
Integrating SAP defense forces and public security with Geographical Information防卫力量与公共安全SAP与地理信息的集成

Today, the focus of operations for most defense organizations is on planning and supporting forces in a deployed scenario. For commanders to be effective, it is vital that information regarding resources be highly visible and right at their fingertips.今天,大多数防卫组织的行动焦点是在制定军队部署方案的计划与支持。为了有效的指挥,信息资源需要高度可视化并正确示出。

To meet this need, a new SAP® industry solution called SAP Defense Forces and Public Security gives military leaders the ability to plan and to build up operating forces prepared for action. This enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution is capable of handling complex organizational structures as well as personnel, materiel, and financial resources. The solution is flexible enough to support extensive changes, and it provides a role-based user interface and a system architecture designed specifically for military purposes. All relevant processes are integrated with administration, logistics, and controlling. And not only armed forces can benefit. Most of the functions delivered by SAP Defense Forces and Public Security can also prove valuable to any organization that has public safety and security as its objective – police organizations and fire departments, for instance.为了满足这一需求,SAP工业解决新方案(SAP 防卫力量与公共安全)为军队指挥官提供了计划与建立指挥军队行动的能力。此ERP解决方案可以应用于复杂组织结构或单个人,材料,以及财务资源。这个解决 方案具有足够弹性以使得支持额外的改变,并且可以提供基于角色的用户界面和面向军事目的设计的系统架构。这些处理过程与管理、物流、控制等集成。不仅仅军 队可以受益其中。该模块提供的大多数功能可以应用于其他公共安全组织,如警察、消防等。

Each part of a military or public security organization, be it a tank battalion, a fighter bomber squadron, or a SWAT team, is represented by a force element in the SAP Defense Forces and Public Security software. Each of these elements connects descriptive attributes, personnel, materiel, and accounting information by way of a single object in the system. The force element includes all the information contained in the table of organization and equipment (TO&E), as well as additional details. Therefore, a military commander can easily view the entire resources of an organizational element and use this information when making decisions.军队或公共安全组织的每个部分,坦克阵地、炸弹区域、SWAT队伍,在模块中都代表了一个单位。每个单位连接于描述属性,属性,材 料,统计信息。这些单位包括了TO&E所有信息以及额外细节。因此,军队指挥官很容易就看到所有资源,并使用这些信息于决策之中。

The SAP software can accommodate with information about the various relationships that exist among deployed units – for example, those that deal with command and control or the various support activities – and takes those relationships into consideration when evaluating logistical and administrative tasks. When called upon to make a decision – many of which must be made on a split-second basis – leaders can take into account all the resources at their command and quickly retrieve information and transform it into action.SAP软件整合存在于部署单位的各类关系信息,例如那些事关控制命令或各类支持活动,继而在评估逻辑与管理任务时考虑这些关系。需要迅速做 出决策时,指挥官可以考虑所有命令资源,并快速转换为行动。


A geographical information system (GIS), which provides the functions and tools needed to store, analyze, and display information about the position of physical objects, can be a crucial factor for the effective visualization of military command and control.地理信息系统,提供存储、分析、展示位置信息的功能与工具,可以作为军队命令与控制可视化的有力因素。

Since almost everything military personnel do – particularly on the battlefield – involves some kind of spatial relationship, the ability to manage information about these relationships and perform analyses on this data is critical. To this end, SAP is working with ESRI, the market leader in GIS solutions.既然几乎所有军事人员,特别是阵地人员均被置于一定空间关系中,管理与展现这些关系信息的能力就显得非常重要。因此,SAP与GIS 解决方案的领导者ESRI结合工作。

ESRI’s GIS products integrate the factors of geography and terrain into IT support for military and intelligence decision making. GIS enables this type of information to be created, queried, analyzed, and displayed in real time – in a variety of formats – and tailored to the specific needs of each user. Spatial data can not only be easily and quickly integrated with other defense- relevant data, but it can also be readily shared and refreshed, ensuring that all concerned individuals have the benefit of the best, most recent, and most valid information. GIS, in short, is integral to the Common Operational Picture.ESRI的GIS产品,在IT军队及智能决策支持下集成了地理与地形因素。GIS可以实时的生成、查询、分析、展示这些信息,通过不同格 式,面向不同用户。空间数据不能简单迅速的与其他防务数据集成,但是可以共享或刷新,以保证个人获得最好的、最新的、最有效的信息。GIS简单来说,就是 通畅行动图的集成。

Whether used as an off-the-shelf application or tailored for a specific mission or individual situation, ESRI’s ArcGIS is an excellent solution for the spatial component of defense IT infrastructure. ArcGIS software seamlessly handles both spatial and nonspatial data, is intuitive to use, and is built on open standards.无论是作为离线程序,还是特殊使命,或是特定情况,ESRI的ArcGIS都是空间的良好解决方案。ArcGIS软件无缝的将空间与 非空间数据集成,并成为标准。

As a way of getting a handle on today’s ever more complex and intertwined military operations, planners and mapping specialists find themselves relying on complicated unit symbology. The current standard, MIL-STD 2525B, has been made an integral, well-defined part of ESRI’s ArcGIS Military Analyst solution.作为把控今日更为复杂和对抗的军事行动,计划者与制图专家发现他们依赖于重复性工作。现在的标准,MIL-STD 2525B,已经作为整体的、良好定义的ESRI军事解决方案的一部分。

ArcGIS Military Analyst incorporates a suite of tools that are tailored to meet the special needs of the defense user. It maximizes the utility of the standard suite of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) by allowing direct use and rendering of NIMA’s vector and raster products, line-of-sight (LOS) assessments, Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) conversion, and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) analysis. ArcGIS Military Analyst also includes Military Overlay Editor (MOLE), which supports MIL-STD 2525B and custom combat symbol systems.ArcGIS军事分析模块,用于满足军事特殊要求。最大化了NIMA标准适用范围,渲染了NIMA矢量与栅格产品。CONNECTING SAP DEFENSE FORCES AND PUBLIC SECURITY WITH ESRI’S GIS

posted @ 2013-01-19 01:03  columbus2  阅读(394)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报