


Did you have a good weekend? Your English is very good. Is this a good time to call?
That's a good idea. If you're good,I'll take you to the zoo.
[名词]利益,好处: No good will come of this. Drink this soup:it will do you good.

1名词短语 | + is/was等 | + good
 名词短语 | + is/was等 | + good + 名词短语

 The film was wvry good.Much better than his last one.
 Terry is a good swimmer.He swims well.

2 it | + is/was等 | + good | + that 分句
  it | + is/was等 | + a good thing | + that 分句

  It's good that you phoned.
  It was a good thing someone had remembered to bring a torch.

3 it | + is/was等 | + no | + good | + -ing
  It's no good complaining:no one's going to pay any attention.

    That smells good.What is it?
    He's getting good at diving,isn't he?

     A holiday in the sun will do you good.
     It will cost a lot of money to make good the damage caused by the storm.

    She's good at languages:she speaks about four or five.
    Are you good at maths?
    Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for you.
    Losts of fat and sugar isn't good for you.
    The neighbours were very good to me when I was ill.
    Elizabeth is a brilliant teacher:she is so good with childern.

    'good morning / good afternoon/ good evening '早上好/下午好/晚上好
    Good morning,John,~Hi,Susan.
    'goodbye/good night' 再见/晚安
    Good night,See you tomorrow.
    for good = for ever 永远
    The days of cheap oysters have gone for good.
    'what good ...' ...有什么用?
    What good is money if you can't enjoy it?
    ... any good? = of any value? of any interest?有价值吗?有意思吗?
    Was the party any good?~It was a bit boring,actually.
    'that's no good' 不合适;不方便
    I'll phone you at work.~That's no good.I'm in a meeting all day.
    'a good deal' = a lot许多
    That swimming pool must have cost them a good deal.
    She's a good deal older than him.
    'good for him/her/Albert etc.'他/她/阿尔伯特等干得好!
    Albert passed his driving test at last. ~Good for him!
    for your own good
    'this/it etc. will do you good '这/它等对你有好处
    You need a rest.A holiday will do you good.

posted on 2009-04-28 10:57  kody  阅读(2327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报