

通过100个单词掌握英语语法(十六) come

My brother came to visit. There's a storm coming. Here comes the train.
也可以指说话人朝着听者的方向移动:I'll come down and open the door for you.
We are coming on the ten o'clock bus.
注意:come 和 go 是一对反义词。go 一般表示远离说话人的动作.Come here.Now, go over there

1 come | + 状语
  When are you coming home?
  Marco came into the room.
  She comes to work by train.

2 come | + 带to的不定式
  My parents came to stay.
  Someone's come to fix the photocopier.
  How did you come to learn Turkish?
  That's how I came to know Kim.

3 Come| + and | + 动词
  Come and see what I've found.
  A couple came and looked at the flat.
4  come | + -ing
  The walls came tumbling down.
  The dogs came running and barking across the field.
   come 与许多副词和介词小品词搭配构成短语动词:
   come across something/someone,表示碰巧找到某物或遇见某人。(
   I came across Ed's book in a second-hand bookshop.)       
   come at someone ,表示气势汹汹地朝某人走过来。(The man came at hime with a knife.)
   something come back,表示某物回来了
   something come down,表示某物垮了或塌了。
   come down with 某种疾病,表示生(那种)病了。(I came down with a terrible
   cold when I was on holiday.)
   come into money ,表示继承了这笔钱
   something come off  something 表示两个事物分开了
   something come out 表示某物出现或露面了
   someone come round 表示某人转变了观点。(They are not convinced by our offer,
   but I think they'll come round)
   someone come to 表示某人苏醒过来了或恢复了知觉。账单come to一定的数量,表示账单 的总和
   是那个数目。如果你说"What are things coming to?"表示你对某一情况表现出惊讶或震惊.
   文件come through,表示文件已被送到你手中。某人come through 一次经历,表示他幸存下来了。
   一份工作 come up,表示有工作机会了。某人come up with一个计划或一种想法,表示他想出这个计划或
   想法。某事或问题come up ,表示该事情发生了。(I'll be late hoem:something unexpected has come up)


   'come in ' 请进
   Come in and make yourself at home!
   'Where do you come from?'你是哪儿的人?
   Where do you come from?!Peru
   coming and going 来来往往
   The square was full of people coming and going.
   There's been a lot of coming and going in the office this morning.
   ...come as a shock/surprise/disappointment etc.使人感到震惊/意外/失望等
   This may come as a surprise to you,but I'm married.
   come what may=in spite of any difficulties 无论有什么困难
   I promise I won't leave you,come what may.
   'How come?' 为什么?怎么会...?
   The window's broken.~How come?
   How come you're not at work today?

posted on 2009-04-23 10:06  kody  阅读(763)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报