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/* Allocate a new rax and return its pointer. On out of memory the function
 * returns NULL. */
rax *raxNew(void) {
    rax *rax = rax_malloc(sizeof(*rax)); 
    if (rax == NULL) return NULL;
    rax->numele = 0;
    rax->numnodes = 1;
    rax->head = raxNewNode(0,0); //创建一个没有子节点的基数,只有头结点
    if (rax->head == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else {
        return rax;
/* Allocate a new non compressed node with the specified number of children.
 * If datafiled is true, the allocation is made large enough to hold the
 * associated data pointer.
 * Returns the new node pointer. On out of memory NULL is returned. */
raxNode *raxNewNode(size_t children, int datafield) {
    size_t nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+children+raxPadding(children)+
    if (datafield) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
    raxNode *node = rax_malloc(nodesize);
    if (node == NULL) return NULL;
    node->iskey = 0;
    node->isnull = 0;
    node->iscompr = 0;
    node->size = children;
    return node;
/* Low level function that walks the tree looking for the string
 * 's' of 'len' bytes. The function returns the number of characters
 * of the key that was possible to process: if the returned integer
 * is the same as 'len', then it means that the node corresponding to the
 * string was found (however it may not be a key in case the node->iskey is
 * zero or if simply we stopped in the middle of a compressed node, so that
 * 'splitpos' is non zero).
 * Otherwise if the returned integer is not the same as 'len', there was an
 * early stop during the tree walk because of a character mismatch.
 * The node where the search ended (because the full string was processed
 * or because there was an early stop) is returned by reference as
 * '*stopnode' if the passed pointer is not NULL. This node link in the
 * parent's node is returned as '*plink' if not NULL. Finally, if the
 * search stopped in a compressed node, '*splitpos' returns the index
 * inside the compressed node where the search ended. This is useful to
 * know where to split the node for insertion.
 * Note that when we stop in the middle of a compressed node with
 * a perfect match, this function will return a length equal to the
 * 'len' argument (all the key matched), and will return a *splitpos which is
 * always positive (that will represent the index of the character immediately
 * *after* the last match in the current compressed node).
 * When instead we stop at a compressed node and *splitpos is zero, it
 * means that the current node represents the key (that is, none of the
 * compressed node characters are needed to represent the key, just all
 * its parents nodes). */
static inline size_t raxLowWalk(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, raxNode **stopnode, raxNode ***plink, int *splitpos, raxStack *ts)
参数依次解释: 基树,待查找字符串,待查找字符串长度,停留的节点,子节点在父节点的位置指针,拆分的位置,保存父节点的栈
    raxNode *h = rax->head;
    raxNode **parentlink = &rax->head;

    size_t i = 0; /* Position in the string. */ 字符串中的位置
    size_t j = 0; /* Position in the node children (or bytes if compressed).*/ 子节点的位置
    while(h->size && i < len) {  如果对应节点的子节点数量大于0并且当前寻找的字符串没有结束
        debugnode("Lookup current node",h);
        unsigned char *v = h->data;  取出当前数组的子节点字符

        if (h->iscompr) {  当前节点是压缩节点
            for (j = 0; j < h->size && i < len; j++, i++) {
                if (v[j] != s[i]) break;  一直比较直到不相等才退出循环
            if (j != h->size) break;  如果不是比较到当前节点最后,就退出(意味着需要分裂节点)
        } else { 非压缩节点,每个字符都有自己的子节点指针
            /* Even when h->size is large, linear scan provides good
             * performances compared to other approaches that are in theory
             * more sounding, like performing a binary search. */
            for (j = 0; j < h->size; j++) {
                if (v[j] == s[i]) break; //就比较一个字符,相等就找下一个节点再比较,不相等需要一个个往下比较
            if (j == h->size) break; 没有子节点中的字符和当前字符相等,退出
            i++; 正常情况下,寻找下一个字符相等的节点

        if (ts) raxStackPush(ts,h); /* Save stack of parent nodes. */ 保存当前节点
        raxNode **children = raxNodeFirstChildPtr(h);获取当前节点的第一个子节点
        if (h->iscompr) j = 0; /* Compressed node only child is at index 0. */
        memcpy(&h,children+j,sizeof(h));  将下一个要对比的节点赋值给变量h(因为我们使用的遍历h)
        parentlink = children+j; parentlink表示子节点在父节点中的指针位置
        j = 0; /* If the new node is compressed and we do not
                  iterate again (since i == l) set the split
                  position to 0 to signal this node represents
                  the searched key. */
    debugnode("Lookup stop node is",h);
    if (stopnode) *stopnode = h;  将值返回给调用者
    if (plink) *plink = parentlink;
    if (splitpos && h->iscompr) *splitpos = j;
    return i;  返回匹配的字符个数

