
11 认证的继承

If you group your requests in collections and folders, you can specify auth details to reuse throughout a group.

  • 如果你用集合或者文件夹组织你的请求,你可以详列认证信息在组内重用
    By default, requests inside the collection or folder will inherit auth from the parent, which means that they'll use the same auth that you've specified at the folder or collection level. To change this for an individual request, make a different selection in the request Authorization tab.
  • 在集合或者文件夹中的请求默认继承父认证信息,这就意味着它们将在文件夹或者集合中使用同一个授权信息。如果要对单个请求认证,可以单独设置


  • No auth
  • API key--发送键值对数据授权
  • Bearer token--Bearer tokens enable requests to authenticate using an access key, such as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
  • Basic auth--输入API用户名和密码
posted @ 2022-07-02 19:09  soulorelax  阅读(43)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报