如何实现A星寻路算法 Cocos2d-x 3.0 beta2
本文实践自 Johann Fradj 的文章《How To Implement A* Pathfinding with Cocos2D Tutorial》,文中使用Cocos2D,我在这里使用Cocos2D-x 3.0进行学习和移植。在这篇文章,将会学习到如何在Cocos2D中实现A星算法。在开始之前,先阅读文章《Introduction to A* Pathfinding》将会有所帮助。
步骤如下: 1.下载本文章的准备工程,编译运行,如下图所示: 在这款游戏中,猫需要通过由狗守卫的地牢,除非拿骨头贿赂狗,不然狗会将猫吃掉。注意到猫只能水平或垂直的移动,每次只能移动一个方块。
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class ShortestPathStep : public cocos2d::Object { public: ShortestPathStep(); ~ShortestPathStep();
static ShortestPathStep *createWithPosition(const cocos2d::Point &pos); bool initWithPosition(const cocos2d::Point &pos); int getFScore() const; bool isEqual(const ShortestPathStep *other) const; std::string getDescription() const; CC_SYNTHESIZE(cocos2d::Point, _position, Position); CC_SYNTHESIZE(int, _gScore, GScore); CC_SYNTHESIZE(int, _hScore, HScore); CC_SYNTHESIZE(ShortestPathStep*, _parent, Parent); }; |
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CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::ShortestPathStep() : _position(Point::ZERO), _gScore(0), _hScore(0), _parent(nullptr) { }
CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::~ShortestPathStep() { } CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::createWithPosition(const Point &pos) { ShortestPathStep *pRet = new ShortestPathStep(); if (pRet && pRet->initWithPosition(pos)) { pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; } else { CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet); return nullptr; } } bool CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::initWithPosition(const Point &pos) { bool bRet = false; do { this->setPosition(pos); bRet = true; } while (0); return bRet; } int CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::getFScore() const { return this->getGScore() + this->getHScore(); } bool CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::isEqual(const CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *other) const { return this->getPosition() == other->getPosition(); } std::string CatSprite::ShortestPathStep::getDescription() const { return StringUtils::format("pos=[%.0f;%.0f] g=%d h=%d f=%d", this->getPosition().x, this->getPosition().y, this->getGScore(), this->getHScore(), this->getFScore()); } |
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cocos2d::Vector<ShortestPathStep*> _spOpenSteps; cocos2d::Vector<ShortestPathStep*> _spClosedSteps;
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void CatSprite::moveToward(const Point &target) { Point fromTileCoord = _layer->tileCoordForPosition(this->getPosition()); Point toTileCoord = _layer->tileCoordForPosition(target);
if (fromTileCoord == toTileCoord) { CCLOG("You're already there! :P"); return; } if (!_layer->isValidTileCoord(toTileCoord) || _layer->isWallAtTileCoord(toTileCoord)) { SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("hitWall.wav"); return; } CCLOG("From: %f, %f", fromTileCoord.x, fromTileCoord.y); CCLOG("To: %f, %f", toTileCoord.x, toTileCoord.y); } |
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From: 24.000000, 0.000000 To: 22.000000, 3.000000
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void CatSprite::insertInOpenSteps(CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *step) { int stepFScore = step->getFScore(); ssize_t count = _spOpenSteps.size(); ssize_t i = 0; for (; i < count; ++i) { if (stepFScore <= _spOpenSteps.at(i)->getFScore()) { break; } } _spOpenSteps.insert(i, step); }
int CatSprite::computeHScoreFromCoordToCoord(const Point &fromCoord, const Point &toCoord) { // 这里使用曼哈顿方法,计算从当前步骤到达目标步骤,在水平和垂直方向总的步数 // 忽略了可能在路上的各种障碍 return abs(toCoord.x - fromCoord.x) + abs(toCoord.y - fromCoord.y); } int CatSprite::costToMoveFromStepToAdjacentStep(const ShortestPathStep *fromStep, const ShortestPathStep *toStep) { // 因为不能斜着走,而且由于地形就是可行走和不可行走的成本都是一样的 // 如果能够对角移动,或者有沼泽、山丘等等,那么它必须是不同的 return 1; } |
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PointArray *HelloWorld::walkableAdjacentTilesCoordForTileCoord(const Point &tileCoord) const { PointArray *tmp = PointArray::create(4);
// 上 Point p(tileCoord.x, tileCoord.y - 1); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 左 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x - 1, tileCoord.y); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 下 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x, tileCoord.y + 1); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 右 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x + 1, tileCoord.y); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } return tmp; } |
