
#include "../JuceDemoHeader.h"
/** This will be the source of our balls and can be dragged around. */
class BallGeneratorComponent    : public Component
    void paint (Graphicsgoverride
        Rectangle<floatarea (getLocalBounds().toFloat().reduced (2.0f));
        g.setColour (Colours::orange);
        g.drawRoundedRectangle (area, 10.0f, 2.0f);
        AttributedString s;
        s.setJustification (Justification::centred);
        s.setWordWrap (AttributedString::none);
        s.append (L"拖动!");
        s.setColour (Colours::white);
        s.draw (garea);

    void resized() override
        // Just set the limits of our constrainer so that we don't drag ourselves off the screen
        constrainer.setMinimumOnscreenAmounts (getHeight(), getWidth(), getHeight(), getWidth());
    void mouseDown (const MouseEventeoverride
        // Prepares our dragger to drag this Component
        dragger.startDraggingComponent (thise);
    void mouseDrag (const MouseEventeoverride
        // Moves this Component according to the mouse drag event and applies our constraints to it
        dragger.dragComponent (thise, &constrainer);
    ComponentBoundsConstrainer constrainer;//创建这个变量是因为dragger需要这样一个参数,当然,可以试试null是什么效果,结果当然是拖出边框。
    ComponentDragger dragger;//dragger的使用模板
  1. e.g. @code
  2. class MyDraggableComp
  3. {
  4. ComponentDragger myDragger;
  5. void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e)
  6. {
  7. myDragger.startDraggingComponent (this, e);
  8. }
  9. void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e)
  10. {
  11. myDragger.dragComponent (this, e, nullptr);
  12. }
  13. };
  14. @endcode
  1. ComponentDragger::ComponentDragger() {}
  2. ComponentDragger::~ComponentDragger() {}
  3. //==============================================================================
  4. void ComponentDragger::startDraggingComponent (Component* const componentToDrag, const MouseEvent& e)
  5. {
  6. jassert (componentToDrag != nullptr);
  7. jassert (e.mods.isAnyMouseButtonDown()); // The event has to be a drag event!
  8. if (componentToDrag != nullptr)
  9. mouseDownWithinTarget = e.getEventRelativeTo (componentToDrag).getMouseDownPosition();
  10. //记录鼠标在控件中的位置
  11. }
  12. void ComponentDragger::dragComponent (Component* const componentToDrag, const MouseEvent& e,
  13. ComponentBoundsConstrainer* const constrainer)
  14. {
  15. jassert (componentToDrag != nullptr);
  16. jassert (e.mods.isAnyMouseButtonDown()); // The event has to be a drag event!
  17. if (componentToDrag != nullptr)
  18. {
  19. Rectangle<int> bounds (componentToDrag->getBounds());
  20. // If the component is a window, multiple mouse events can get queued while it's in the same position,
  21. // so their coordinates become wrong after the first one moves the window, so in that case, we'll use
  22. // the current mouse position instead of the one that the event contains...
  23. //其实就是改变控件的位置
  24. if (componentToDrag->isOnDesktop())
  25. bounds += componentToDrag->getLocalPoint (nullptr, e.source.getScreenPosition()).roundToInt() - mouseDownWithinTarget;
  26. else
  27. bounds += e.getEventRelativeTo (componentToDrag).getPosition() - mouseDownWithinTarget;
  28. if (constrainer != nullptr)
  29. constrainer->setBoundsForComponent (componentToDrag, bounds, false, false, false, false);
  30. else
  31. componentToDrag->setBounds (bounds);
  32. }
  33. }

struct BallComponent  : public Component
    BallComponent (const Point<float>& pos)
        : position (pos),
          speed (Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat() *  4.0f - 2.0f,
                 Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat() * -6.0f - 2.0f),
            colour (Colours::white)
        setSize (20, 20);
    bool step()
        position += speed;
        speed.y += 0.1f;
        setCentrePosition ((intposition.x,
        if (Componentparent = getParentComponent())
            return isPositiveAndBelow (position.x, (floatparent->getWidth()) && position.y < (floatparent->getHeight();
            return position.y < 400.0f && position.x >= -10.0f;
    void paint (Graphicsg)
        g.setColour (colour);
        g.fillEllipse (2.0f, 2.0f, getWidth() - 4.0f, getHeight() - 4.0f);
        g.setColour (Colours::darkgrey);
        g.drawEllipse (2.0f, 2.0f, getWidth() - 4.0f, getHeight() - 4.0f, 1.0f);

