

1. 关闭默认的cde服务,配置并启用gdm


      1. 关闭默认的cde服务
          svcadm disable cde-login
          用ps-ef|grep dtlogin 应该看不到dtlogin进程了
      2. 进入/etc/X11/gdm
          编辑gdm.conf文件 编辑如下2个地方
       3. ps -ef|grep gdm 确认目前没有gdm进程.如有杀之
       4. 启动gdm服务
       # svcs -a|grep gdm
maintenance    11:59:23 svc:/application/gdm2-login:default
      # svcadm enable svc:/application/gdm2-login:default

2. 修改cde(dtlogin)


Sometimes I got an error after finishing on  Solaris 10 box installation. After make some configuration then suddenly I can’t access my Solaris XDMCP remote session on my laptop.. Usually, I use XManager Enterprise to get Solaris GUI remote session XDMCP. here the step-by-step to troubleshoot if you got the same problem:

{Make sure that svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login is enabled and online.

root@solaris10 # svcs cde-login
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         Mar_02   svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login:default

root@solaris10 #netservices limited

restarting syslogd
restarting sendmail
dtlogin needs to be restarted. Restart now? [Y] y
restarting dtlogin
{Check dtlogin process:

root@solaris10 # ps -ef | grep dtlogin

root 29384     1   0   Mar 02 ?           0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon -udpPort 0   [should be TCP, not UDP]

{Modify the x11-server service:

—–>Show properties:
#svcprop svc:/application/x11/x11-server

——>Turn on tcp listen:
#svccfg -s svc:/application/x11/x11-server setprop options/tcp_listen=true

{Modify the dtlogin service:

—–>Show properties:
#svcprop svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login:default
#svccfg -s svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login setprop dtlogin/args=\”\"

—–>Then restart the X server:
#svcadm refresh svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login:default;
#svcprop -p dtlogin svc:/application/graphical-login/cde-login:default

root@solaris10 #netservices open

restarting syslogd
restarting sendmail

root@solaris10# svcadm restart cde-login
root@solaris10# ps -ef |grep dtlogin
root 27722     1   0 15:08:37 ?           0:00 /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon
root 27724 26297   0 15:08:43 pts/3       0:00 grep dtlogin

posted @ 2012-03-05 17:23  生命的力量在于不顺从  阅读(2247)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报