/* Stack data structure used by raxLowWalk() in order to, optionally, return
 * a list of parent nodes to the caller. The nodes do not have a "parent"
 * field for space concerns, so we use the auxiliary stack when needed. */
#define RAX_STACK_STATIC_ITEMS 32   最大的数目
typedef struct raxStack {
    void **stack; /* Points to static_items or an heap allocated array. */  指向静态项或者堆上分配的数组
    size_t items, maxitems; /* Number of items contained and total space. */ 包含的数据项和总的空间大小
    /* Up to RAXSTACK_STACK_ITEMS items we avoid to allocate on the heap
     * and use this static array of pointers instead. */
    void *static_items[RAX_STACK_STATIC_ITEMS]; 
上限为RAXSTACK_STACK_ITEMS个数时候, 为了避免在堆上分配内存,
    int oom; /* True if pushing into this stack failed for OOM at some point. */
} raxStack;
/* Push an item into the stack, returns 1 on success, 0 on out of memory. */
static inline int raxStackPush(raxStack *ts, void *ptr) {
    if (ts->items == ts->maxitems) {  如果已经到达上限值
        if (ts->stack == ts->static_items) {  使用的是静态指针数组
            ts->stack = rax_malloc(sizeof(void*)*ts->maxitems*2); 重新独立在堆上分配内存
            if (ts->stack == NULL) {  分配内存失败
                ts->stack = ts->static_items;  将原来的指向的值赋回来
                ts->oom = 1;  写上内存分配失败标志
                errno = ENOMEM;  
                return 0; 返回失败
        } else { 已经使用了堆内存的分配,将原先分配的内存尝试扩大(在原来位置的后面增加长度)
            void **newalloc = rax_realloc(ts->stack,sizeof(void*)*ts->maxitems*2);
            if (newalloc == NULL) {  原来位置后面已经没有空间了,失败
                ts->oom = 1; 写上内存分配失败标志
                errno = ENOMEM;
                return 0; 返回失败
            ts->stack = newalloc; 成功就使用新的指针,这个时候不需要拷贝数据
        ts->maxitems *= 2; 无论哪种情况,分配的空间都是原来的2倍
    ts->stack[ts->items] = ptr;  将新的项添加进来
    ts->items++; 项数加1
    return 1; 返回成功
/* Return the pointer to the first child pointer. */
#define raxNodeFirstChildPtr(n) ((raxNode**) ( \
    (n)->data + \  这里是节点数组的位置
    (n)->size + \  这里加上数组的长度
    raxPadding((n)->size)))  和对齐的字节数,那么恰好指向第一个孩指针,如下所示
[header iscompr=0][abc]                           [a-ptr][b-ptr][c-ptr](value-ptr?)
[header iscompr=1][xyz]                           [z-ptr](value-ptr?)
/* Insert the element 's' of size 'len', setting as auxiliary data
 * the pointer 'data'. If the element is already present, the associated
 * data is updated (only if 'overwrite' is set to 1), and 0 is returned,
 * otherwise the element is inserted and 1 is returned. On out of memory the
 * function returns 0 as well but sets errno to ENOMEM, otherwise errno will
 * be set to 0.
int raxGenericInsert(rax *rax, unsigned char *s, size_t len, void *data, void **old, int overwrite) {
    size_t i;
    int j = 0; /* Split position. If raxLowWalk() stops in a compressed
                  node, the index 'j' represents the char we stopped within the
                  compressed node, that is, the position where to split the
                  node for insertion. */
    raxNode *h, **parentlink;

    debugf("### Insert %.*s with value %p\n", (int)len, s, data);
    i = raxLowWalk(rax,s,len,&h,&parentlink,&j,NULL);

