还在纠结用如何用R读取Excel的同学有福了。昨天逛CRAN的时候发现了一个xlsx包,它给出的介绍是可以读取、写入Excel 2007/2003文件并支持格式的设置。简单地来说,将Excel读取为数据框,以及将数据框写入为Excel文件都不是问题,而更加强大的是它能处理 Excel中的格式,比如合并单元格,设置列的宽度,设置字体和颜色等等。
ind = read.table(url("http://yixuan.cos.name/cn/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/ind.txt"),
sep = "\t");
# Create a new workbook
wb = createWorkbook();
# Create a new sheet with a name
sheet1 = createSheet(wb, "第一页");
# Set the zoom ratio when you open the Excel file
setZoom(sheet1, 50, 100);
# Set the width of columns
setColumnWidth(sheet1, 1:100, 2.8);
# Create rows
rows = createRow(sheet1, 1:40);
# Create cells for each row
cells = createCell(rows, 1:73);
# Merge the first row into one cell
addMergedRegion(sheet1, 1, 1, 1, 73);
# Create the style for title cell
title_cell_style = CellStyle(wb,
alignment = Alignment(horizontal = "ALIGN_CENTER"),
font = Font(wb, "blue", 50, isBold = TRUE));
# Create the style for black cells
black_cell_style = CellStyle(wb,
border = Border(),
fill = Fill(foregroundColor= "black"));
# Get the first row
first_row = getRows(sheet1, 1);
# Get the title cell from first row
title_cell = getCells(first_row, 1)[[1]];
# Set the value of the title cell
setCellValue(title_cell, "Read/Write Excel!");
# Set the style of the title cell
setCellStyle(title_cell, title_cell_style);
# Set the style of black cells
tmp = mapply(function(x, y) setCellStyle(cells[[x, y]], black_cell_style),
ind[, 1] 3, ind[, 2] 5);
# Save the workbook into a file
saveWorkbook(wb, "test.xlsx");
总的来说,xlsx包是我目前见过的功能最全的操作Excel的R包,它只依赖于Java环境和rJava、xlsxjars两个包,在多种平台下 都能运行,局限是写操作只支持Excel 2007格式(*.xlsx),对于机器上只有MS Office 2003的人来说可能会有些不便。(LibreOffice和OpenOffice.org都可以打开Excel 2007文件)