builder pattern--建造者模式
buildre pattern称建造者模式
Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations. - GoF
具体建造者(Concrete Builder):
- 实现Builder角色提供的接口,一步一步完成创建产品实例的过程。
- 在建造过程完成后,提供产品的实例。
1 //------------------------三个组成该汽车的基类----------------------------- 2 //abstract part 3 //其实属性可以有很多,这里就不一一列出来。 4 class wheel 5 { 6 public: 7 wheel(std::string n,int l) 8 :name(n),loadCapacity(l) 9 {} 10 virtual std::string getName( )=0; 11 virtual int getLG( )=0; 12 ... 13 protected: 14 std::string name; 15 int loadCapacity; //负载能力 16 ... 17 }; 18 19 class engine 20 { 21 public: 22 engine(std::string n,int s) 23 :name(n),speed(s) 24 {} 25 virtual std::string getName( )=0; 26 virtual int getSpeed( )=0; 27 ... 28 protected: 29 std::string name; 30 int speed ; //转速 31 ... 32 }; 33 34 class shell 35 { 36 public: 37 shell(std::string n,std::string c) 38 :name(n),color(c) 39 {} 40 virtual std::string getName( )=0; 41 virtual std::string getColor( )=0; 42 ... 43 protected: 44 std::string name; 45 std::string color //颜色 46 ... 47 }; 48 49 //------------------------继承上面基类wheel 的轮胎类----------------------------- 50 //concerte part 51 //米其林轮胎 52 class wheelMichelin:public wheel 53 { 54 public: 55 wheelMichelin(std::string n,int l) 56 :wheel(n,l) 57 {} 58 std::string getName( ); 59 int getLG( ); 60 }; 61 std::string wheelMichelin::getName( ) 62 { 63 return name; 64 } 65 int wheelMichelin::getLG( ) 66 { 67 return loadCapacity; 68 } 69 70 //普利司通轮胎 71 class wheelBridgestone:public wheel 72 { 73 public: 74 wheelBridgestone(std::string n,int l) 75 :wheel(n,l) 76 {} 77 std::string getName( ); 78 int getLG( ); 79 }; 80 std::string wheelBridgestone::getName( ) 81 { 82 return name; 83 } 84 int wheelBridgestone::getLG( ) 85 { 86 return loadCapacity; 87 } 88 //--------------------------继承上面基类engine的引擎类----------------------------------------- 89 //中国制造 90 class engineChina:public engine 91 { 92 public: 93 engineChina(std::string n,int s) 94 :engine(n,s) 95 {} 96 std::string getName( ); 97 int getSpeed( ); 98 }; 99 std::string engineChina::getName( ) 100 { 101 return name; 102 } 103 int engineChina::getSpeed( ) 104 { 105 return speed; 106 } 107 108 //美国制造 109 class engineAmerica:public engine 110 { 111 public: 112 engineAmerica(std::string n,int s) 113 :engine(n,s) 114 {} 115 std::string getName( ); 116 int getSpeed( ); 117 }; 118 std::string engineAmerica::getName( ) 119 { 120 return name; 121 } 122 int engineAmerica::getSpeed( ) 123 { 124 return speed; 125 } 126 //----------------------------继承基类shell的外壳类-------------------------------------- 127 //普通 128 class shellNormal:public shell 129 { 130 public: 131 shellNormal(std::string n,std::string c) 132 :shell(n,c) 133 {} 134 std::string getName( ); 135 int getColor( ); 136 }; 137 std::string shellNormal::getName( ) 138 { 139 return name; 140 } 141 std::string shellNormal::getColor( ) 142 { 143 return color; 144 } 145 146 class shellSpecial:public shell 147 { 148 public: 149 shellSpecial(std::string n,std::string c) 150 :name(n),color(c):shell(n,c) 151 {} 152 std::string getName( ); 