Articles for ADO.NET
Articles for ADO.NET
The first meeting of INETA Beijing is ADO.NET Best Practices. Here is a list of all the both FREE and EXCELLENT material I found in MSDN about ADO.NET. I give each one a brief introduction so that you could know which one is useful to you. For me, I just read ALL of them. (-:
Best Practices for Using ADO.NET ( ): Best practices list?with brief explanation on each one, a good start point.
Performance Comparison: Data Access Techniques ( ): The most heavy-referenced article on many experiments on performance for different data access technique. Even if you don’t care about the performance issue, this article is still a pretty good one for you to know more detail information about different techniques.
Energize Your Data Retrieval Code with ADO.NET Objects ( ): This article talks about how to use DataSet and its related operations to boost a heavy INNER JOIN query performance. For situations where database access is slow or inner join is impossible, this article is a pretty nice start to consider using DataSet as an alternative.
Inside ADO.NET Batch Update ( ): This article unveils the internal mechanism for SqlDataAdapter.Update operation. ?This is an essential if you want to optimize the update performance but still using data adapter.
Tackle Data Concurrency Exceptions Using the DataSet Object ( ): Suggestions on how to handle data concurrency exceptions when using DataSet. The good for this article is that it doesn’t stop and continue to explain how to deal with further potential concurrency exceptions caused by Database Trigger. Recommend if you’re serious about using DataSet.
Managing an @@IDENTITY Crisis ( ): Discuss strategy for returning identities for insert operation, a must read if you use AutoIncrement ID in your data table.
Data Access Application Block Overview ( ): An overview for DAAB Building block. DAAB is Microsoft’s implementation of an abstraction Data Access Layer, read this if you want to use the existing one or want to extend it to make your own data access layer component.
Table Mapping in ADO.NET ( ): Dino’s in-depth explanation on Table mapping and Column mapping works and how it affects the DataAdapter’s Fill and Update operation. This article also explains how to handle Missing Mapping Action and Missing Schema Action.
Tips for Successful Data Access ( ): The two most useful tips in this article are “Internals of the SqlDataReader Class” and “Command Behaviors”. If you’re looking for detail information on cmd.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior...), this section is what you should take a look at.
Retrieving the Gazoutas: Understanding SQL Server Return Codes and Output Parameters ( ): Everything you need to know to decide when and how to use Output Parameter or use ExecuteScalar to return query result.
DataRelations in ADO.NET ( ): DataSet is actually an in-memory database and this article talks about how constraints and PK/FK are used in DataSet.
Managing Hierarchical Inserts in ASP.NET and ADO.NET ( ): This one should be read together with the above one to know how to handle cascading insert/delete in DataSet; it also covers Auto Increment ID issue and solution.
Weaning Developers from the CommandBuilder ( ): The sole purpose for this article is to let you know the advantage for CommandBuilder and when and why you shouldn’t use it.
XML Features in ADO.NET ( ): This article only talks about DataSet and XML serialization issues; it doesn’t include SQLXML with SQL Server 2000. But if you are looking for detailed introduction on DataSet persistent and restore, read this one.