    /* If i == len we walked following the whole string. If we are not
     * in the middle of a compressed node, the string is either already
     * inserted or this middle node is currently not a key, but can represent
     * our key. We have just to reallocate the node and make space for the
     * data pointer. */
    if (i == len && (!h->iscompr || j == 0 /* not in the middle if j is 0 */)) {
i==len表示我们遍历了整个待查找字符串, !h->iscompr 找到的节点为非压缩节点或者 不在压缩节点的中间
        debugf("### Insert: node representing key exists\n");
        /* Make space for the value pointer if needed. */
        if (!h->iskey || (h->isnull && overwrite)) {  如果不是元素节点 或者 节点为空并且允许覆盖
            h = raxReallocForData(h,data);  我们重新分配节点空间
            if (h) memcpy(parentlink,&h,sizeof(h));  将新创建的节点赋给父节点中的链接地址
        if (h == NULL) {   新节点没有创建成功,就返回错误
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;
        /* Update the existing key if there is already one. */
        if (h->iskey) {  如果是一个键
            if (old) *old = raxGetData(h); 获取旧的数据
            if (overwrite) raxSetData(h,data);  设置新的数据
            errno = 0;
            return 0; /* Element already exists. */  没有插入新键
        /* Otherwise set the node as a key. Note that raxSetData()
         * will set h->iskey. */
        rax->numele++;  键元素加1
        return 1; /* Element inserted. */
    /* If the node we stopped at is a compressed node, we need to
     * split it before to continue.
     * Splitting a compressed node have a few possible cases.
     * Imagine that the node 'h' we are currently at is a compressed
     * node contaning the string "ANNIBALE" (it means that it represents
     * nodes A -> N -> N -> I -> B -> A -> L -> E with the only child
     * pointer of this node pointing at the 'E' node, because remember that
     * we have characters at the edges of the graph, not inside the nodes
     * themselves.
包含字符串ANNIBALE(表示这个字符串代表了节点A -> N -> N -> I -> B -> A -> L -> E,
     * In order to show a real case imagine our node to also point to
     * another compressed node, that finally points at the node without
     * children, representing 'O':
     *     "ANNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * When inserting we may face the following cases. Note that all the cases
     * require the insertion of a non compressed node with exactly two
     * children, except for the last case which just requires splitting a
     * compressed node.
     * 1) Inserting "ANNIENTARE"  插入ANNIENTARE
     *               |B| -> "ALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNI" -> |-|
     *               |E| -> (... continue algo ...) "NTARE" -> []
     * 2) Inserting "ANNIBALI"
     *                  |E| -> "SCO" -> []
     *     "ANNIBAL" -> |-|
     *                  |I| -> (... continue algo ...) []
     * 3) Inserting "AGO" (Like case 1, but set iscompr = 0 into original node)
     *            |N| -> "NIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |A| -> |-|
     *            |G| -> (... continue algo ...) |O| -> []
     * 4) Inserting "CIAO"
     *     |A| -> "NNIBALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     *     |-|
     *     |C| -> (... continue algo ...) "IAO" -> []
     * 5) Inserting "ANNI"
     *     "ANNI" -> "BALE" -> "SCO" -> []
     * The final algorithm for insertion covering all the above cases is as
     * follows.
1是中间不同 2是最后一个不同 3是第二个不同  4 是第一个不同  5是全部找到
     * ============================= ALGO 1 =============================
     * For the above cases 1 to 4, that is, all cases where we stopped in
     * the middle of a compressed node for a character mismatch, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we found the mismatching
     * character. For example if the node contains "ANNIBALE" and we add
     * "ANNIENTARE" the $SPLITPOS is 4, that is, the index at which the
     * mismatching character is found.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create "split node" having as child the non common letter
     *    at the compressed node. The other non common letter (at the key)
     *    will be added later as we continue the normal insertion algorithm
     *    at step "6".
     * 3a. IF $SPLITPOS == 0:
     *     Replace the old node with the split node, by copying the auxiliary
     *     data if any. Fix parent's reference. Free old node eventually
     *     (we still need its data for the next steps of the algorithm).
     * 3b. IF $SPLITPOS != 0:
     *     Trim the compressed node (reallocating it as well) in order to
     *     contain $splitpos characters. Change chilid pointer in order to link
     *     to the split node. If new compressed node len is just 1, set
     *     iscompr to 0 (layout is the same). Fix parent's reference.
     * 4a. IF the postfix len (the length of the remaining string of the
     *     original compressed node after the split character) is non zero,
     *     create a "postfix node". If the postfix node has just one character
     *     set iscompr to 0, otherwise iscompr to 1. Set the postfix node
     *     child pointer to $NEXT.
     * 4b. IF the postfix len is zero, just use $NEXT as postfix pointer.
     * 5. Set child[0] of split node to postfix node.
     * 6. Set the split node as the current node, set current index at child[1]
     *    and continue insertion algorithm as usually.
     * ============================= ALGO 2 =============================
     * For case 5, that is, if we stopped in the middle of a compressed
     * node but no mismatch was found, do:
     * Let $SPLITPOS be the zero-based index at which, in the
     * compressed node array of characters, we stopped iterating because
     * there were no more keys character to match. So in the example of
     * the node "ANNIBALE", addig the string "ANNI", the $SPLITPOS is 4.
     * 1. Save the current compressed node $NEXT pointer (the pointer to the
     *    child element, that is always present in compressed nodes).
     * 2. Create a "postfix node" containing all the characters from $SPLITPOS
     *    to the end. Use $NEXT as the postfix node child pointer.
     *    If the postfix node length is 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Set the node as a key with the associated value of the new
     *    inserted key.
     * 3. Trim the current node to contain the first $SPLITPOS characters.
     *    As usually if the new node length is just 1, set iscompr to 0.
     *    Take the iskey / associated value as it was in the orignal node.
     *    Fix the parent's reference.
     * 4. Set the postfix node as the only child pointer of the trimmed
     *    node created at step 1.
    /* ------------------------- ALGORITHM 1 --------------------------- */
    if (h->iscompr && i != len) {
        debugf("ALGO 1: Stopped at compressed node %.*s (%p)\n",
            h->size, h->data, (void*)h);
        debugf("Still to insert: %.*s\n", (int)(len-i), s+i);
        debugf("Splitting at %d: '%c'\n", j, ((char*)h->data)[j]);
        debugf("Other (key) letter is '%c'\n", s[i]);

