




1. 命令:sl (蒸汽机车)#

你可能了解 ‘ls’ 命令,并经常使用它来查看文件夹的内容。但是,有些时候你可能会拼写成 ‘sl’ ,这时我们应该如何获得一些乐趣而不是看见“command not found”呢?

安装 sl#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install sl (In Debian like OS)
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum -y install sl (In Red Hat like OS)


  1. root@tecmint:~# sl

sl command


2. 命令:telnet#

非也!非也!!这可不像它平常那样复杂。你可能很熟悉telnet。Telnet 是一个文本化的双向网络协议。这里不需要安装什么东西。你需要的就是一个Linux系统和一个连通的网络。

  1. root@tecmint:~# telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

telnet command

3. 命令:fortune#


安装 fortune#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install fortune (for aptitude based system)
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install fortune (for yum based system)
  4. root@tecmint:~# fortune
  6. You're not my type. For that matter, you're not even my species!!!
  7. Future looks spotty. You will spill soup in late evening.
  8. You worry too much about your job. Stop it. You are not paid enough to worry.
  9. Your love life will be... interesting.

4. 命令:rev(翻转)#


  1. root@tecmint:~# rev
  3. 123abc
  4. cba321
  6. xuniL eb ot nrob
  7. born to be Linux

5. 命令:factor#



  1. root@tecmint:~# factor
  3. 5
  4. 5: 5
  6. 12
  7. 12: 2 2 3
  9. 1001
  10. 1001: 7 11 13
  12. 5442134
  13. 5442134: 2 2721067




  1. root@tecmint:~# for i in {1..12}; do for j in (seq1i); do echo -ne ixj=$((i*j))\\t;done; echo;done
  3. 1 x 1=1
  4. 2 x 1=2 2 x 2=4
  5. 3 x 1=3 3 x 2=6 3 x 3=9
  6. 4 x 1=4 4 x 2=8 4 x 3=12 4 x 4=16
  7. 5 x 1=5 5 x 2=10 5 x 3=15 5 x 4=20 5 x 5=25
  8. 6 x 1=6 6 x 2=12 6 x 3=18 6 x 4=24 6 x 5=30 6 x 6=36
  9. 7 x 1=7 7 x 2=14 7 x 3=21 7 x 4=28 7 x 5=35 7 x 6=42 7 x 7=49
  10. 8 x 1=8 8 x 2=16 8 x 3=24 8 x 4=32 8 x 5=40 8 x 6=48 8 x 7=56 8 x 8=64
  11. 9 x 1=9 9 x 2=18 9 x 3=27 9 x 4=36 9 x 5=45 9 x 6=54 9 x 7=63 9 x 8=72 9 x 9=81
  12. 10 x 1=10 10 x 2=20 10 x 3=30 10 x 4=40 10 x 5=50 10 x 6=60 10 x 7=70 10 x 8=80 10 x 9=90 10 x 10=100
  13. 11 x 1=11 11 x 2=22 11 x 3=33 11 x 4=44 11 x 5=55 11 x 6=66 11 x 7=77 11 x 8=88 11 x 9=99 11 x 10=110 11 x 11=121
  14. 12 x 1=12 12 x 2=24 12 x 3=36 12 x 4=48 12 x 5=60 12 x 6=72 12 x 7=84 12 x 8=96 12 x 9=108 12 x 10=120 12 x 11=132 12 x 12=144




  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cowsay (for Debian based OS)
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install cowsay (for Red Hat based OS)


  1. root@tecmint:~# cowsay I Love nix
  3. ____________
  4. < I Love nix >
  5. ------------
  6. \ ^__^
  7. \ (oo)\_______
  8. (__)\ )\/\
  9. ||----w |
  10. || ||

如果用管道将‘fortune command’命令重定向到cowsay会怎样呢?

root@tecmint:~# fortune | cowsay

  1. _________________________________________
  2. / Q: How many Oregonians does it take to \
  3. | screw in a light bulb? A: Three. One to |
  4. | screw in the light bulb and two to fend |
  5. | off all those |
  6. | |
  7. | Californians trying to share the |
  8. \ experience. /
  9. -----------------------------------------
  10. \ ^__^
  11. \ (oo)\_______
  12. (__)\ )\/\
  13. ||----w |
  14. || ||



  1. apt-get insatll xcowsay
  2. yum install xcowsay


  1. root@tecmint:~# xcowsay I Love nix

xcowsay command

cowthink是另一个命令。运行“cowthink Linux is sooo funny ”看看它与cowsay的不同吧。

  1. apt-get insatll cowthink
  2. yum install cowthink


  1. root@tecmint:~# cowthink ....Linux is sooo funny
  2. _________________________
  3. ( ....Linux is sooo funny )
  4. -------------------------
  5. o ^__^
  6. o (oo)\_______
  7. (__)\ )\/\
  8. ||----w |
  9. || ||

8. 命令:yes#

yes 是一个非常有趣又有用的命令,尤其对于脚本编写和系统管理员来说,它可以自动地生成预先定义的响应或者将其传到终端。

  1. root@tecmint:~# yes I Love Linux
  3. I Love Linux
  4. I Love Linux
  5. I Love Linux
  6. I Love Linux
  7. I Love Linux
  8. I Love Linux
  9. I Love Linux
  10. I Love Linux
  11. I Love Linux
  12. I Love Linux
  13. I Love Linux
  14. I Love Linux

