If (devicenum = 1) Then
Delay (0.015) '延时10ms后收取下位机的数据
ReceiveData1 '将下位机发送来的数据收到Rbyte中
End If
If (Rbyte(1) = &H11) Then '说明数据正确!!!!
Delay (0.015) '延时10ms后收取下位机的数据
ReceiveData1 '将下位机发送来的数据收到Rbyte中
End If
If (Rbyte(1) = &H11) Then '说明数据正确!!!!
Private Sub ReceiveData1()
Rlength = Comm1.InBufferCount 'Rlength 是所有字符的数目,包括空格,与RMode无关
ReDim Rbyte(25) '考虑定义成定长数组!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Rlength = 26 Then
Comm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收,空格被当作数据发送,任一个字符都被发送
Rbyte = Comm1.Input '全部接收到Rbyte数组中
'如果这里不ReDim Rbyte(25),第一次通信的时候收不到,也能够检测Rbyte(0)/(1),否则Rbyte是Variant,不是数组,程序无法运行!!!
FirstReceive = True '发送指令之前都会清空接收缓冲区,所以这里不用清空
End If
If (testArray <> Rbyte(2)) Then 'rbyte(2)=中性点幅值低位
testArray = Rbyte(2)
LostSignal = False
SameNum = 0
SameNum = SameNum + 1
If (SameNum = 10) Then
SameNum = 0
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Rlength = Comm1.InBufferCount 'Rlength 是所有字符的数目,包括空格,与RMode无关
ReDim Rbyte(25) '考虑定义成定长数组!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Rlength = 26 Then
Comm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收,空格被当作数据发送,任一个字符都被发送
Rbyte = Comm1.Input '全部接收到Rbyte数组中
'如果这里不ReDim Rbyte(25),第一次通信的时候收不到,也能够检测Rbyte(0)/(1),否则Rbyte是Variant,不是数组,程序无法运行!!!
FirstReceive = True '发送指令之前都会清空接收缓冲区,所以这里不用清空
End If
If (testArray <> Rbyte(2)) Then 'rbyte(2)=中性点幅值低位
testArray = Rbyte(2)
LostSignal = False
SameNum = 0
SameNum = SameNum + 1
If (SameNum = 10) Then
SameNum = 0
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
End Sub
ReceiveData1 把数据发送到了Rbyte中,Rbyte是什么?
Public Rbyte As Variant, Rlength As Integer
Public RbyteL(25) As Byte
并且要对ReceiveData1和ComServer两个函数作一些必要的修改Function ComServer(ByVal devicenum As Integer)
On Error Resume Next
Dim MidV_Level As Integer
If (devicenum = 1) Then
Delay (0.1) '延时10ms后收取下位机的数据
ReceiveData1 '将下位机发送来的数据收到Rbyte中
End If
If (RbyteL(1) = &H11) Then '说明数据正确!!!!
lostnum = 0
MidV_Level = RbyteL(4) '不同档位
If (MidV_Level = 0) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.028686 / 381.32044
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.36053
ElseIf (MidV_Level = 1) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.093878 / 1124.895397
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.11493
ElseIf (MidV_Level = 2) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.12 / 4837.049776 '1.168951
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.0261045
End If
If (RbyteL(6) = 0 And RbyteL(7) = 0) Then
RbyteL(7) = &H12
RbyteL(6) = &H4F
End If
MidV_Freq1(0) = Round(234375# / CDbl(RbyteL(6) + RbyteL(7) * 256), 2)
'Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(12) + Rbyte(13) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(12) + RbyteL(13) * 256) * 0.6317
Vab_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(14) + RbyteL(15) * 256) / 100#
'Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(16) + Rbyte(17) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(16) + RbyteL(17) * 256) * 0.6317
Vbc_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(18) + RbyteL(19) * 256) / 100#
'Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 0.6317
Vca_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(22) + RbyteL(23) * 256) / 100#
MidV_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(24) + RbyteL(25) * 256) / 100#
ElseIf (RbyteL(1) = 0) Then '说明收到的数据都是零!!
lostnum = lostnum + 1
If (lostnum = 10) Then
lostnum = 0
Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(12) + RbyteL(13) * 256) * 0.6317
Vab_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(14) + RbyteL(15) * 256) / 100#
Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(16) + RbyteL(17) * 256) * 0.6317
Vbc_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(18) + RbyteL(19) * 256) / 100#
Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 0.6317
Vca_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(22) + RbyteL(23) * 256) / 100#
If ((Vab_Amplitude1(0) < 4000) Or (Vbc_Amplitude1(0) < 4000) Or (Vca_Amplitude1(0) < 4000)) Then
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
working.Visible = True
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "comserver" & CStr(Err.Number) & Err.Description
MyLCreateProcess "\windows\pvbload.exe", "\diskc\xiaohuxianquan\XiaoHuXianQuan20051116.vb", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
End If
End Function
On Error Resume Next
Dim MidV_Level As Integer
If (devicenum = 1) Then
Delay (0.1) '延时10ms后收取下位机的数据
ReceiveData1 '将下位机发送来的数据收到Rbyte中
End If
If (RbyteL(1) = &H11) Then '说明数据正确!!!!