        /* 1: Save next pointer. */
        raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);  获取最后一个孩子节点的位置
        raxNode *next;
        memcpy(&next,childfield,sizeof(next));  将其中的内容拷贝到NEXT
        debugf("Next is %p\n", (void*)next);
        debugf("iskey %d\n", h->iskey);
        if (h->iskey) {
            debugf("key value is %p\n", raxGetData(h));

        /* Set the length of the additional nodes we will need. */
        size_t trimmedlen = j; 如果停在的位置是j
        0 1 2 3 4 5  共六个字符,假如j=3,那么 6-3-1 =2 ,剩余就是2个字符
        size_t postfixlen = h->size - j - 1; 那么j以后的字符长度就是这个值
        int split_node_is_key = !trimmedlen && h->iskey && !h->isnull; 
        size_t nodesize;

        /* 2: Create the split node. Also allocate the other nodes we'll need
         *    ASAP, so that it will be simpler to handle OOM. */
        raxNode *splitnode = raxNewNode(1, split_node_is_key);  创建带有一个孩子的新节点
        raxNode *trimmed = NULL;
        raxNode *postfix = NULL;

        if (trimmedlen) {  如果停留在中间
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+trimmedlen+raxPadding(trimmedlen)+
                       sizeof(raxNode*); 原来节点前面部分字符串转化成新节点的长度
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) nodesize += sizeof(void*); 如果有辅助数据
            trimmed = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        if (postfixlen) {
            nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+postfixlen+raxPadding(postfixlen)+
                       sizeof(raxNode*);  原来节点后面部分字符串转化成新节点的长度
            postfix = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        /* OOM? Abort now that the tree is untouched. */
        if (splitnode == NULL ||
            (trimmedlen && trimmed == NULL) ||
            (postfixlen && postfix == NULL))
        {  内存分配不足,全部释放
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;
        splitnode->data[0] = h->data[j]; 第j个字符(就是第一个不匹配的字符)赋给新建的节点的数据