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bool pathFound = false; _spOpenSteps.clear(); _spClosedSteps.clear();
// 首先,添加猫的方块坐标到open列表 this->insertInOpenSteps(ShortestPathStep::createWithPosition(fromTileCoord)); do { // 得到最小的F值步骤 // 因为是有序列表,第一个步骤总是最小的F值 ShortestPathStep *currentStep = _spOpenSteps.at(0); // 添加当前步骤到closed列表 _spClosedSteps.pushBack(currentStep); // 将它从open列表里面移除 // 需要注意的是,如果想要先从open列表里面移除,应小心对象的内存 _spOpenSteps.erase(0); // 如果当前步骤是目标方块坐标,那么就完成了 if (currentStep->getPosition() == toTileCoord) { pathFound = true; ShortestPathStep *tmpStep = currentStep; CCLOG("PATH FOUND :"); do { CCLOG("%s", tmpStep->getDescription().c_str()); tmpStep = tmpStep->getParent(); // 倒退 } while (tmpStep); // 直到没有上一步 _spOpenSteps.clear(); _spClosedSteps.clear(); break; } // 得到当前步骤的相邻方块坐标 PointArray *adjSteps = _layer->walkableAdjacentTilesCoordForTileCoord(currentStep->getPosition()); for (ssize_t i = 0; i < adjSteps->count(); ++i) { ShortestPathStep *step = ShortestPathStep::createWithPosition(adjSteps->getControlPointAtIndex(i)); // 检查步骤是不是已经在closed列表 if (this->getStepIndex(_spClosedSteps, step) != -1) { continue; } // 计算从当前步骤到此步骤的成本 int moveCost = this->costToMoveFromStepToAdjacentStep(currentStep, step); // 检查此步骤是否已经在open列表 ssize_t index = this->getStepIndex(_spOpenSteps, step); // 不在open列表,添加它 if (index == -1) { // 设置当前步骤作为上一步操作 step->setParent(currentStep); // G值等同于上一步的G值 + 从上一步到这里的成本 step->setGScore(currentStep->getGScore() + moveCost); // H值即是从此步骤到目标方块坐标的移动量估算值 step->setHScore(this->computeHScoreFromCoordToCoord(step->getPosition(), toTileCoord)); // 按序添加到open列表 this->insertInOpenSteps(step); } else { // 获取旧的步骤,其值已经计算过 step = _spOpenSteps.at(index); // 检查G值是否低于当前步骤到此步骤的值 if ((currentStep->getGScore() + moveCost) < step->getGScore()) { // G值等同于上一步的G值 + 从上一步到这里的成本 step->setGScore(currentStep->getGScore() + moveCost); // 因为G值改变了,F值也会跟着改变 // 所以为了保持open列表有序,需要将此步骤移除,再重新按序插入 // 在移除之前,需要先保持引用 step->retain(); // 现在可以放心移除,不用担心被释放 _spOpenSteps.erase(index); // 重新按序插入 this->insertInOpenSteps(step); // 现在可以释放它了,因为open列表应该持有它 step->release(); } } } } while (_spOpenSteps.size() > 0); if (!pathFound) { SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("hitWall.wav"); } |
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ssize_t CatSprite::getStepIndex(const cocos2d::Vector<CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *> &steps, const CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *step) { for (ssize_t i = 0; i < steps.size(); ++i) { if (steps.at(i)->isEqual(step)) { return i; } } return -1; }
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From: 24.000000, 0.000000 To: 22.000000, 3.000000 PATH FOUND : pos=[22;3] g=9 h=0 f=9 pos=[21;3] g=8 h=1 f=9 pos=[20;3] g=7 h=2 f=9 pos=[20;2] g=6 h=3 f=9 pos=[20;1] g=5 h=4 f=9 pos=[21;1] g=4 h=3 f=7 pos=[22;1] g=3 h=2 f=5 pos=[23;1] g=2 h=3 f=5 pos=[24;1] g=1 h=4 f=5 pos=[24;0] g=0 h=0 f=0
cocos2d::Vector<ShortestPathStep*> _shortestPath;
打开CatSprite.cpp文件,更改moveToward方法,注释掉语句bool pathFound = false;,如下:
//bool pathFound = false;
替换语句pathFound = true;为如下:
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//pathFound = true; this->constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep(currentStep);
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//ShortestPathStep *tmpStep = currentStep; //CCLOG("PATH FOUND :"); //do //{ // CCLOG("%s", tmpStep->getDescription().c_str()); // tmpStep = tmpStep->getParent(); // 倒退 //} while (tmpStep); // 直到没有上一步
替换语句if (!pathFound)为如下:
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//if (!pathFound) if (_shortestPath.empty())
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void CatSprite::constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep(CatSprite::ShortestPathStep *step) { _shortestPath.clear();
do { // 起始位置不要进行添加 if (step->getParent()) { // 总是插入到索引0的位置,以便反转路径 _shortestPath.insert(0, step); } step = step->getParent(); // 倒退 } while (step); // 直到没有上一步 for (const ShortestPathStep *s : _shortestPath) { CCLOG("%s", s->getDescription().c_str()); } } |
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From: 24.000000, 0.000000 To: 22.000000, 3.000000 pos=[24;1] g=1 h=4 f=5 pos=[23;1] g=2 h=3 f=5 pos=[22;1] g=3 h=2 f=5 pos=[21;1] g=4 h=3 f=7 pos=[20;1] g=5 h=4 f=9 pos=[20;2] g=6 h=3 f=9 pos=[20;3] g=7 h=2 f=9 pos=[21;3] g=8 h=1 f=9 pos=[22;3] g=9 h=0 f=9
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void CatSprite::popStepAndAnimate() { // 检查是否仍有路径步骤需要前进 if (_shortestPath.size() == 0) { return; }
