


1.inverted indexes


2.lexical analysis

(1)lexicon: c. a list of all the words used in a particular language, or a dictionary。

(2)lexical: lexicon + al。adj. relating to words。

(3)lexical analysis: 词法分析器。



c. a person whose job is to study sth in detail, in order to discover more about it and often to make predictions。

2.stock ticker symbols

(1)stock: part of the ownership of a company that can be bought by memembers of the public.

(2)ticker: c. a moving area on a screen that show changing information such as news or stock prices。

(3)symbol: c. anything used to represent sth else。

stock ticker symbols: Stock ticker symbols are shorthand codes used to uniquely identify publicly traded companies on stock exchanges. egg:

Apple Inc. - AAPL

Alphabet Inc. (Google) - GOOGL


(1)spontaneity > spontaneous > spontaneously

(2)spontaneity: u. the quality of being natural rather than planned in advance。


(1) resemble > resemblance

(2)resemble: re-(intensive form) + sembler(be like)

(3)resemblance: c/u. state or property of being like。

p85, They have significant resemblance to the algebraic laws of arithmetic, yet there are also some important differences between the algebras of regular expressions and arithmetic expressions。没查resemblance意思之前,自己之所以不理解这句话是因为significant 不理解,一直记住的是“有重大意义的(having a specical meaning)”,其实也可以单纯的表示“large, great”之意。




1. 编程

(1)Eric S.Roberts,《自动机理论、语言和计算导论(英文版.第3版)》:https://book.douban.com/subject/2274854/

2. 英语

(1)Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org


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