        if (j == 0) {  如果不在压缩节点中,则直接用分裂节点替换原节点的指针位置
            /* 3a: Replace the old node with the split node. */
            if (h->iskey) {
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
        } else { 如果在压缩节点中,那么需要分裂压缩节点
            /* 3b: Trim the compressed node. */
            trimmed->size = j;
            memcpy(trimmed->data,h->data,j); 相同部分字符拷贝到新节点
            trimmed->iscompr = j > 1 ? 1 : 0;
            trimmed->iskey = h->iskey;  继承原先节点的键情况,如果原来前面部分是键,现在还是键
            trimmed->isnull = h->isnull;
            if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) {
                void *ndata = raxGetData(h);
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(trimmed);  获取新裁剪的节点最后一个子节点的指针
            memcpy(cp,&splitnode,sizeof(splitnode)); 将分裂节点的值赋给新裁剪的节点最后一个子节点的指针的内容
            parentlink = cp; /* Set parentlink to splitnode parent. */ 现在的父几点变成了新裁剪出来的节点
            rax->numnodes++;  节点数目多了1个

        /* 4: Create the postfix node: what remains of the original
         * compressed node after the split. */
        if (postfixlen) {  后缀的字符不为空
            /* 4a: create a postfix node. */
            postfix->iskey = 0;
            postfix->isnull = 0;
            postfix->size = postfixlen; 长度为len-j-1 
            postfix->iscompr = postfixlen > 1; 是否压缩,多余一个字符就压缩
            memcpy(postfix->data,h->data+j+1,postfixlen); 将字符拷贝到新键的后缀节点
            raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(postfix); 获取新建后缀节点的最后一个子节点的指针
        } else {
            /* 4b: just use next as postfix node. */ 后缀没有字符了,之间使用原来的后面节点即可
            postfix = next;

        /* 5: Set splitnode first child as the postfix node. */ 
        raxNode **splitchild = raxNodeLastChildPtr(splitnode);获取分裂节点的最后一个子节点的指针
        memcpy(splitchild,&postfix,sizeof(postfix)); 让分裂分裂节点的指针指向子节点,
        这样就完成了上面两步的链接,原先是splitnode->?  和 postfixnode-> 

        /* 6. Continue insertion: this will cause the splitnode to
         * get a new child (the non common character at the currently
         * inserted key). */
        rax_free(h);  这里可以释放h了
        h = splitnode; 将分裂节点赋给h
    } else if (h->iscompr && i == len) {  待查找节点的键在压缩节点中被匹配到
    /* ------------------------- ALGORITHM 2 --------------------------- */
        debugf("ALGO 2: Stopped at compressed node %.*s (%p) j = %d\n",
            h->size, h->data, (void*)h, j);

        /* Allocate postfix & trimmed nodes ASAP to fail for OOM gracefully. */
        size_t postfixlen = h->size - j; 后缀裁剪
        size_t nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+postfixlen+raxPadding(postfixlen)+
        if (data != NULL) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
        raxNode *postfix = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        nodesize = sizeof(raxNode)+j+raxPadding(j)+sizeof(raxNode*); 匹配部分进行裁剪
        if (h->iskey && !h->isnull) nodesize += sizeof(void*);
        raxNode *trimmed = rax_malloc(nodesize);

        if (postfix == NULL || trimmed == NULL) {
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return 0;

        /* 1: Save next pointer. */ 保存指向子节点的指针
        raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
        raxNode *next;

        /* 2: Create the postfix node. */ 创建后缀节点
        postfix->size = postfixlen;
        postfix->iscompr = postfixlen > 1;
        postfix->iskey = 1;
        postfix->isnull = 0;
        raxNode **cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(postfix);
        memcpy(cp,&next,sizeof(next)); 将子指针指向后面的节点
        rax->numnodes++; 新的节点加1

        /* 3: Trim the compressed node. */ 裁剪原来的压缩节点
        trimmed->size = j;
        trimmed->iscompr = j > 1;
        trimmed->iskey = 0;
        trimmed->isnull = 0;
        if (h->iskey) { 如果原来的节点是一个键,那么新裁剪的节点也是一个键
            void *aux = raxGetData(h);