lostnum = 0
MidV_Level = RbyteL(4) '不同档位
If (MidV_Level = 0) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.028686 / 381.32044
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.36053
ElseIf (MidV_Level = 1) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.093878 / 1124.895397
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.11493
ElseIf (MidV_Level = 2) Then
'MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(2) + Rbyte(3) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 1.12 / 4837.049776 '1.168951
MidV_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(2) + RbyteL(3) * 256) * 0.0261045
End If
If (RbyteL(6) = 0 And RbyteL(7) = 0) Then
RbyteL(7) = &H12
RbyteL(6) = &H4F
End If
MidV_Freq1(0) = Round(234375# / CDbl(RbyteL(6) + RbyteL(7) * 256), 2)
'Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(12) + Rbyte(13) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(12) + RbyteL(13) * 256) * 0.6317
Vab_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(14) + RbyteL(15) * 256) / 100#
'Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(Rbyte(16) + Rbyte(17) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(16) + RbyteL(17) * 256) * 0.6317
Vbc_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(18) + RbyteL(19) * 256) / 100#
'Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 1.41421 * 100 / 223.872
Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 0.6317
Vca_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(22) + RbyteL(23) * 256) / 100#
MidV_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(24) + RbyteL(25) * 256) / 100#
ElseIf (RbyteL(1) = 0) Then '说明收到的数据都是零!!
lostnum = lostnum + 1
If (lostnum = 10) Then
lostnum = 0
Vab_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(12) + RbyteL(13) * 256) * 0.6317
Vab_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(14) + RbyteL(15) * 256) / 100#
Vbc_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(16) + RbyteL(17) * 256) * 0.6317
Vbc_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(18) + RbyteL(19) * 256) / 100#
Vca_Amplitude1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(20) + RbyteL(21) * 256) * 0.6317
Vca_Phase1(0) = CDbl(RbyteL(22) + RbyteL(23) * 256) / 100#
If ((Vab_Amplitude1(0) < 4000) Or (Vbc_Amplitude1(0) < 4000) Or (Vca_Amplitude1(0) < 4000)) Then
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
working.Visible = True
Timer1.Enabled = False
MsgBox "comserver" & CStr(Err.Number) & Err.Description
MyLCreateProcess "\windows\pvbload.exe", "\diskc\xiaohuxianquan\XiaoHuXianQuan20051116.vb", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
End If
End Function
Private Sub ReceiveData1()
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Rlength = Comm1.InBufferCount 'Rlength 是所有字符的数目,包括空格,与RMode无关
ReDim Rbyte(25) '考虑定义成定长数组!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = 0
If Rlength = 26 Then
Comm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收,空格被当作数据发送,任一个字符都被发送
Rbyte = Comm1.Input '全部接收到Rbyte数组中
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = Rbyte(i)
'如果这里不ReDim Rbyte(25),第一次通信的时候收不到,也能够检测Rbyte(0)/(1),否则Rbyte是Variant,不是数组,程序无法运行!!!
FirstReceive = True '发送指令之前都会清空接收缓冲区,所以这里不用清空
End If
If (testArray <> RbyteL(2)) Then 'rbyte(2)=中性点幅值低位
testArray = RbyteL(2)
LostSignal = False
SameNum = 0
SameNum = SameNum + 1
If (SameNum = 10) Then
SameNum = 0
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = 0
End If
End Sub
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Rlength = Comm1.InBufferCount 'Rlength 是所有字符的数目,包括空格,与RMode无关
ReDim Rbyte(25) '考虑定义成定长数组!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = 0
If Rlength = 26 Then
Comm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收,空格被当作数据发送,任一个字符都被发送
Rbyte = Comm1.Input '全部接收到Rbyte数组中
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = Rbyte(i)
'如果这里不ReDim Rbyte(25),第一次通信的时候收不到,也能够检测Rbyte(0)/(1),否则Rbyte是Variant,不是数组,程序无法运行!!!
FirstReceive = True '发送指令之前都会清空接收缓冲区,所以这里不用清空
End If
If (testArray <> RbyteL(2)) Then 'rbyte(2)=中性点幅值低位
testArray = RbyteL(2)
LostSignal = False
SameNum = 0
SameNum = SameNum + 1
If (SameNum = 10) Then
SameNum = 0
LostSignal = True
End If
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
For i = 0 To 25
RbyteL(i) = 0
End If
End Sub
但是要是再出错可能我还要继续on error resume next...........