Solaris SVM的majority consensus算法

SVM的state database中包含了卷的配置和状态等重要信息,一旦state database全部损坏,理论上将丢失卷上的所有数据。为了保证state database的安全,SVM使用了冗余机制。即维护多个state database replica.

在有多个state database replica的情况下,如果部分replica损坏,SVM难以判断究竟哪些是好的,哪些是坏的。为了解决这个问题,SVM采用了majority consensus算法。即:当多于半数的replica可用且一致,则认为这些replica是有效的。

The majority consensus algorithm provides the following:

  • The system continues to run if at least half of the state database replicas are available.
  • The system panics if fewer than half of the state database replicas are available.
  • The system cannot reboot into multiuser mode unless a majority (half + 1) of the total number of state database replicas is available. If insufficient state database replicas are available, you must boot into single-user mode and delete enough of the corrupted or missing replicas to achieve a quorum.


另一种解决方法是事先在/etc/system中设置set md:mirrored_root_flag = 1,此参数将让SVM在启动时忽略Quorum规则。但文档明确说明,Solaris不建议修改此参数,因为忽略Quorum规则的话,无法保证replica是有效的,因而无法确保卷的配置信息和状态信息准确,这意味着卷中的数据有损坏或丢失的风险。

posted @ 2011-11-23 11:08  生命的力量在于不顺从  阅读(383)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报