        /* Fix the trimmed node child pointer to point to
         * the postfix node. */
        cp = raxNodeLastChildPtr(trimmed);

        /* Finish! We don't need to continue with the insertion
         * algorithm for ALGO 2. The key is already inserted. */
        rax->numele++; 元素加1
        rax_free(h); 释放原来的节点
        return 1; /* Key inserted. */

    /* We walked the radix tree as far as we could, but still there are left
     * chars in our string. We need to insert the missing nodes. */
    while(i < len) { 如果匹配之后还有部分字符剩余
        raxNode *child;
        /* If this node is going to have a single child, and there
         * are other characters, so that that would result in a chain
         * of single-childed nodes, turn it into a compressed node. */
        if (h->size == 0 && len-i > 1) { 超过一个字符,并且是个空节点,那么添加压缩节点
            debugf("Inserting compressed node\n");
            size_t comprsize = len-i;
            if (comprsize > RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE)
                comprsize = RAX_NODE_MAX_SIZE;
            raxNode *newh = raxCompressNode(h,s+i,comprsize,&child);  添加一个压缩节点
            if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
            h = newh;
            parentlink = raxNodeLastChildPtr(h);
            i += comprsize;
        } else {  只有一个字符的节点或者非空节点,添加子节点
            debugf("Inserting normal node\n");
            raxNode **new_parentlink;
            raxNode *newh = raxAddChild(h,s[i],&child,&new_parentlink); 
            if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
            h = newh;
            parentlink = new_parentlink;
        h = child;   这个步骤非常重要,用于拆分剩下的不匹配字符串的两部分
    raxNode *newh = raxReallocForData(h,data);  将新节点的数据保存起来
    if (newh == NULL) goto oom;
    h = newh;
    if (!h->iskey) rax->numele++;  如果新节点原先不是键,那么键的个数就加1
    raxSetData(h,data); 注意 这个函里面将节点设置为键
    memcpy(parentlink,&h,sizeof(h)); 让父节点指针指向新的这个子节点
    return 1; /* Element inserted. */

    /* This code path handles out of memory after part of the sub-tree was
     * already modified. Set the node as a key, and then remove it. However we
     * do that only if the node is a terminal node, otherwise if the OOM
     * happened reallocating a node in the middle, we don't need to free
     * anything. */
    if (h->size == 0) {
        h->isnull = 1;
        h->iskey = 1;
        rax->numele++; /* Compensate the next remove. */
        assert(raxRemove(rax,s,i,NULL) != 0);  这里的函数remove留到下次再分析
    errno = ENOMEM;
    return 0;
/* Return the pointer to the last child pointer in a node. For the compressed
 * nodes this is the only child pointer. */
#define raxNodeLastChildPtr(n) ((raxNode**) ( \
    ((char*)(n)) + \   初始地址,用字节指针来计算
    raxNodeCurrentLength(n) - \  加上所有字节数,就指向了结尾
    sizeof(raxNode*) - \      往前推一个节点指针的长度就刚好是最后一个子节点指针的开始位置
    (((n)->iskey && !(n)->isnull) ? sizeof(void*) : 0) \  如果是有数据节点,需要去掉数据节点的指针长度
/* Turn the node 'n', that must be a node without any children, into a
 * compressed node representing a set of nodes linked one after the other
 * and having exactly one child each. The node can be a key or not: this
 * property and the associated value if any will be preserved.
 * The function also returns a child node, since the last node of the
 * compressed chain cannot be part of the chain: it has zero children while
 * we can only compress inner nodes with exactly one child each. */
raxNode *raxCompressNode(raxNode *n, unsigned char *s, size_t len, raxNode **child) {
    assert(n->size == 0 && n->iscompr == 0);
    void *data = NULL; /* Initialized only to avoid warnings. */
    size_t newsize;

    debugf("Compress node: %.*s\n", (int)len,s);

    /* Allocate the child to link to this node. */
    *child = raxNewNode(0,0);  创建结尾空节点(无孩节点)
    if (*child == NULL) return NULL;

