


#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <stdarg.h>
#include    "loc_incl.h"

int scanf(const char *format, ...)
    va_list ap;
    int retval;

    va_start(ap, format);

    retval = _doscan(stdin, format, ap);


    return retval;



int _doscan(FILE * stream, const char *format, va_list ap);


  1 int
  2 _doscan(register FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap)
  3 {
  4     int        done = 0;    /* number of items done */
  5     int        nrchars = 0;    /* number of characters read */
  6     int        conv = 0;    /* # of conversions */
  7     int        base;        /* conversion base */
  8     unsigned long    val;        /* an integer value */
  9     register char    *str;        /* temporary pointer */
 10     char        *tmp_string;    /* ditto */
 11     unsigned    width = 0;    /* width of field */
 12     int        flags;        /* some flags */
 13     int        reverse;    /* reverse the checking in [...] */
 14     int        kind;
 15     register int    ic = EOF;    /* the input character */
 16 #ifndef    NOFLOAT
 17     long double    ld_val;
 18 #endif
 20     if (!*format) return 0;
 22     while (1) {
 23         if (isspace(*format)) {
 24             while (isspace(*format))
 25                 format++;    /* skip whitespace */
 26             ic = getc(stream);
 27             nrchars++;
 28             while (isspace (ic)) {
 29                 ic = getc(stream);
 30                 nrchars++;
 31             }
 32             if (ic != EOF) ungetc(ic,stream);
 33             nrchars--;
 34         }
 35         if (!*format) break;    /* end of format */
 37         if (*format != '%') {
 38             ic = getc(stream);
 39             nrchars++;
 40             if (ic != *format++) break;    /* error */
 41             continue;
 42         }
 43         format++;
 44         if (*format == '%') {
 45             ic = getc(stream);
 46             nrchars++;
 47             if (ic == '%') {
 48                 format++;
 49                 continue;
 50             }
 51             else break;
 52         }
 53         flags = 0;
 54         if (*format == '*') {
 55             format++;
 56             flags |= FL_NOASSIGN;
 57         }
 58         if (isdigit (*format)) {
 59             flags |= FL_WIDTHSPEC;
 60             for (width = 0; isdigit (*format);)
 61                 width = width * 10 + *format++ - '0';
 62         }
 64         switch (*format) {
 65         case 'h': flags |= FL_SHORT; format++; break;
 66         case 'l': flags |= FL_LONG; format++; break;
 67         case 'L': flags |= FL_LONGDOUBLE; format++; break;
 68         }
 69         kind = *format;
 70         if ((kind != 'c') && (kind != '[') && (kind != 'n')) {
 71             do {
 72                 ic = getc(stream);
 73                 nrchars++;
 74             } while (isspace(ic));
 75             if (ic == EOF) break;        /* outer while */
 76         } else if (kind != 'n') {        /* %c or %[ */
 77             ic = getc(stream);
 78             if (ic == EOF) break;        /* outer while */
 79             nrchars++;
 80         }
 81         switch (kind) {
 82         default:
 83             /* not recognized, like %q */
 84             return conv || (ic != EOF) ? done : EOF;
 85             break;
 86         case 'n':
 87             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN)) {    /* silly, though */
 88                 if (flags & FL_SHORT)
 89                     *va_arg(ap, short *) = (short) nrchars;
 90                 else if (flags & FL_LONG)
 91                     *va_arg(ap, long *) = (long) nrchars;
 92                 else
 93                     *va_arg(ap, int *) = (int) nrchars;
 94             }
 95             break;
 96         case 'p':        /* pointer */
 97             set_pointer(flags);
 98             /* fallthrough */
 99         case 'b':        /* binary */
100         case 'd':        /* decimal */
101         case 'i':        /* general integer */
102         case 'o':        /* octal */
103         case 'u':        /* unsigned */
104         case 'x':        /* hexadecimal */
105         case 'X':        /* ditto */
106             if (!(flags & FL_WIDTHSPEC) || width > NUMLEN)
107                 width = NUMLEN;
108             if (!width) return done;
110             str = o_collect(ic, stream, kind, width, &base);
111             if (str < inp_buf
112                 || (str == inp_buf
113                     && (*str == '-'
114                     || *str == '+'))) return done;
116             /*
117              * Although the length of the number is str-inp_buf+1
118              * we don't add the 1 since we counted it already
119              */
120             nrchars += str - inp_buf;
122             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN)) {
123                 if (kind == 'd' || kind == 'i')
124                     val = strtol(inp_buf, &tmp_string, base);
125                 else
126                     val = strtoul(inp_buf, &tmp_string, base);
127                 if (flags & FL_LONG)
128                     *va_arg(ap, unsigned long *) = (unsigned long) val;
129                 else if (flags & FL_SHORT)
130                     *va_arg(ap, unsigned short *) = (unsigned short) val;
131                 else
132                     *va_arg(ap, unsigned *) = (unsigned) val;
133             }
134             break;
135         case 'c':
136             if (!(flags & FL_WIDTHSPEC))
137                 width = 1;