提示: (直到你按下ctrl+c才停止)

9. 命令: toilet#

什么?你在开玩笑吗! 当然没有,但肯定的是这个命令的名字太搞了,我也不知道这个命令的名字从何而来。


  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install toilet
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install toilet


  1. root@tecmint:~# toilet tecmint
  3. mmmmmmm " m
  4. # mmm mmm mmmmm mmm m mm mm#mm mmm mmm mmmmm
  5. # #" # #" " # # # # #" # # #" " #" "# # # #
  6. # #"""" # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  7. # "#mm" "#mm" # # # mm#mm # # "mm # "#mm" "#m#" # # #


  1. root@tecmint:~# toilet -f mono12 -F metal Tecmint.com

toilet command

提示:Figlet 是另外一个与toilet产生的效果类似的命令。

10. 命令:cmatrix#


安装 cmatrix#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install cmatrix
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install cmatrix


  1. root@tecmint:~# cmatrix

cmatrix command


11. 命令: oneko#


安装 oneko#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install oneko
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install oneko


  1. root@tecmint:~# oneko

oneko command


12. Fork炸弹#


  1. root@tecmint:~# :(){ :|:& }:

13. 命令:while#


  1. root@tecmint:~# while true; do echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done

Linux while command


  1. root@tecmint:~# while true; do clear; echo "$(date '+%D %T' | toilet -f term -F border --gay)"; sleep 1; done

14. 命令: espeak#


安装 espeak#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install espeak
  2. root@tecmint:~# yum install espeak


  1. root@tecmint:~# espeak "Tecmint is a very good website dedicated to Foss Community"

15. 命令: aafire#


安装 aafire#

  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install libaa-bin


  1. root@tecmint:~# aafire


16. 命令: bb#

首先安装“apt-get install bb”,然后敲入“bb”看看会发生什么吧。

  1. root@tecmint:~# bb

bb command

17. 命令: url#

如果在你的朋友面前用命令行来改变你的 twitter status 会不会很酷呢。用你的用户名密码你想要的状态分别替换username, password 和“your status message“就可以了。

  1. root@tecmint:~# url -u YourUsername:YourPassword -d status="Your status message" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml

18. ASCIIquarium#


  1. root@tecmint:~# apt-get install libcurses-perl
  2. root@tecmint:~# cd /tmp
  3. root@tecmint:~# wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/K/KB/KBAUCOM/Term-Animation-2.4.tar.gz
  4. root@tecmint:~# tar -zxvf Term-Animation-2.4.tar.gz
  5. root@tecmint:~# cd Term-Animation-2.4/
  6. root@tecmint:~# perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
  7. root@tecmint:~# make install

安装 ASCIIquarium#


  1. root@tecmint:~# cd /tmp
  2. root@tecmint:~# wget http://www.robobunny.com/projects/asciiquarium/asciiquarium.tar.gz
  3. root@tecmint:~# tar -zxvf asciiquarium.tar.gz
  4. root@tecmint:~# cd asciiquarium_1.1/
  5. root@tecmint:~# cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin
  6. root@tecmint:~# chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium


  1. root@tecmint:~# asciiquarium

aquarium command

19. 命令: funny manpages#

首先安装“apt-get install funny-manpages”然后运行下面命令的man手册。其中一些

  1. baby
  2. celibacy
  3. condom
  4. date
  5. echo
  6. flame
  7. flog
  8. gong
  9. grope, egrope, fgrope
  10. party
  11. rescrog
  12. rm
  13. rtfm
  14. tm
  15. uubp
  16. woman (undocumented)
  17. xkill
  18. xlart
  19. sex
  20. strfry
  22. root@tecmint:~# man baby

20. Linux Tweaks#


  1. root@tecmint:~# world
  2. bash: world: not found
  3. root@tecmint:~# touch girls\ boo**
  4. touch: cannot touch `girls boo**`: Permission denied
  5. root@tecmint:~# nice man woman
  6. No manual entry for woman
  7. root@tecmint:~# ^How did the sex change operation go?^
  8. bash: :s^How did the sex change operation go?^ : substitution failed
  9. root@tecmint:~# %blow
  10. bash: fg: %blow: no such job
  11. root@tecmint:~# make love
  12. make: *** No rule to make target `love`. Stop.
  13. $ [ whereis my brain?
  14. sh: 2: [: missing ]
  15. % man: why did you get a divorce?
  16. man:: Too many arguments.
  17. % !:say, what is saccharine?
  18. Bad substitute.
  19. server@localhost:/srv$ \(-
  20. bash: (-: command not found

Linux总是sexy:who | grep -i blonde | date; cd ~; unzip; touch; strip; finger; mount; gasp; yes; uptime; umount; sleep(如果你知道我的意思,汗!)

还有一些其它的命令,只是这些命令并不能在所有的系统上运行,所以本文没有涉及到。比如说dog , filter, banner.

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