    Colour colour;
class AnimationDemo  : public Component,
                       private Button::Listener,
                       private Timer
        setOpaque (true);
        setSize (620, 620);
        for (int i = 11; --i >= 0;)
            Buttonb = createButton();
            componentsToAnimate.add (b);
            addAndMakeVisible (b);
            b->addListener (this);
        addAndMakeVisible (ballGenerator);
        ballGenerator.centreWithSize (80, 50);

        cycleCount = 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < componentsToAnimate.size(); ++i)
            componentsToAnimate.getUnchecked (i)->setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (250, 250));


        for (int i = 0; i < componentsToAnimate.size(); ++i)
            const int newIndex = (i + 3) % componentsToAnimate.size();
            const float angle = newIndex * 2.0f * float_Pi / componentsToAnimate.size();
            const float radius = getWidth() * 0.35f;
            Rectangle<intr (getWidth()  / 2 + (int) (radius * std::sin (angle)) - 50,
                              getHeight() / 2 + (int) (radius * std::cos (angle)) - 50,
                              100, 100);

            animator.animateComponent (componentsToAnimate.getUnchecked(i),
                                       r.reduced (10),
                                       500 + i * 100,

        startTimerHz (60);

    void paint (Graphicsgoverride
        fillTiledBackground (g);
    OwnedArray<Component> componentsToAnimate;
    BallGeneratorComponent ballGenerator;
    ComponentAnimator animator;
    int cycleCount;
        DrawablePath normalover;
        Path star1;
        star1.addStar (Point<float>(), 5, 20.0f, 50.0f, 0.2f);
        normal.setPath (star1);
        normal.setFill (Colours::red);
        Path star2;
        star2.addStar (Point<float>(), 7, 30.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);
        over.setPath (star2);
        over.setFill (Colours::pink);
        over.setStrokeFill (Colours::black);
        over.setStrokeThickness (5.0f);
        Image juceIcon = ImageCache::getFromMemory (BinaryData::juce_icon_png,
        DrawableImage down;
        down.setImage (juceIcon);
        down.setOverlayColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.3f));
        if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (10) > 2)
            int type = Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (3);
            DrawableButtond = new DrawableButton ("Button",
                                                    type == 0 ? DrawableButton::ImageOnButtonBackground
                                                              : (type == 1 ? DrawableButton::ImageFitted
                                                                           : DrawableButton::ImageAboveTextLabel));
            d->setImages (&normal,
                          Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool() ? &over : nullptr,
                          Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool() ? &down : nullptr);
            if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool())
                d->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundColourIdgetRandomBrightColour());
                d->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundOnColourIdgetRandomBrightColour());
            d->setClickingTogglesState (Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool());
            return d;
        ImageButtonb = new ImageButton ("ImageButton");
        b->setImages (truetruetrue,
                      juceIcon, 0.7f, Colours::transparentBlack,
                      juceIcon, 1.0f, getRandomDarkColour().withAlpha (0.2f),
                      juceIcon, 1.0f, getRandomBrightColour().withAlpha (0.8f),
        return b;

        Image juceIcon = ImageCache::getFromMemory (BinaryData::juce_icon_png,
        ImageButtonb = new ImageButton ("ImageButton");
        b->setImages (truetruetrue,
                      juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::transparentBlack,
                      juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::white,
                      juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::white,
        return b;

    void buttonClicked (Button*) override
        for (int i = 0; i < componentsToAnimate.size(); ++i)
            const int newIndex = (i + 3 * cycleCount) % componentsToAnimate.size();
            const float angle = newIndex * 2.0f * float_Pi / componentsToAnimate.size();
            const float radius = getWidth() * 0.35f;
            Rectangle<intr (getWidth()  / 2 + (int) (radius * std::sin (angle)) - 50,
                              getHeight() / 2 + (int) (radius * std::cos (angle)) - 50,
                              100, 100);
            animator.animateComponent (componentsToAnimate.getUnchecked(i),
                                       r.reduced (10),
                                       900 + (int) (300 * std::sin (angle)),

    void timerCallback() override
        // Go through each of our balls and update their position
        for (int i = balls.size(); --i >= 0;)
            if (! balls.getUnchecked(i)->step())
                balls.remove (i);
        // Randomly generate new balls
        if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (100) < 4)
            BallComponentball = new BallComponent (ballGenerator.getBounds().getCentre().toFloat());
            addAndMakeVisible (ball);
            balls.add (ball);
// This static object will register this demo type in a global list of demos..
static JuceDemoType<AnimationDemodemo (L"10 动画演示");

posted @ 2015-01-01 16:52  crax  阅读(498)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报