
关于“XML创建者Tim Bray 认为.NET三大问题”的回复

摘要: 出自: http://www.jdon.com/jive/article.jsp?forum=106&thread=12805 权威人士和预言学家都认为.NET对Java是一个威胁,其实那是骗人的,技术上看.NET非常不错,但是它有三大致命缺点:1.它没有经过80/20. Java 从1.0发布,到现在进入中年成熟期,这个发展过程非常平滑和自然。相反,.NET好像一个塞得满满的厨房设备,它太匆忙,... 阅读全文

posted @ 2004-03-31 23:15 coollzh 阅读(791) 评论(3) 推荐(0) 编辑

Preventing Multiple Logins in ASP.NET

摘要: http://www.eggheadcafe.com/articles/20030418.asp We talked about the fact that the classic ASP Session_OnEnd handler is widely known to be pretty unreliable. However, in ASP.NET the corresponding Glob... 阅读全文

posted @ 2004-03-31 00:41 coollzh 阅读(712) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

Loosing roles between two pages ?

摘要: I use this in Global.asax for my CSLA based app: Private Sub Global_AcquireRequestState(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.AcquireRequestState If Not Session("C... 阅读全文

posted @ 2004-03-31 00:35 coollzh 阅读(685) 评论(2) 推荐(0) 编辑

Generate Machine Key Elements for Web Farm

摘要: 如果你在WebFarm上使用需要加密的ViewState,则必须要让WebFarm上所有机器的MachineKey一致,否则ViewState将会失效,这篇文件就是讲述这个问题的,希望使用WebFarm技术的哥们可以看看。The Element configures keys to use for encryption and decryption of forms authentication... 阅读全文

posted @ 2004-03-31 00:21 coollzh 阅读(723) 评论(1) 推荐(0) 编辑
