
1、c++中system(_color )怎样用?-CSDN论坛.html(https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/390758320



颜色属性由两个十六进制数字指定 -- 第一个为背景,第二个则为前景。每个数字可以为以下任何值之一:

    0 = 黑色       8 = 灰色
    1 = 蓝色       9 = 淡蓝色
    2 = 绿色       A = 淡绿色
    3 = 湖蓝色     B = 淡浅绿色
    4 = 红色       C = 淡红色
    5 = 紫色       D = 淡紫色
    6 = 黄色       E = 淡黄色
    7 = 白色       F = 亮白色
system("color 02");比如这个就是黑底绿字


#include <windows.h>
BOOL SetConsoleColor(WORD color)
    HANDLE handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    return SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, color); // BACKGROUND_BLUE



 2.3、(赵4老师 的回复)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void ConPrint(char *CharBuffer, int len);
void ConPrintAt(int x, int y, char *CharBuffer, int len);
void gotoXY(int x, int y);
void ClearConsole(void);
void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC);
void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC);
void SetColor(int ForgC);
void HideTheCursor(void);
void ShowTheCursor(void);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   ClearConsoleToColors(15, 1);
   gotoXY(1, 1);
   printf("This is a test...\n");
   SetColorAndBackground(15, 12);
   ConPrint("This is also a test...\n", 23);
   SetColorAndBackground(1, 7);
   ConPrintAt(22, 15, "This is also a test...\n", 23);
   gotoXY(0, 24);
   SetColorAndBackground(7, 1);
   return 0;

//This will clear the console while setting the forground and
//background colors.
void ClearConsoleToColors(int ForgC, int BackC)
   WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
   //Get the handle to the current output buffer...
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
   //This is used to reset the carat/cursor to the top left.
   COORD coord = {0, 0};
   //A return value... indicating how many chars were written
   //not used but we need to capture this since it will be
   //written anyway (passing NULL causes an access violation).
   DWORD count;

   //This is a structure containing all of the console info
   // it is used here to find the size of the console.
   //Here we will set the current color
   SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);
   if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
      //This fills the buffer with a given character (in this case 32=space).
      FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR) 32, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);

      FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);
      //This will set our cursor position for the next print statement.
      SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);

//This will clear the console.
void ClearConsole()
   //Get the handle to the current output buffer...
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
   //This is used to reset the carat/cursor to the top left.
   COORD coord = {0, 0};
   //A return value... indicating how many chars were written
   //   not used but we need to capture this since it will be
   //   written anyway (passing NULL causes an access violation).
   DWORD count;
   //This is a structure containing all of the console info
   // it is used here to find the size of the console.
   //Here we will set the current color
   if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
      //This fills the buffer with a given character (in this case 32=space).
      FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, (TCHAR) 32, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);
      FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hStdOut, csbi.wAttributes, csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord, &count);
      //This will set our cursor position for the next print statement.
      SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);

//This will set the position of the cursor
void gotoXY(int x, int y)
   //Initialize the coordinates
   COORD coord = {x, y};
   //Set the position
   SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);

//This will set the forground color for printing in a console window.
void SetColor(int ForgC)
   WORD wColor;
   //We will need this handle to get the current background attribute
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

   //We use csbi for the wAttributes word.
   if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi))
      //Mask out all but the background attribute, and add in the forgournd color
      wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
      SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);

//This will set the forground and background color for printing in a console window.
void SetColorAndBackground(int ForgC, int BackC)
   WORD wColor = ((BackC & 0x0F) << 4) + (ForgC & 0x0F);;
   SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), wColor);

//Direct console output
void ConPrint(char *CharBuffer, int len)
   DWORD count;
   WriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), CharBuffer, len, &count, NULL);

//Direct Console output at a particular coordinate.
void ConPrintAt(int x, int y, char *CharBuffer, int len)
   DWORD count;
   COORD coord = {x, y};
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
   SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);
   WriteConsole(hStdOut, CharBuffer, len, &count, NULL);

//Hides the console cursor
void HideTheCursor()
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

   if(GetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cciCursor))
      cciCursor.bVisible = FALSE;
      SetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cciCursor);

//Shows the console cursor
void ShowTheCursor()
   HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

   if(GetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cciCursor))
      cciCursor.bVisible = TRUE;
      SetConsoleCursorInfo(hStdOut, &cciCursor);








posted @ 2019-06-18 10:37  CppSkill  阅读(2896)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报