随笔分类 - 计算几何
摘要:给定一个二维平面,平面上有 n 个点,求最多有多少个点在同一条直线上。 示例 1: 示例 2: python3 include using namespace std; struct Point { int x; int y; Point() : x(0), y(0) {} Point(int a,
摘要:Quoit DesignTime Limit: 5000msMemory Limit: 32768KBThis problem will be judged onHDU. Original ID:100764-bit integer IO format:%I64d Java class name:M...
摘要:A. Light BulbTime Limit:1000msCase Time Limit:1000msMemory Limit:32768KB64-bit integer IO format:%lld Java class name:MainCompared to wildleopard's we...