138             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
139                 str = va_arg(ap, char *);
140             if (!width) return done;
142             while (width && ic != EOF) {
143                 if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
144                     *str++ = (char) ic;
145                 if (--width) {
146                     ic = getc(stream);
147                     nrchars++;
148                 }
149             }
151             if (width) {
152                 if (ic != EOF) ungetc(ic,stream);
153                 nrchars--;
154             }
155             break;
156         case 's':
157             if (!(flags & FL_WIDTHSPEC))
158                 width = 0xffff;
159             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
160                 str = va_arg(ap, char *);
161             if (!width) return done;
163             while (width && ic != EOF && !isspace(ic)) {
164                 if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
165                     *str++ = (char) ic;
166                 if (--width) {
167                     ic = getc(stream);
168                     nrchars++;
169                 }
170             }
171             /* terminate the string */
172             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
173                 *str = '\0';    
174             if (width) {
175                 if (ic != EOF) ungetc(ic,stream);
176                 nrchars--;
177             }
178             break;
179         case '[':
180             if (!(flags & FL_WIDTHSPEC))
181                 width = 0xffff;
182             if (!width) return done;
184             if ( *++format == '^' ) {
185                 reverse = 1;
186                 format++;
187             } else
188                 reverse = 0;
190             for (str = Xtable; str < &Xtable[NR_CHARS]
191                             ; str++)
192                 *str = 0;
194             if (*format == ']') Xtable[*format++] = 1;
196             while (*format && *format != ']') {
197                 Xtable[*format++] = 1;
198                 if (*format == '-') {
199                     format++;
200                     if (*format
201                         && *format != ']'
202                         && *(format) >= *(format -2)) {
203                         int c;
205                         for( c = *(format -2) + 1
206                             ; c <= *format ; c++)
207                             Xtable[c] = 1;
208                         format++;
209                     }
210                     else Xtable['-'] = 1;
211                 }
212             }
213             if (!*format) return done;
215             if (!(Xtable[ic] ^ reverse)) {
216             /* MAT 8/9/96 no match must return character */
217                 ungetc(ic, stream);
218                 return done;
219             }
221             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
222                 str = va_arg(ap, char *);
224             do {
225                 if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN))
226                     *str++ = (char) ic;
227                 if (--width) {
228                     ic = getc(stream);
229                     nrchars++;
230                 }
231             } while (width && ic != EOF && (Xtable[ic] ^ reverse));
233             if (width) {
234                 if (ic != EOF) ungetc(ic, stream);
235                 nrchars--;
236             }
237             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN)) {    /* terminate string */
238                 *str = '\0';    
239             }
240             break;
241 #ifndef    NOFLOAT
242         case 'e':
243         case 'E':
244         case 'f':
245         case 'g':
246         case 'G':
247             if (!(flags & FL_WIDTHSPEC) || width > NUMLEN)
248                 width = NUMLEN;
250             if (!width) return done;
251             str = f_collect(ic, stream, width);
253             if (str < inp_buf
254                 || (str == inp_buf
255                 && (*str == '-'
256                     || *str == '+'))) return done;
258             /*
259              * Although the length of the number is str-inp_buf+1
260              * we don't add the 1 since we counted it already
261              */
262             nrchars += str - inp_buf;
264             if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN)) {
265                 ld_val = strtod(inp_buf, &tmp_string);
266                 if (flags & FL_LONGDOUBLE)
267                     *va_arg(ap, long double *) = (long double) ld_val;
268                 else
269                     if (flags & FL_LONG)
270                     *va_arg(ap, double *) = (double) ld_val;
271                 else
272                     *va_arg(ap, float *) = (float) ld_val;
273             }
274             break;
275 #endif
276         }        /* end switch */
277         conv++;
278         if (!(flags & FL_NOASSIGN) && kind != 'n') done++;
279         format++;
280     }
281     return conv || (ic != EOF) ? done : EOF;
282 }


#define    getc(p)        (--(p)->_count >= 0 ? (int) (*(p)->_ptr++) : \

getc的调用形式:ch=getc(fp); 功能是从文件指针指向的文件读入一个字符,并把它作为函数值返回给int型变量ch。






第58行~62行,指定说明最大域宽。 在百分号(%)与格式码之间的整数用于限制从对应域读入的最大字符数于宽度

第64行~282行,switch语句,用于格式修饰符,这些修饰符包括: h、l、L、c、p、b、d、i、o、u……,还有基于扫描集的'['修饰符


posted @ 2013-10-19 01:10  cpoint  阅读(13816)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
浏览次数:travelocity promotion codes