Programming Abstractions in C阅读笔记:p303-p305

《Programming Abstractions in C》学习第74天,p303-p305总结,总计3页。


1.时间复杂度分类(complexity classes)

Class Notation Example
constant O(1) Returning the first element in an array
logarithmic O(logN) Binary search in a sorted array
linear O(N) Linear search in an array
NlogN O(NlogN) Merge sort
quadratic O(N^2) Selection sort
cubic O(^3) Conventional algorithms for matrix multiplication
exponential O(2^N) Tower of Hanoi




答:adj. large in size(sizeable)。p305, Even though the selection sort example makes it cleaar that quadratic algorithms have substantial performance problems (严重的性能问题)for large values of N, algorithms whose complexity is O(2^N) are considerably worse。


答:tractare("to handle, manage", treat), adj. easily controlled。p305, As a general rule of thumb(根据经验), computer scientists classify problem that can be solved susing algorithms that run in polynomial time as tractable, in the sense that they are amenable to implementation on a computer。


通过7.4小结掌握常见时间复杂度的分类。内容不难理解,但是一些英语词汇的理解比较难。例如:rule a thumb(根据经验), be amenable to等。


1. 编程

(1)Eric S.Roberts,《Programming Abstractions in C》:

2. 英语

(1)Etymology Dictionary:

(2) Cambridage Dictionary:


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