// 得到下一步移动的步骤 ShortestPathStep *s = _shortestPath.at(0); // 准备动作和回调 MoveTo *moveAction = MoveTo::create(0.4f, _layer->positionForTileCoord(s->getPosition())); CallFunc *moveCallback = CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(CatSprite::popStepAndAnimate, this)); // 移除步骤 _shortestPath.erase(0); // 运行动作 this->runAction(Sequence::create(moveAction, moveCallback, nullptr)); } |
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void CatSprite::popStepAndAnimate() { Point currentPosition = _layer->tileCoordForPosition(this->getPosition());
if (_layer->isBoneAtTilecoord(currentPosition)) { SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("pickup.wav"); _numBones++; _layer->showNumBones(_numBones); _layer->removeObjectAtTileCoord(currentPosition); } else if (_layer->isDogAtTilecoord(currentPosition)) { if (_numBones == 0) { _layer->loseGame(); return; } else { _numBones--; _layer->showNumBones(_numBones); _layer->removeObjectAtTileCoord(currentPosition); SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("catAttack.wav"); } } else if (_layer->isExitAtTilecoord(currentPosition)) { _layer->winGame(); return; } else { SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance()->playEffect("step.wav"); } // 检查是否仍有路径步骤需要前进 if (_shortestPath.size() == 0) { return; } // 得到下一步移动的步骤 ShortestPathStep *s = _shortestPath.at(0); Point futurePosition = s->getPosition(); Point diff = futurePosition - currentPosition; if (abs(diff.x) > abs(diff.y)) { if (diff.x > 0) { this->runAnimation(_facingRightAnimation); } else { this->runAnimation(_facingLeftAnimation); } } else { if (diff.y > 0) { this->runAnimation(_facingForwardAnimation); } else { this->runAnimation(_facingBackAnimation); } } // 准备动作和回调 MoveTo *moveAction = MoveTo::create(0.4f, _layer->positionForTileCoord(s->getPosition())); CallFunc *moveCallback = CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(CatSprite::popStepAndAnimate, this)); // 移除步骤 _shortestPath.erase(0); // 运行动作 Sequence *moveSequence = Sequence::create(moveAction, moveCallback, nullptr); moveSequence->setTag(1); this->runAction(moveSequence); } |
C = √(A2 + B2) 并且A = B = 1 (从一个正方形移动到另一个正方形的成本 = G值) C = √(2) C ≈ 1.41
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int CatSprite::costToMoveFromStepToAdjacentStep(const ShortestPathStep *fromStep, const ShortestPathStep *toStep) { return ((fromStep->getPosition().x != toStep->getPosition().x) && (fromStep->getPosition().y != toStep->getPosition().y)) ? 14 : 10; }
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PointArray *HelloWorld::walkableAdjacentTilesCoordForTileCoord(const Point &tileCoord) const { PointArray *tmp = PointArray::create(8);
bool t = false; bool l = false; bool b = false; bool r = false; // 上 Point p(tileCoord.x, tileCoord.y - 1); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); t = true; } // 左 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x - 1, tileCoord.y); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); l = true; } // 下 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x, tileCoord.y + 1); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); b = true; } // 右 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x + 1, tileCoord.y); if (this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); r = true; } // 左上 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x - 1, tileCoord.y - 1); if (t && l && this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 左下 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x - 1, tileCoord.y + 1); if (b && l && this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 右上 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x + 1, tileCoord.y - 1); if (t && r && this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } // 右下 p.setPoint(tileCoord.x + 1, tileCoord.y + 1); if (b && r && this->isValidTileCoord(p) && !this->isWallAtTileCoord(p)) { tmp->addControlPoint(p); } return tmp; } |
O = Origin
T = Top
B = Bottom
L = Left
R = Right
TL = Top – Left
参考资料: 1.Introduction to A* Pathfinding http://www.raywenderlich.com/4946/introduction-to-a-pathfinding 2.How To Implement A* Pathfinding with Cocos2D Tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/4970/how-to-implement-a-pathfinding-with-cocos2d-tutorial 3.如何使用Cocos2D实现A星寻路算法 http://www.raywenderlich.com/zh-hans/21315/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8cocos2d%E5%AE%9E%E7%8E%B0a%E6%98%9F%E5%AF%BB%E8%B7%AF%E7%AE%97%E6%B3%95 4.一个用了A*算法的cocos2d-x游戏 http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_184773_11479 非常感谢以上资料,本例子源代码附加资源下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/akof1314/6929101 github地址:https://github.com/akof1314/Cocos2dxGame/tree/master/CatMaze 如文章存在错误之处,欢迎指出,以便改正。转载请注明出处。