!look and feel xterm.termName: xterm-256color xterm.geometry: 80x36 xterm*scrollBar: false xterm*rightScrollBar: true xterm*loginshell: true xterm*cursorBlink: true xterm*background: black xterm*foreground: gray xterm.borderLess: true xterm.cursorBlink: true xterm*colorUL: yellow xterm*colorBD: white !fix alt key input xterm*eightBitInput: false xterm*altSendsEscape: true !print color and bold/underline attributes xterm*printAttributes: 2 xterm*printerCommand: cat > ~/xtermdump !mouse selecting to copy, ctrl-v to paste !Ctrl p to print screen content to file XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \ Ctrl <KeyPress> V: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0) \n\ <BtnUp>: select-end(CLIPBOARD,PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0) \n\ Ctrl <KeyPress> P: print() \n !font and locale xterm*locale: true xterm.utf8: true xterm*utf8Title: true xterm*fontMenu*fontdefault*Label: Default xterm*faceName: Monaco:antialias=True:pixelsize=15 !xterm*faceName: monofur:antialias=True:pixelsize=20 !xter*boldFont: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold:pixelsize=15 xterm*faceNameDoublesize: wenquanyi bitmap song:pixelsize=16:antialias=True xterm*xftAntialias: true xterm*cjkWidth:false !-- Tango color scheme *xterm*color0: #2e3436 *xterm*color1: #cc0000 *xterm*color2: #4e9a06 *xterm*color3: #c4a000 *xterm*color4: #3465a4 *xterm*color5: #75507b *xterm*color6: #0b939b *xterm*color7: #d3d7cf *xterm*color8: #555753 *xterm*color9: #ef2929 *xterm*color10: #8ae234 *xterm*color11: #fce94f *xterm*color12: #729fcf *xterm*color13: #ad7fa8 *xterm*color14: #00f5e9 *xterm*color15: #eeeeec
如何每次打开终端都运用配置,我的做法是在bash的配置文件 .bashrc 中加入一句
xrdb -merge /path/to/config
配置文件来源地址: 重新认识xterm及我的配置详解
xterm项目地址: xterm project
xterm的配置选项介绍: xterm man
如何运用X Resources: How do I use X Resources?
Wiki上介绍xterm的资料: xterm
posted on 2015-10-20 20:46 C Pointer 阅读(2055) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报