Methodology Training

1.In a datasheet, which part is the most important for our customers? why?

Ordering Information.
Under Ordering Information you'll find a list of every variation of this device along with the COMPLETE part number. Often the first few letters are either industry-standard or identify the manufacturer (e.g., PIC). The generic identifier comes next ("555"). Suffixes generally give package type (surface mount and through hole types), temperature range (wider range = more expensive), speed (faster = more expensive), and other variations such as power, voltage range, etc.

2.How to understand the sentence of "Design to the min and max limits, not to the typical"?

Design to the minimum and maximum limits, not to the typical. This gives you an idea of the likely behavior, but not the worst-case. Good, robust design does not count on the typical.

3.For Product or Software Problem? How to offer technical support?

Useful information: A short description of the problem. Build version. Operating system. Error message, if any. What you were doing right before the problem occured. Severity of the problem(low, medium, high). If possible, include screen captures of error messages or other relevant information.

posted on 2016-03-09 17:39  conard  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报