153 int getColor( ); 154 }; 155 std::string shellSpecial::getName( ) 156 { 157 return name; 158 } 159 std::string shellSpecial::getColor( ) 160 { 161 return color; 162 } 163 //---------------------------产品的基类即车------------------------------- 164 //abstract product 165 //车由wheel,engine,shell组成 166 class car 167 { 168 public: 169 virtual void setwh(std::auto_ptr<wheel> w)=0; 170 virtual void seten(std::auto_ptr<engine> e)=0; 171 virutal void setsh(std::auto_ptr<shell> s)=0; 172 virtual std::auto_ptr<wheel> getwh( )=0; 173 virtual std::auto_ptr<engine> geten( )=0; 174 virtual std::auto_ptr<shell> getsh( )=0; 175 protected: 176 std::auto_ptr<wheel> pw; //轮子 177 std::auto_ptr<engine> pe; //发动机 178 std::auto_ptr<shell> ps; //外壳 179 }; 180 //------------------------------继承上面基类的车类--------------------------- 181 //concerte product 182 class AudiCar:public car 183 { 184 public: 185 void setwh(std::auto_ptr<wheel> w); 186 void seten(std::auto_ptr<engine> e); 187 void setsh(std::auto_ptr<shell> s); 188 std::auto_ptr<wheel> getwh( ); 189 std::auto_ptr<engine> geten( ); 190 std::auto_ptr<shell> getsh( ); 191 }; 192 void AudiCar::setwh(std::auto_ptr<wheel> w) 193 { 194 pw=w; 195 } 196 void AudiCar::seten(std::auto_ptr<engine> e) 197 { 198 pe=e; 199 } 200 void AudiCar::setps(std::auto_ptr<shell> s) 201 { 202 ps=s; 203 } 204 wheel* AudiCar::getwh( ) 205 { 206 if(!pw.get( )) 207 { 208 throw std::invalid_argument("Error: pointer is null!!"); 209 } 210 return wh.get( ); 211 } 212 engine* AudiCar::geten( ) 213 { 214 if(!pe.get( )) 215 { 216 throw std::invalid_argument("Error: pointer is null!!"); 217 } 218 return pe.get( ); 219 } 220 shell* AudiCar::getsh( ) 221 { 222 if(!ps.get( )) 223 { 224 throw std::invalid_argument("Error:pointer is null!!"); 225 } 226 return ps.get( ); 227 } 228 229 //奔驰 230 class BenzCar:public car 231 { 232 public: 233 void setwh(std::auto_ptr<wheel> w); 234 void seten(std::auto_ptr<engine> e); 235 void setsh(std::auto_ptr<shell> s); 236 std::auto_ptr<wheel> getwh( ); 237 std::auto_ptr<engine> geten( ); 238 std::auto_ptr<shell> getsh( ); 239 }; 240 BenzCar::setwh(std::auto_ptr<wheel> w) 241 { 242 pw=w; 243 } 244 BenzCar::seten(std::auto_ptr<engine> e) 245 { 246 pe=e; 247 } 248 BenzCar::setsh(std::auto_ptr<shell> s) 249 { 250 ps=s; 251 } 252 wheel* BenzCar::getwh( ) 253 { 254 if(!pw.get( )) 255 { 256 throw std::invalid_argument("Error: pointer is null!!"); 257 } 258 return pw.get( ); 259 } 260 engine* BenzCar::geten( ) 261 { 262 if(!pe.get( )) 263 { 264 throw std::invalid_argument("Error: pointer is null!!"); 265 } 266 return pe.get( ); 267 } 268 shell* BenzCar::getsh( ) 269 { 270 if(!ps.get( )) 271 { 272 throw std::invalid_argument("Error:pointer is null!!"); 273 } 274 return ps.get( ); 275 } 276 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 277 class builder 278 { 279 public: 280 virtual void buildWheel( )=0; 281 virtual void buildEngine( )=0; 282 virtual void buildShell( )=0; 283 virtual car* getCar( )=0; 284 }; 285 286 class BenzBuilder:public builder 287 { 288 public: 289 BenzBuilder() 