
在PADS Layout中,选择File->Reports->Statics


BOARD STATISTICS REPORT -- P9102-45 Screen Card for touch display V20120411.pcb -- Mon May 21 11:16:33 2012

Job Design Time:    3:43

Part Types:         27
Parts TopSide:      41    BottomSide:     0     Total: 41
Drilled pads:       105   Undrilled pads: 73    Total: 178
Via Name : STANDARDVIA   Via Count : 0
Via Name : STDPROVIA   Via Count : 1
Via Name : PROVIA_50_30   Via Count : 45
Signal Nets:        34
Connections Routed: 125  Partially 1    Unrouted: 0    Total: 126

Plane  Nets:        0
Connections Routed: 0    Partially 0    Unrouted: 0    Total: 0

Routed Connection Length (inches) X:   81.94    Y: 132.91   Total: 214.85 
Unrouted Connection Length (inches) X: 22.17    Y: 68.30    Total: 90.47  

Number of copper clearance errors:         0

Number of Routing Layers:                  2
Size of Board (square inches):             19.53  
Equivalent IC count (1-IC/14 pins):        12.71  
Board Density(boardsize/14pin-components): 1.54   

posted @ 2012-05-21 11:17  Craftor  阅读(10748)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报