Writing ASP.NET Web Forms with C#

Writing ASP.NET Web Forms with C#

Web Forms are a programming model in ASP.NET, the next generation of Web programming technology from Microsoft.
This article discusses Web Forms by first comparing ASP.NET and the classic ASP. It then presents server controls and paints a big picture of how separation between business logic and presentation layer is achieved in Web Forms. In addition, this article presents the new session-management strategy and offers some programming experience in building Web Forms using the C# language. Web Forms are a Web development technology that allows you to build a robust and scalable Web application rapidly. Programming languages that you can use to build Web Forms are many; you can use C#, Visual Basic.Net and JScript.NET, to name a few. Like other server-side Web technologies, Web Forms output standard HTML that can be rendered by all browsers. However, the engine that runs Web Forms also detects user browsers, and can generate browser-specific HTML tags, if you so desire

posted on 2004-02-11 00:33  coollzh  阅读(507)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