    /* Make space in the parent node. */ 创建新节点所需的空间
    newsize = sizeof(raxNode)+len+raxPadding(len)+sizeof(raxNode*);
    if (n->iskey) {
        data = raxGetData(n); /* To restore it later. */ 如果有数据,先保存
        if (!n->isnull) newsize += sizeof(void*); 非空,加上数据指针的大小
    raxNode *newn = rax_realloc(n,newsize);   这里真正分配内存
    if (newn == NULL) {  失败的情况下,就释放之前申请的内存
        return NULL;
    n = newn;  将新节点的地址赋给n

    n->iscompr = 1;
    n->size = len;  新的长度
    memcpy(n->data,s,len);   将新的字符串拷贝过来
    if (n->iskey) raxSetData(n,data);  如果原来有数据,就把原来的数据重新复制过来
    raxNode **childfield = raxNodeLastChildPtr(n);获取原来节点尾部的位置
    memcpy(childfield,child,sizeof(*child));  将新创建的空节点放在尾巴上
    return n;
/* realloc the node to make room for auxiliary data in order
 * to store an item in that node. On out of memory NULL is returned. */
raxNode *raxReallocForData(raxNode *n, void *data) {
    if (data == NULL) return n; /* No reallocation needed, setting isnull=1 */ 
    size_t curlen = raxNodeCurrentLength(n); 获取当前节点的现有长度
    return rax_realloc(n,curlen+sizeof(void*)); 加上存储指针所需的字节数,重新在原地扩展分配
/* Add a new child to the node 'n' representing the character 'c' and return
 * its new pointer, as well as the child pointer by reference. Additionally
 * '***parentlink' is populated with the raxNode pointer-to-pointer of where
 * the new child was stored, which is useful for the caller to replace the
 * child pointer if it gets reallocated.
 * On success the new parent node pointer is returned (it may change because
 * of the realloc, so the caller should discard 'n' and use the new value).
 * On out of memory NULL is returned, and the old node is still valid. */
raxNode *raxAddChild(raxNode *n, unsigned char c, raxNode **childptr, raxNode ***parentlink) {
    assert(n->iscompr == 0);  确认非压缩节点

    size_t curlen = raxNodeCurrentLength(n);  获取当前节点的字节长度
    n->size++; 如果当前节点新增一个字符
    size_t newlen = raxNodeCurrentLength(n);  计算新增一个字符之后所需的长度,因为有填充,所以长度会变动
    n->size--; /* For now restore the orignal size. We'll update it only on success at the end. */

    /* Alloc the new child we will link to 'n'. */
    raxNode *child = raxNewNode(0,0);  新增一个空节点用于收尾
    if (child == NULL) return NULL;

    /* Make space in the original node. */
    raxNode *newn = rax_realloc(n,newlen);
    if (newn == NULL) {  对原来节点原地扩展失败
        rax_free(child);  需要释放已经申请的内存,否则就会有内存泄漏
        return NULL;
    n = newn;   指向新申请的地址

