans[fti[j].idx] = Query(fti[j].from,fti[j].to,1);  //如果到了to的位置,就是需要统计的时候了,结果放到ans里面
134                 j++;
135             }
136         }
137         for(i=1;i<=m;i++)
138         {
139             printf("%I64d\n",ans[i]);
140         }
141     }
142     return 0;
143 }


posted @ 2013-08-03 21:01  crazy_apple  阅读(415)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报