




3、 新建周报类WeeklyLog:充当原型角色,Clone()方法为克隆方法,用于实现原型对象的克隆,Attachmentch充当成员类。


using System;

namespace PrototypeSample



    class Attachment


        private string name;


        public string Name


            get { return name; }

            set { name = value; }



        public void Download()








using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Collections;

using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace PrototypeSample



    class WeeklyLog


        private Attachment attachment;

        private string name;

        private string date;     

        private string content;


        public Attachment Attachment


            get { return attachment; }

            set { attachment = value; }


        public string Name


            get { return name; }

            set { name = value; }


        public string Date


            get { return date; }

            set { date = value; }


        public string Content


            get { return content; }

            set { content = value; }




        public WeeklyLog Clone()


            return this.MemberwiseClone() as WeeklyLog;




        public WeeklyLog Clone()


            WeeklyLog clone = null;


            FileStream fs = new FileStream("Temp.dat", FileMode.Create);

            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();




                formatter.Serialize(fs, this);


            catch (SerializationException e)


                Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " + e.Message);








            FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("Temp.dat", FileMode.Open);

            BinaryFormatter formatter1 = new BinaryFormatter();




                clone = (WeeklyLog)formatter1.Deserialize(fs1);


            catch (SerializationException e)


                Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);







            return clone;




5、 客户端测试类Program:

using System;

namespace PrototypeSample


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)



            ConcretePrototypeB prototype, copy;

            prototype = new ConcretePrototypeB();

            //prototype.Attr = "Sunny";

            copy = (ConcretePrototypeB)prototype.Clone();

            //copy.Attr = "Tom";

            Console.WriteLine(prototype == copy);

            //Console.WriteLine(prototype.GetType() == copy.GetType());

            Console.WriteLine(prototype.Member == copy.Member);




            WeeklyLog log_previous, log_new;

            log_previous = new WeeklyLog();

            Attachment attachment = new Attachment();

            log_previous.Attachment = attachment;

            log_new = log_previous.Clone();

            Console.WriteLine("周报是否相同?{0}",(log_previous == log_new)?"是":"否");

            Console.WriteLine("附件是否相同?{0}",(log_previous.Attachment == log_new.Attachment)?"是":"否");





6、 编译及运行程序,输出如下结果:


7、 深克隆解决方案:

1) 将周报类WeeklyLog和附件类Attachment标记为可序列化(Serializable)


class WeeklyLog


    private Attachment attachment;




class Attachment





public WeeklyLog Clone()


    WeeklyLog clone = null;

    FileStream fs = new FileStream("Temp.dat", FileMode.Create);

    BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();



        formatter.Serialize(fs, this);  //序列化


    catch (SerializationException e)


        Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " + e.Message);







    FileStream fs1 = new FileStream("Temp.dat", FileMode.Open);

    BinaryFormatter formatter1 = new BinaryFormatter();



        clone = (WeeklyLog)formatter1.Deserialize(fs1);  //反序列化


    catch (SerializationException e)


        Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize. Reason: " + e.Message);







        return clone;


posted @ 2016-11-24 12:43  Jonny-Xhl  阅读(218)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报