--什么是分组函数 : 可以对结果集中的一组记录进行一次计算
select sal from emp
--MAX、MIN (最大、最小)
select max(sal),min(sal)
from emp
select sum(sal),avg(sal)
from emp e
where e.deptno = '20'
--count 用来记录结果集中的数据条数
select count(*)
from emp
where deptno = '30'
--注意 : 所有的分组函数都是忽略null的
select avg(comm)
from emp
select avg(nvl(comm,0))
from emp
select count(distinct(job))
from emp e
--group by 关键字
select deptno,max(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
--注意多行分组函数的关键字 group by 要求是from子句后必须是每一组唯一值
--在select 子句后可以检索的也是每一组的唯一值
select deptno,job,avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno,job
order by deptno
--having 子句 : 对分组结果进行条件判断
select deptno,avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>2000
--因为执行顺序 : from -> where -> group by -> having -> select -> order by
select avg(count(*))
from emp
group by deptno
--分组子句(partition by)
--排序子句(order by)
--over() 开窗函数
select e.ename as "员工姓名", e.empno as "员工编号",e.deptno as 部门编号,e.sal as 工资,
sum(sal) over(partition by deptno) 按部门分组 ,sum(sal) over(partition by deptno order by sal) as 按部门累计工资
from emp e
--分级函数 rank() : 按照某种排序显示等级
select e.ename as "员工姓名", e.empno as "员工编号",e.deptno as 部门编号,e.sal 工资,e.job 岗位,
rank() over(partition by e.job order by e.sal desc) 岗位工资等级
from emp e
--范围 : select , from , wherer , having
select *
from emp
where mgr =
(select mgr
from emp
where ename = 'SCOTT')
and ename != 'SCOTT'
select *
from emp
where mgr =
(select empno
from emp
where ename = 'KING')
select deptno,avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal)>(select avg(sal) from emp where deptno = '20')
select deptno,count(*)
from emp
group by deptno
having count(*)>
(select avg(count(*))
from emp
group by deptno)
select *
from emp
deptno =
(select deptno
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH') and
sal >
(select sal
from emp
where ename = 'SMITH')
--in 依次匹配
select *
from emp
where empno
in(select mgr from emp)
select * from
(select min(sal) 倒第一,deptno
from emp
group by deptno)
(select min(sal) 倒第二 ,deptno
from emp
where sal not in
(select min(sal)
from emp
group by deptno)
group by deptno)
--row_number () : 对固定的数据进行排序,根据序号进行判断
select *
(select deptno,ename,sal,row_number() over(partition by deptno order by sal desc) rn
from emp)
where rn < 3
--any : 与子查询表中任意的一条数据相匹配(最小的数据相匹配)
select deptno,sal from emp where sal > any
(select sal from emp where deptno = '10')
and deptno = '20'
select deptno,sal from emp where sal >
(select min(sal) from emp where deptno = '10')
and deptno = '20'
select deptno,sal from emp where sal > all
(select sal from emp where deptno = '10')
and deptno = '20'
select deptno 部门编号,ename MAX工资员工姓名,sal 工资
from emp
where (deptno,sal) in
(select deptno,max(sal)
from emp
group by deptno)
--union : 累计 -- 去掉重复
--union all : 累计 -- 不去掉重复
select * from haha
select name , num, sl,(sl*num) 小计
from haha
union all
(select '合计',sum(num),sum(sl),sum(sl*num)
from haha)
select e.*
from emp e ,
(select deptno,hiredate,sal from emp
where ename = 'SMITH') a
where e.deptno = a.deptno and e.hiredate > a.hiredate
and e.sal > a.sal
select rownum, dept.* from dept
--1、rownum编号 是在 order by 之前进行
select rownum, dept.* from dept
order by dname
--2、rownum 的比较只能使用 < 或 <=
select rownum, dept.* from dept
where rownum <= 2
select b.*
(select a.*,rownum rn
from (select * from emp) a
where rownum <= 8) b
where rn >= 5
select b.*
(select emp.*,rownum rn
from emp
where rownum <= 8) b
where rn >= 5