


[get的过去式和过去分词]I got some fish at the market. Have they got back yet?
与have 连用: have got:
I've got a new laptop. Have you got a coin? She's got a nice smile.
(2)表示义务、责任:I've got to go now. What have you got to do today?

注意:have got(表示'拥有'等意思)在口语和非正式英语里面比在书面英语和正式英语里面普遍,
在英语里面要比在美式英语里面常见。在美式英语里面常用have/has的形式表示'拥有': I have a new laptop.
Do you have a coin?在口语里have got 有时略作got: I got a new laptop.而have got to = gotta: I gotta go.
另外,在美式英语里,有时用gotten作get的过去分词:Have they gotten back already?

1 have/has | + got | + 名词短语

The neighbours have got a new car.
Have you got the right time?
I haven't got any brothers or sisters.
How many legs has a spider got?
Has this soup got meat in it?
I've got a meeting on Thursday.
The doctor's got two more patients to see.

2 had | + got | + 名词短语
  Last time I saw him,he'd got a beard.
  She said she'd got a cold,so she wasn't coming to class.
  谈论人们过去拥有或警告过的东西."had + 名词"是在书面语中较为通用的结构
  (...he had a beard; ...she had a cold.)
3 have/has | + got | + 带to的不定式
They say I've got to get a work permit.
What have you got to do this afternoon?
You've got to study hard if you want to pass

got经常后接量词,如: lots of,a few ,many 等

  Gary's got more money than the rest of us.
  We haven't got much time.
  They haven't got many choices open to them.
  She's got a lot of talent.
  They'd all got loads of money.
  We've got masses of food for a picnic.
  Have you got a few minutes?
  We've got enough troubles of our own.
  I've got another meeting tomorrow.
   'have you got a [...] on you ?'  你带...了吗?
   Have you got a pen on you ?~ Here you are.~Thanks.
   'I've got no idea/I haven't got a clue '我不知道
   How do you change the toner in the photocopier?~I've got no idea.
   'you've got me there'你把我难住了
   What's the capital of Bahrain?~You've got me there.
   'you've got to be joking/kidding'真是开玩笑
   Billy wants to be a ballet dancer.~You've got to be joking!
   'what've you got against...?'你为什么反对...?
   What've you got against hunting? ~ Well ,for a start,it's cruel.
   'where has/have[...] got to ?'  ...在哪里?
   Where have the children got to ?~ I think they're in the shed.
   'what's got into ...?'...发生什么事了?
   What's got into Gavin?He's in a terrible mood.

posted on 2009-04-28 12:04  kody  阅读(1018)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报