    /* After the reallocation, we have up to 8/16 (depending on the system
     * pointer size, and the required node padding) bytes at the end, that is,
     * the additional char in the 'data' section, plus one pointer to the new
     * child, plus the padding needed in order to store addresses into aligned
     * locations.
     * So if we start with the following node, having "abde" edges.
     * Note:
     * - We assume 4 bytes pointer for simplicity.
     * - Each space below corresponds to one byte
     * [HDR*][abde][Aptr][Bptr][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
     * After the reallocation we need: 1 byte for the new edge character
     * plus 4 bytes for a new child pointer (assuming 32 bit machine).
     * However after adding 1 byte to the edge char, the header + the edge
     * characters are no longer aligned, so we also need 3 bytes of padding.
     * In total the reallocation will add 1+4+3 bytes = 8 bytes:
在重分配后我需要: 1个字节的新边字符加上一个4字节的子指针(假设是32位机器).
     * (Blank bytes are represented by ".")
     * [HDR*][abde][Aptr][Bptr][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|[....][....]
     * Let's find where to insert the new child in order to make sure
     * it is inserted in-place lexicographically. Assuming we are adding
     * a child "c" in our case pos will be = 2 after the end of the following
     * loop. */
    int pos;
    for (pos = 0; pos < n->size; pos++) {
        if (n->data[pos] > c) break;
    /* Now, if present, move auxiliary data pointer at the end
     * so that we can mess with the other data without overwriting it.
     * We will obtain something like that:
     * [HDR*][abde][Aptr][Bptr][Dptr][Eptr][....][....]|AUXP|
    unsigned char *src, *dst;
    if (n->iskey && !n->isnull) {
        src = ((unsigned char*)n+curlen-sizeof(void*));  原数据的指针地址,即末尾
        dst = ((unsigned char*)n+newlen-sizeof(void*));  新数据的指针地址,即末尾
    /* Compute the "shift", that is, how many bytes we need to move the
     * pointers section forward because of the addition of the new child
     * byte in the string section. Note that if we had no padding, that
     * would be always "1", since we are adding a single byte in the string
     * section of the node (where now there is "abde" basically).
     * However we have padding, so it could be zero, or up to 8.
     * Another way to think at the shift is, how many bytes we need to
     * move child pointers forward *other than* the obvious sizeof(void*)
     * needed for the additional pointer itself. */
    size_t shift = newlen - curlen - sizeof(void*);
    /* We said we are adding a node with edge 'c'. The insertion
     * point is between 'b' and 'd', so the 'pos' variable value is
     * the index of the first child pointer that we need to move forward
     * to make space for our new pointer.
     * To start, move all the child pointers after the insertion point
     * of shift+sizeof(pointer) bytes on the right, to obtain:
     * [HDR*][abde][Aptr][Bptr][....][....][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
    src = n->data+n->size+  初始位置 + 字符串长度
          raxPadding(n->size)+  填充字符长度
          sizeof(raxNode*)*pos; 到当前位置的子节点指针长度
    /* Move the pointers to the left of the insertion position as well. Often
     * we don't need to do anything if there was already some padding to use. In
     * that case the final destination of the pointers will be the same, however
     * in our example there was no pre-existing padding, so we added one byte
     * plus thre bytes of padding. After the next memmove() things will look
     * like thata:
     * [HDR*][abde][....][Aptr][Bptr][....][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
    if (shift) { 偏移量大于0,说明头部长度有变动,那么需要移动前面的插入位置前面的数据
        src = (unsigned char*) raxNodeFirstChildPtr(n); 找出第一个子节点的指针位置

    /* Now make the space for the additional char in the data section,
     * but also move the pointers before the insertion point to the right
     * by shift bytes, in order to obtain the following:
     * [HDR*][ab.d][e...][Aptr][Bptr][....][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
    src = n->data+pos; 字符串中插入位置后面的字符
    memmove(src+1,src,n->size-pos); 将插入位置后面的字符往后挪一位(给新字符腾出一个字符的空间)

    /* We can now set the character and its child node pointer to get:
     * [HDR*][abcd][e...][Aptr][Bptr][....][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
     * [HDR*][abcd][e...][Aptr][Bptr][Cptr][Dptr][Eptr]|AUXP|
    n->data[pos] = c;  将新字符放入上面腾出的位置
    n->size++;  这里才真是的将字符串中的个数增加1
    src = (unsigned char*) raxNodeFirstChildPtr(n); 获取第一个子节点的指针位置
    raxNode **childfield = (raxNode**)(src+sizeof(raxNode*)*pos); 找到新增子节点指针的位置
    memcpy(childfield,&child,sizeof(child));  将新创建的空节点拷贝到新增子节点
    *childptr = child;  将子节点返回给引用参数childptr
    *parentlink = childfield;  将指向子节点的指针返回给引用参数parentlink
    return n; 返回这个新增过字符的新节点
/* Set the node auxiliary data to the specified pointer. */
void raxSetData(raxNode *n, void *data) {
    n->iskey = 1;  将这个节点设置为关键字
    if (data != NULL) {  数据不为空
        n->isnull = 0;   设置非空
        void **ndata = (void**)
        memcpy(ndata,&data,sizeof(data)); 拷贝设置数据到ndata
    } else {
        n->isnull = 1;  没有数据设置数据为空
/* Get the node auxiliary data. */
void *raxGetData(raxNode *n) {
    if (n->isnull) return NULL;  如果没有数据,返回NULL
    void **ndata =(void**)((char*)n+raxNodeCurrentLength(n)-sizeof(void*));
    void *data;
    memcpy(&data,ndata,sizeof(data)); 拷贝数据
    return data; 


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