view命令主要用于显示program information, path information, LU information, HBA port information, CHA port information, and corresponding information about an HDLM device, sd or ssd device, and LDEV. 1. 显示... 阅读全文
1、help操作 主要显示命令的帮助信息。 显示所有操作的帮助信息 -bash-3.2# dlnkmgr helpdlnkmgr: Format dlnkmgr { clear | help | offline | online | set | view | monitor } KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally.... 阅读全文
dlnkmgr命令格式 dlnkmgr operation [parameter [parameter-value]]dlnkmgr - The command name.operation - The type of operation entered after dlnkmgr.parameter - A value required for an operation.paramete... 阅读全文