重庆熊猫 Loading

C#教程 - 标准XML标签(Standard XML Documentation Tags)

2022年9月22日 发布。
2022年9月10日 从笔记迁移到博客。

标准XML标签(Standard XML Documentation Tags)

<summary>    //简要说明
<param>     //参数说明
<returns>    //返回值说明
<example>    //实例说明
<code>          //代码说明
<seealso>    //see also 选项说明
<value>     //描述属性



Indicates the tool tip that IntelliSense should display for the type or member.
Typically, a single phrase or sentence.


Additional text that describes the type or member.
Documentation generators pick this up and merge it into the bulk of a type or member’s description.

<param name="name">...</param>

Explains a parameter on a method.


Explains the return value for a method.

<exception [cref="type"]>...</exception>

Lists an exception that a method might throw (cref refers to the exception type).

<permission [cref="type"]>...</permission>

Indicates an IPermission type required by the documented type or member.


Denotes an example (used by documentation generators).
This usually contains both description text and source code
(source code is typically within a or tag).


Indicates an inline code snippet. This tag is usually used within an block.


Indicates a multiline code sample. This tag is usually used within an block.

<see cref="member">...</see>

Inserts an inline cross-reference to another type or member.
HTML documentation generators typically convert this to a hyperlink.
The compiler emits a warning if the type or member name is invalid.

<seealso cref="member">...</seealso>

Cross-references another type or member.
Documentation generators typically write this
into a separate “See Also” section at the bottom of the page.

<paramref name="name"/>

References a parameter from within a

or tag.

<list type=[ bullet | number | table ]>

Instructs documentation generators to emit a bulleted, numbered, or table-style list.


Instructs documentation generators to format the contents into a separate paragraph.

<include file='filename' path='tagpath[@name="id"]'>

Merges an external XML file that contains documentation. The path attribute denotes an XPath query to a specific element in that file.


/// <summary>
/// DataStorage is used to persist and retrieve
/// employee data from the files
/// </summary>
class DataStorage
    /// <summary>
    /// Save an employee object to a file
    /// named with the employee name
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method uses
    /// <seealso cref="System.IO.FileStream"/>
    /// in addition to
    /// <seealso cref="System.IO.StreamWriter"/>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="employee">
    /// The employee to persist to a file</param>
    /// <data>January 1, 2000</date>
    public static void Store(Employee employee)
        // ...
    /** <summary>
    * Loads up an employee object
    * </summary>
    * <remarks>
    * This method uses
    * <seealso cref="System.IO.FileStream"/>
    * in addition to
    * <seealso cref="System.IO.StreamReader"/>
    * </remarks>
    * <param name="firstName">
    * The first name of the employeee</param>
    * <param name="lastName">
    * The last name of the employee</param>
    * <returns>
    * The employee object corresponding to the names
    * </returns>
    * <date>January 1, 2000</date>**/
    public static Employee Load(string firstName, string lastName)
        // ...


在.csproj 项目配置文件中,添加以下代码


智能提示(IntelliSense),比如Visual Studio中


NDoc http://ndoc.sourceforge.net/
Sandcastle https://github.com/EWSoftware/SHFB
XmlCommentMarkDownGenerator https://github.com/Pxtl/XmlCommentMarkDownGenerator
GhostDoc http://submain.com/

posted @ 2022-09-22 08:58  重庆熊猫  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报