290 :c(new BenzCar()) 291 {} 292 void buildWheel(); 293 void buildEngine(); 294 void buildShell(); 295 car* getCar( ); 296 private: 297 std::auto_ptr<car> c; 298 }; 299 300 //生产奔驰的轮胎 301 void BenzBuilder::buildWheel( ) 302 { 303 //采用米其林轮胎 304 std::auto_ptr<wheel> w(new wheelMichelin("Michelin",270 )); 305 c->setwh(); 306 } 307 308 //生产奔驰的引擎 309 void BenzBuilder::buildEngine( ) 310 { 311 //美国产引擎 312 std::auto_ptr<engine> w(new engineAmercia("Amercia",300)); 313 c->seten(); 314 } 315 316 //生产奔驰的外壳 317 void BenzBuilder::buildShell( ) 318 { 319 std::auto_ptr<sheel> w(new shellNormol("Normal","Red")); 320 c->setsh(); 321 } 322 323 std::auto_ptr<car> BenzBuilder::getCar( ) 324 { 325 return c.get( ); 326 } 327 328 class AudiBuilder:public builder 329 { 330 public: 331 AudiBuilder( ) 332 :c(new AudiCar( )) 333 {} 334 void buildWheel( ); 335 void buildEngine( ); 336 void buildShell( ); 337 std::auto_ptr<car> getCar( ); 338 private: 339 std::auto_ptr<car> c; 340 }; 341 342 void AudiBuilder::buildWheel( ) 343 { 344 //采用高通 345 std::auto_ptr<wheel> w(new wheelBridgestone("Bridgestone",250)); 346 c->setwh( ); 347 } 348 349 void AudiBuilder::buildEngine( ) 350 { 351 //中国产引擎 352 std::auto_ptr<engine> w(new EngineChina("China",320)); 353 c->seten( ); 354 } 355 356 void AudiBuilder::buildShell( ) 357 { 358 std::auto_ptr<shell> w(new ShellSpecial("Special","white")); 359 c-setsh(w); 360 } 361 362 car* AudiBuilder::getCar( ) 363 { 364 return c.get( ); 365 } 366 //------------------------------组装汽车-------------------------------------------- 367 class director 368 { 369 public: 370 static std::auto_ptr<car> construct(std::auto_ptr<builder> b); 371 } 372 std::auto_ptr<car> director::construct( std::auto_ptr<builder> b) 373 { 374 b->buildWheel( ); 375 b->buildEngine( ); 376 b->buildShell( ); 377 return b->getCar( ); 378 } 379 380 int main(int argc,char **argv) 381 { 382 std::auto_ptr<builder> b(new BenzBuilder( ); 383 std::auto_ptr<car> c=director::construct(b); 384 std::cout<<"The BenzCar's wheel is "<<c->getwh( )->getName( )<<std::endl; 385 std::cout<<"Its loadCapacity is "<<c->getwh( )->getLG( )<<std::endl; 386 std::cout<<"The BenzCar's engine is made in "<<c->geten()->getName( )<<std::endl; 387 std::cout<<"Its speed is "<<c->geten()->getSpeed()<<std::endl; 388 std::cout<<"The BenzCar's shell is "<<c->getsh()->getName( )<<std::endl; 389 std::cout<<"Its color is "<<c->getsh()->getColor()<<std::endl; 390 std::auto_ptr<builder> b2(new AudiBuilder( ); 391 std::auto_ptr<car> c2=director::construct(b2); 392 std::cout<<"The AudiCar's wheel is "<<c2->getwh( )->getName( )<<std::endl; 393 std::cout<<"Its loadCapacity is "<<c2->getwh( )->getLG( )<<std::endl; 394 std::cout<<"The AudiCar's engine is made in "<<c2->geten()->getName( )<<std::endl; 395 std::cout<<"Its speed is "<<c2->geten()->getSpeed()<<std::endl; 396 std::cout<<"The AudiCar's shell is "<<c2->getsh()->getName( )<<std::endl; 397 std::cout<<"Its color is "<<c2->getsh()->getColor()<<std::endl; 398 return 0; 399 }
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